お茶の水 鳥どり

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact お茶の水 鳥どり

住所 :

Kanda Surugadai, Chiyoda City, 〒101-0062 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : https://www.dynac-japan.com/shop/toridori/ochanomizu/
街 : Tokyo

Kanda Surugadai, Chiyoda City, 〒101-0062 Tokyo,Japan
しばさん on Google

御茶ノ水でたまたま用事があり、飲みに行く事に。焼き鳥が食べたかったのでこちらにお邪魔しました。 平日だったのでそんなに混んでないかなーと思ったのですが、満席。断られてる人もいて予約してよかったとホッとしました!平日でも予約していったほうがいいのかもしれません。 店内の雰囲気はいい感じの照明。デートにも使えてしまいそうな感じです。特に入ってすぐの焼き台を囲むカウンターは圧巻!デートでくるならこのカウンターでぜひ食べたいですね。 食事は名物の唐揚げと焼き鳥を中心にオーダー。どれも安定のおいしさでした。 唐揚げは塩と醤油があって、迷いに迷った挙句、両方人数分頼みました(笑) どちらも味がしっかりしていて、お酒のつまみになる! 飲み物は種類豊富なので好みに合わせて選べますが、私は一杯目ビール⇒ワインでいきました。 ワインもきれいなグラスでいれてもらえます。安い居酒屋のワイングラスではなく大ぶりの。お洒落です。 焼き鳥にもあいます。ほんとは日本酒も美味しいんだろうな。。 最後に、女子が気になるアメニティ! お手洗いが綺麗な飲食店てほんとポイント高いと思うのですが、ここはとっても綺麗で しかもいい香りでお洒落な空間でしたよ! マウスウォッシュや綿棒、生理用品など置いてあり、気遣いも行き届いた空間でした。 様々な部分で満足です。 御茶ノ水に行く際はぜひまたいきたいと思います。
Ochanomizu happened to have an errand and went for a drink. I came here because I wanted to eat yakitori. It was a weekday, so I thought it wasn't that crowded, but it was full. I was relieved that some people were refused and it was good to make a reservation! It may be better to make a reservation even on weekdays. The atmosphere inside the store is good lighting. It seems that it can be used for dating. In particular, the counter surrounding the baking table immediately after entering is a masterpiece! If you come on a date, I definitely want to eat at this counter. Meals are ordered mainly for the famous fried chicken and yakitori. Everything was stable and delicious. The fried chicken had salt and soy sauce, so I got lost and asked for both people (laugh) Both have a good taste and become a snack for sake! There are many kinds of drinks, so you can choose according to your preference, but I went with the first beer ⇒ wine. You can also put wine in a beautiful glass. Not a cheap izakaya wine glass but a large one. It is stylish. Also suitable for yakitori. I guess sake is really delicious. . Finally, amenity that girls are worried about! I think that the restaurant where the restroom is beautiful is really high point, but here it is very beautiful Besides, it was a stylish space with a good scent! Mouthwash, cotton swabs, sanitary items, etc. were placed, and the space was attentive. I am satisfied with various parts. When I go to Ochanomizu, I definitely want to go there again.
Lemon on Google

初めて行きました。天下のサントリーのDYNACグループは裏切らない。けど、ここは違った。時間とお金を返して欲しい。味は濃く、蕎麦は固くて食べれなかった。 鳥の料理も工夫が全くなく、スーパーのお惣菜の方がよっぽど美味しい。 お客を甘く見てはいけない。
I went there for the first time. The DYNAC group of Suntory in the world will not betray. But it was different here. I want you to return your time and money. The taste was strong and the soba was too hard to eat. The chicken dishes are completely undeveloped, and the supermarket side dishes are much more delicious. Don't underestimate your customers.
masakazu Toyoda on Google

It was delicious to eat fried chicken with mini oyakodon at lunch. 11/18 I came after a long time. I also ate a mini oyakodon fried chicken set. Both the oyakodon and the fried chicken were delicious.
ss shim on Google

ランチどれを選んでも美味しい! これは880円。 ご飯は無料で、大中小選べます。 カウンターはアクリル板で仕切られて、オーダーもスマホでOK。コロナ対策ばっちりかと思います。 雰囲気もいいので、宣言解除されたら夜に伺いたいな。
Whichever lunch you choose, it's delicious! This is 880 yen. Rice is free and you can choose large, medium and small. The counter is separated by an acrylic plate, and you can order with your smartphone. I think it's perfect for corona measures. The atmosphere is nice, so I'd like to visit at night when the declaration is lifted.
Y Y on Google

ランチで鳥重を頂きました 自分のスマートフォンからメニューを見てオーダーできます 鳥は炭で最後に火を入れてから出されていて風味良いお味です 清潔感もありよいお店です
We had a bird weight at lunch You can order a look at the menu from your smartphone Birds have been issued since the last to put the fire in a charcoal taste is good taste It is also available a good shop cleanliness
これを食べてみた on Google

The counter seats are equipped with acrylic board tsuitates. Order a parent-child bowl from the lunch menu, 950 yen. However, since it was lunchtime in the big box, it was difficult to come out due to the concentration of orders. After all, it seemed that the timing was bad, so I waited for about 15 minutes. However, there is only a chicken shop's oyakodon, and it has a lot of chicken with a strong taste, so it's just right to put a fire on the egg. There was a feeling that the rice, eggs and chicken were united, and it was delicious. However, I don't like eggs that aren't cooked very well, so if you like oyakodon, which is close to mellow, you may be disappointed.
K H on Google

コスパよく美味しい鳥料理が食べられました。 カウンター席だったけれど席間にはパネルがありコロナ対策充分で狭くなくのんびりと食事ができたし、目の前で炭火で焼くところを見られたため満足感は高かった。 テーブル席も余裕がありそうで奥には半個室もありそう。
Cospa I often ate delicious bird food. Although it was a counter seat, there was a panel between the seats, and I was able to eat leisurely without being narrow enough to take measures against corona, and I was very satisfied because I could see the charcoal grilled in front of me. There seems to be plenty of table seats, and there seems to be a semi-private room in the back.
Ray Woo on Google

No smoking place??

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