Kanegasaki Castle Ruins - Tsuruga

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

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Contact Kanegasaki Castle Ruins

住所 :

1 Kanegasakicho, Tsuruga, Fukui 914-0072, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87798
Postal code : 914-0072
Webサイト : http://www.turuga.org/places/shiroato/shiroato.html

1 Kanegasakicho, Tsuruga, Fukui 914-0072, Japan
sakappa on Google

金ケ崎城跡から天筒山城跡にかけてのルートが星5つですね! 天筒山城跡の方が標高が高く、尾根づたいに結構な距離をアップダウンを繰り返しながら登っていきます。 その間に、いくつもの土橋や堀切みたいな地点が多く残っています。 天筒山城側から登ると最初がかなりキツいので、金ケ崎城側からがおすすめです。 所要時間は1.5時間~2時間くらいでしょうか。 いろいろな城跡に行きましたが、いい!と思います。
The route from Kanegasaki Castle Ruins to Tezutsuyama Castle Ruins is 5 stars! The altitude of the Tezutsuyama castle ruins is higher, and you can climb up and down a considerable distance to the ridge. In the meantime, there are still many points like Dobashi and Horikiri. Climbing from the Tezutsuyama castle side is quite difficult at first, so we recommend from the Kanegasaki castle side. Is it about 1.5 to 2 hours? I went to various castle ruins, but it's good! I think.
Daisuke Kikuchi on Google

南北朝時代、南朝の新田義貞が北朝の足利軍と激戦を展開したことで有名。 戦国時代には、朝倉氏と織田氏が交戦した金ヶ崎の戦いの舞台となる。
It is famous for the fact that Yoshisada Nitta of the Southern Court fought a fierce battle with the Ashikaga army of the Northern Court during the Northern and Southern Dynasties. During the Warring States period, it was the stage for the battle of Kanegasaki, where Mr. Asakura and Mr. Oda engaged.
雨晴帰雲 on Google

金ヶ崎城跡 (昭和九年三月十三日国の史跡に指定) 金ヶ崎城は「大平記」に「かの城の有様、三方は海によって高 く 厳なめらかなり」とあり、この城が天然の要害の地であったこ とがわかる。 南北朝時代の延元元年(一三三六)十月、後醍醐天皇の命を受けた新田義貞が尊良親王・恒良親王を奉じて当時気比治の居城であったここ金ヶ崎城に入城、約半年間足利勢と戦い翌二年三月六日遂 落城、尊良親王、新田義顕(義椅子) 以下将士三〇〇余名が亡 くなったと伝えられる。 戦国時代の元亀元年(一五七〇年)四月には、織田信長が朝倉義 討伐の軍を起して徳川家康、木下藤吉郎(豊臣秀吉)等が教質に 進軍、天筒城、金ヶ崎城を落とし前に攻め入ろうとした時、近江浅井氏が朝倉氏に味方するとの報告、信長は朝倉氏と浅井氏との問 に挟まれ窮地に陥り急遽総退却、この時金ヶ崎城に残り殿(しんが り)を務めてこの難を救ったのが秀吉で、その活躍で無事帰京できたと伝えられる。またこの殿(しんがり)での危機を救ったのは 家康で、後の天正十四年(一五八六)家康上洛にあたり、秀吉に金ヶ崎での戦いの救援に謝意を表したとされている。すでに十五、六 年前のことで、天下人に一歩近づいた秀吉からすると、金ヶ崎の戦 いはその後の二人の関係に大きな影響を与えたといえる。 現在は三つの城戸跡などを残し、急峻な斜面は当時の面影を偲ばせる。また、最高地(八六メートル)を月見神殿といい、近くには 金ヶ崎古城跡の碑がありこの辺り一帯の平地が本丸の跡といわれる。ここからの眺めは素晴らしく天候がよければ越前海岸まで望むことが出来る。 中腹には金ヶ崎宮が創建されていて毎年境内の桜 が咲くころ桜の小枝を交換して幸福を願う全国的 にも大変珍しい「花操祭」が開催されている。
Kanegasaki Castle Ruins (Designated as a national historic site on March 13, 1945) Kanegasaki Castle is described in "Ohiraki" as "The state of the castle, the three sides are high and severe due to the sea", and it can be seen that this castle was a natural fortified area. In October of the first year of Engen (1336) during the Nanbokucho period, Yoshisada Nitta, who was ordered by Emperor Go-Daigo, dedicated Prince Takanaga and Prince Tsunenaga to Kanegasaki Castle, which was the residence of Kibiji at that time. Entered the castle, fought against Ashikaga for about half a year, and finally fell on March 6, the following year. Prince Takanaga, Yoshiaki Nitta (Yoshiaki) It is said that more than 300 generals have died. In April of the first year of the Warring States period (1570), Nobunaga Oda set up an army to subdue Yoshi Asakura, and Ieyasu Tokugawa, Toyoshiro Kinoshita (Hideyoshi Toyotomi), etc. When he tried to attack before dropping the castle, it was reported that Mr. Omi Asai was on his side with Mr. Asakura, and Nobunaga was caught in a question between Mr. Asakura and Mr. Asai and suddenly retreated. Hideyoshi was the one who saved this difficulty by serving as Shingari), and it is said that he was able to return to Tokyo safely due to his success. In addition, it was Ieyasu who saved the crisis at this shrine, and it is said that he thanked Hideyoshi for the relief of the battle in Kanegasaki in the later Tensho 14 (1586) Ieyasu Joraku. There is. From the perspective of Hideyoshi, who was one step closer to the world, 15 or 6 years ago, it can be said that the battle of Kanegasaki had a great influence on the relationship between the two. Currently, three Kido traces are left, and the steep slopes are reminiscent of those days. The highest point (86 meters) is called the Tsukimi Temple, and there is a monument to the ruins of the old castle of Kanegasaki nearby, and the flat land around this area is said to be the ruins of the main enclosure. The view from here is wonderful and you can see the Echizen coast if the weather is nice. Kanegasakigu is built on the hillside, and every year when the cherry blossoms in the precincts bloom, the cherry blossom twigs are exchanged to pray for happiness.
かみのおぷす(kaminoops) on Google

雰囲気のある山城跡でした。 ハイキングコースにもなっていますので、紅葉狩りにも良いかと思いました。
It was a mountain castle ruin with atmosphere. It's also a hiking course, so I thought it would be good for hunting autumn leaves.
nachi 96 on Google

I don't get the image of the ruins of the castle, but the view of Tsuruga Shinko is very beautiful. It will be a little trekking. There is also an old burial mound at the top.
Higuchi Akinori on Google

中腹にある金崎宮をお詣り後、花換の小道を通って、標高86メートルにある月見御殿址まで登りました。散策にはちょうどいい距離で、途中には枝の隙間から見える敦賀ターミナルの巨大な貯蔵タンクや、頂上の月見御殿からは防波堤と敦賀港が見え、遠くの薄ぼけた山の見える辺りに越前海岸も伺えました。眺望はホントに素晴らしかったです。 頂上までの間に墓所や古墳もあり、歴史好きにはもってこいの場所でした。金崎宮で御城印の販売もあり、1枚記念にいただいてきました。
After visiting Kanegasakigu on the hillside, I climbed the Tsukimi Goten ruins at an altitude of 86 meters through the flower-changing path. It is a good distance for a walk, and on the way you can see the huge storage tank of Tsuruga Terminal that you can see through the gaps between the branches, the breakwater and Tsuruga Port from the Tsuruga Palace at the top, and the Echizen coast where you can see the distant thin mountains. I also heard. The view was really great. There was a graveyard and an old burial mound up to the summit, making it a perfect place for history lovers. There is also a sale of the castle stamp at Kanegasakigu, and I received one as a memorial.
Tera Y on Google

The Kanegasaki Castle Ruins are located in the mountains behind the Railway Museum and the Red Brick Warehouse. It took about 5 minutes to rent a bicycle from the Red Brick Warehouse. I climbed the stone stairs to Kanegasakigu, and on the way I could see the city of Tsuruga through the gaps between the trees. A little along the flat road from Kanegasaki, there was a little observatory, from which I could see a little of the sea. From here, I arrived at the Tsukimi Goten ruins after about 10 minutes on the mountain road with stairs. I was able to enjoy the extreme scenery of the beautiful Sea of ​​Japan and the heaping coal of the cement factory at the same time. We also found that it is located on a steep slope, which is a great location from a defensive point of view. Also, since another bicycle rental was stopped, I felt that it would be nice if you could set up a port in the parking lot at the foot of the mountain to make it easier to stop by.
Santosh Shrestha on Google

Beautiful place with natural beauty. If you are health consistence must visit coz it takes about 30-45 min to reach at the top. May be good for small hiking. At the top you can see the entire bay however the peak was not as beautiful as I expected.

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