越後酒房八海山 御茶ノ水店

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 越後酒房八海山 御茶ノ水店

住所 :

Kanda Surugadai, Chiyoda City, 〒101-0062 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Webサイト : http://r.gnavi.co.jp/e295810/
街 : Tokyo
Description : Cozy izakaya offering unlimited drink options, a wide range of small plates & a private room.

Kanda Surugadai, Chiyoda City, 〒101-0062 Tokyo,Japan
一木光太郎 on Google

Cooking is good. The reception of hall staff and the speed of providing food and drink are also OK. Then ☆ 3. However, there is only one elevator in the building, and one of the two toilets on the floor is out of order. Not available. This is fatal for eating and drinking service. If you drink, it will be near the toilet
S O on Google

The relaxing space in a private room and the sake you drink with the famous Hegi soba noodles and Tochio raising are the best ?
kimi shiro on Google

There is a complete private room and a semi-private room separated by a roll curtain, making it easy to use. A variety of sake, of course, Hakkaisan. There are plum wine and shochu from Hakkaisan. There are several types of beers such as Masters Dream and Premium Malt's, and you can drink Hakkaisan local beer. The price setting is a little high, but the food is elaborate and delicious.
ikuko sasaki on Google

新潟の美味しいモノが食べられる「#越後酒房八海山」さすが!!酒処新潟?どれを食べても #日本酒 にピッタリ?ㅤ ㅤ 御茶ノ水駅すぐでトリップ気分! 外せない #へぎ蕎麦 や#栃尾揚げ #氷下魚 の炙り、#越後もち豚 の天ぷら、そして 独自の“#八海山 で蒸したよだれ鶏”なんてメニューもあって、飲むのと食べるので大忙しでした?ㅤ
You can eat delicious Niigata goods "# Echigo wine Hakkaisan" Truly! ! Liquor handling Niigata ピ Even if you eat anything # perfect for Japanese sake ? A Ochanomizu station is just around the corner! I can not remove # Gochi buckwheat and # Tochio fried # Broiled fish under the ice, Tempura of Echigo mochi pork, and a menu like the unique "# steamed in Hakkai-yama" menu, so I was busy eating it to drink ? A
Z2オヤジ on Google

今日は御茶ノ水で打ち合わせ。 帰りに近くのビルで一杯やる事にしました。 「越後酒房八海山」はJR御茶ノ水駅から3分ぐらいの場所にあります。 半個室に案内して頂き先ずは ザ・プレミアムモルツ(680円)で乾杯! 注文したのは八海山白雲すき焼き鍋(1人前1778円2人前から) 大沼牛と豪快なメレンゲの下には新鮮野菜の 長ネギ、もやし、えのき、白菜がたっぷりで玉子と共に頂きました! 甘すぎないのでアルコールが進みます。 セカンドドリンクは梅干しサワーをチョイス。 新潟県村上市の塩引きシャケ(680円)は アッサリしながらも程よい塩加減がバッチリです! イカの塩辛(480円) 新鮮濃厚でなかなかくせになる味わいです。 越後豆腐と越後味噌の和風グラタン(780円) とろとろのグラタンは味噌が超濃厚で甘みがあり、豆腐との相性が抜群でした。 へぎそば(小1080円) コシがあり良く冷えていて布海苔の風味もしっかり。締めにには最高ですね。 他にもいろいろとメニューがあったが 次回のお楽しみにしておきます。 そして本日のNo.1はやはり八海山白雲すき焼き鍋ですね! この次は豚のしゃぶしゃぶを食べてみたいな〜。 スタッフさん達の接客も気持ちがよく、楽しい食事ができました。 ご馳走様です。
We had a meeting in Ochanomizu today. On my way home, I decided to have a drink at a nearby building. "Echigo Sakebo Hakkaisan" is about 3 minutes from JR Ochanomizu Station. First of all, please guide me to a semi-private room Toast with The Premium Malt's (680 yen)! I ordered Hakkaisan Hakuun Sukiyaki Pot (1778 yen for 1 person, from 2 people) Fresh vegetables under the Onuma beef and the dynamic meringue We had plenty of green onions, bean sprouts, enoki mushrooms, and Chinese cabbage with eggs! Alcohol goes on because it is not too sweet. For the second drink, choose umeboshi sour. The salted salmon (680 yen) in Murakami City, Niigata Prefecture The saltiness is perfect while assassinating! Salted squid (480 yen) It has a fresh, rich and quite fragile taste. Japanese-style gratin of Echigo tofu and Echigo miso (780 yen) The thick gratin has a very rich miso and a sweet taste, and it goes well with tofu. Hegi soba noodles (small 1080 yen) It is chewy and cool, and the flavor of cloth seaweed is strong. It's the best to finish. There were various other menus, I look forward to the next time. And today's No. 1 is Hakkaisan Hakuun Sukiyaki Hot Pot! Next time I want to eat pork shabu-shabu. The customer service of the staff was also pleasant and I was able to enjoy the meal. It's a treat.
宇坪正敏 on Google

先日、越後酒房八海山御茶ノ水店へ。 新しい綺麗なビルの8階にある店舗。「八」海山だけにやはり八階にあります。 店内に入るとすぐに、予約していた奥の個室へご案内。 まずは乾杯! プレミアムモルツ 734円 お通し(500円)は、春にあわせた、菜の花の胡麻和え。 食前酒に、八海山の焼酎で仕込んだ梅酒も付いてきました。 ズワイガニとフルーツの贅沢サラダ 1,058円 色とりどりの鮮やかなサラダ。カニ身がいいアクセントになっています。 八海山 本醸造酒 〔新潟県〕 540円 和牛サーロインのローストビーフ 1,382円 しっかり厚切りなので、肉の旨みをしっかり楽しめます。 八海山 吟醸酒 〔新潟県〕 756円 栃尾揚げ 神楽南蛮味噌 626円 表面はパリッと、中はフワッとした名物料理。肉味噌も良く合います。 八海山 貴醸酒 〔新潟県〕 864円 和牛すじ肉のコロッケ 842円 大きな塊のコロッケ。ザクザクした衣を割ると、中から柔らかいスジ肉が出てきます。濃厚なソースも良く合います。 八海山の原酒で仕込んだ梅酒 519円 珍味3種盛り合わせ 1,058円 左から、ホタルイカの沖漬け、サーモンの粕漬け、沖なます。いずれも日本酒がすすんでしまう珍味です。 八海山 純米吟醸酒 〔新潟県〕 864円 へぎそば(小) 1,167円 新潟の雪解け水と布海苔を使った、新潟名物のへぎそば。一口サイズに綺麗に盛り付けられていて、喉越しも良く、つるつるっといただけます。 八海山 大吟醸酒 〔新潟県〕 1,296円 水わらび餅黒蜜きな粉かけ 626円 色とりどりの甘納豆がまた、見た目でもいい味出しています。 八海山吟醸プリン 626円 口どけがとてもいいプリンです。 新潟料理の数々にあわせて、様々な種類の八海山を飲み比べできるのはいいですね。 ごちそうさまでした(^_^)
The other day, I went to Echigo Sabo Hakkaisan Ochanomizu store. A store on the 8th floor of a new beautiful building. Only "Hachi" seamount is on the 8th floor. As soon as you enter the store, you will be guided to the reserved private room in the back. First a toast! Premium Malt's 734 yen The all-you-can-drink (500 yen) is a rapeseed sesame sauce to match spring. The aperitif also comes with plum wine prepared with shochu from Hakkaisan. Luxury salad of snow crab and fruit 1,058 yen A colorful and colorful salad. The crab meat is a nice accent. Hakkaisan Honjoshu (Niigata Prefecture) 540 yen Wagyu sirloin roast beef 1,382 yen Since it is a thick slice, you can enjoy the taste of meat firmly. Hakkaisan Ginjo Sake [Niigata Prefecture] 756 yen Fried Tochio Kagura Nanban Miso 626 yen The surface is crispy and the inside is fluffy specialty food. Meat miso goes well. Hakkaisan Kijo Sake [Niigata Prefecture] 864 yen Wagyu beef meat croquette 842 yen Large croquettes. When you break the crunchy batter, soft tender meat comes out from inside. A rich sauce goes well. Plum wine prepared with Hakkaisan's original sake 519 yen Assortment of 3 delicacies 1,058 yen From the left, firefly squid is pickled in the sea, salmon is pickled in kasu, and it is in the sea. All of these are delicacies in which sake goes on. Hakkaisan Junmai Ginjo Sake [Niigata Prefecture] 864 yen Hegi soba (small) 1,167 yen Niigata's famous hegi soba, which uses snowmelt water and cloth laver from Niigata. It is nicely served in a bite size, it has a good throat, and it is slippery. Hakkaisan Daiginjo Sake [Niigata Prefecture] 1,296 yen Mizuwarabi Mochi with black honey, 626 yen The colorful natto also tastes good in appearance. Hakkaisan Ginjo pudding 626 yen It's a pudding with a very nice taste. It is nice to be able to drink and compare various types of Mt. Hakkai with various Niigata dishes. It was delicious (^_^)
はちもぐ on Google

【御茶ノ水】産直食材と厳選地酒が楽しめます「越後酒房 八海山」 JR御茶ノ水から徒歩1分の場所にある「越後酒房 八海山」 この日は仕事関係の会食で利用です。 先ずはザ・プレミアムモルツ(680円)で乾杯! 私がいただいたのは新潟県村上市の塩引き鮭(680円) 村上の気候や風土の中で発酵し、絶妙な味わいの塩引き鮭です。 新潟県は魚沼産の越後豆腐と越後味噌の和風グラタン(780円)は 越後味噌と合わせた挽肉が味に深みをもたらしますね。 標高1778mの八海山をイメージしたという 遊び心に溢れた八海山すき焼き鍋(1778円)はこちらの名物だそう。 お肉は北海道産の大沼牛、 雪雲をイメージしたメレンゲの中にはお野菜がたっぷり隠れていました。 ほんのり甘めの自家製割下が良く合いますね。 私は梅干しサワー(490円)でしたが 新潟出身者が多かったので皆、地酒を楽しんでいましたよ。 烏賊の塩辛(480円)をあてに。 〆にはつるりと喉越しの良いへぎそば(小/1080円)を! 言わずと知れた越後の名物。 繋ぎに布海苔を使用することで独特の食感とコシが楽しめる逸品です。 何はともあれ東京にいながらにして本格的な郷土料理がいただけるのは楽しいですね。 次回は雪室熟成豚しゃぶしゃぶや八海山サーモンにも挑戦してみたいです。
[Ochanomizu] "Echigo Sakebo Hakkaisan" where you can enjoy direct ingredients and carefully selected local sake "Echigo Sakebo Hakkaisan" located a 1-minute walk from JR Ochanomizu This day is used for work-related dinners. First of all, toast with The Premium Malt's (680 yen)! I received a salted salmon from Murakami City, Niigata Prefecture (680 yen) It is a salted salmon that is fermented in the climate and climate of Murakami and has an exquisite taste. In Niigata prefecture, Japanese-style gratin (780 yen) of Echigo tofu and Echigo miso from Uonuma Minced meat combined with Echigo miso brings depth to the taste. It is said that the image of Mt. Hakkai at an altitude of 1778 m The playful Hakkaisan sukiyaki pot (1778 yen) is a specialty here. The meat is Onuma beef from Hokkaido, Plenty of vegetables were hidden in the meringue, which was inspired by snow clouds. The slightly sweet homemade warishita goes well with it. I used to have umeboshi sour (490 yen) Many of them were from Niigata, so everyone enjoyed local sake. Rely on the salted squid (480 yen). Hegi soba noodles (small / 1080 yen) that are smooth and smooth to the throat! Needless to say, Echigo's specialty. It is a gem that you can enjoy a unique texture and elasticity by using cloth seaweed for connecting. Anyway, it's fun to be able to enjoy authentic local cuisine while in Tokyo. Next time, I would like to try Yukimuro aged pork shabu-shabu and Hakkaisan salmon.
Vittorio Cafiero on Google

Nice and cozy. Good food. They speak english and are very helpful. Credit cards accepted. 8th floor!

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