市場寿し 海の駅店

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 市場寿し 海の駅店

住所 :

Kaimoncho, Hitachinaka, 〒311-1222 Ibaraki,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Webサイト : http://www.yamasa-suisan.com/index.html
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–3PM
Sunday 10AM–3PM
Monday 10AM–2PM
Tuesday 10AM–2PM
Wednesday 10AM–2PM
Thursday 10AM–2PM
Friday 10AM–2PM
街 : Ibaraki

Kaimoncho, Hitachinaka, 〒311-1222 Ibaraki,Japan
永井敬之 on Google

何度か那珂湊には行っていますが、ここのお店には初めて入りました。 どのネタも新鮮で大きめ、おまけに低価格? 一番高い大トロでも550円、写真の海鮮軍艦も330円という信じられないコスパでした。
I've been to Nakaminato several times, but this is my first time to enter this shop. All the material is fresh and large, and the price is low ? Even the highest Toro was 550 yen, and the seafood warship in the photo was 330 yen, which was an incredible cost.
Keika Komura on Google

地元付近でとれた新鮮なネタとそうではないネタがあるので、見極めが必要。 値段は200〜300円くらい。確かに安いです。 産地が書いていないので新鮮かどうかは自分で判断してください。 ネタもシャリも大きいので量を多く食べられなかったです。 私達が食べて美味しかったのは鯛、サバ、赤貝、アジ、トロカジキです。 時期にもよると思います。 たまたまかもしれないけれど、あら汁はしょっぱくて煮詰まっていて残念でした。 近郊でとれたものは本当に驚くほどおいしかったので、ぜひ見極めて食べてみてください。 駐車場はここの建物の隣に大きな駐車場があります。4時間100円です。 混んでるので駐車するまでに時間がかかります。 また行きたいです。ごちそうさまでした!
There are some fresh and non-fresh ingredients from the local area, so it is necessary to identify them. The price is around 200-300 yen. Certainly cheap. Since the place of origin is not written, please judge for yourself whether it is fresh or not. I couldn't eat a lot because the material and the rice were big. We ate delicious sea bream, mackerel, ark shell, horse mackerel, and trokajiki. I think it depends on the time. It may happen, but it was a pity that the arajiru was salty and boiled. The food I got in the suburbs was really amazing, so please try it out. There is a large parking lot next to the building here. It is 100 yen for 4 hours. It takes time to park because it is crowded. I want to go again. Thank you for the meal!
ga907 on Google

安くて美味しいお寿司を頂ける、水産会社直営のお店です。 注文や待機などに、今時のシステムは導入していませんが、廻っているお寿司も美味しく頂けます。
It is a restaurant directly managed by a fishery company where you can enjoy cheap and delicious sushi. We haven't introduced the current system for ordering and waiting, but you can enjoy the sushi that goes around.
aki aki on Google

旨くて安い!回転寿司ながらレベルは高く、一番奥まった立地からかさほど混んでいません。 コロナ対策で透明のカップがお寿司にかぶせられ、パッと見くすんで見えるので旨そうに感じないものの、カップを取ると大切りの新鮮なネタが登場。飛沫防止にもなって安心です。 個別注文も可能で、一回6皿まで紙に書いて頼むシステム。正直回転している寿司に比べもうワンランク上の品質で届くので、ある意味回転レーンのお寿司はやや時間が経ったものもありそう。 価格は220円~330円が中心。オススメはネギトロ220円。溢れんばかりの大盛りです。店内は古さもあろうがやや汚い印象。使っていない備品が片付けられてなく、全体的に暗く雑然としているのがとても残念。寿司が旨いだけに、綺麗にすればもっと満足度は高まるのに。。
Delicious and cheap! Although it is a conveyor belt sushi, the level is high and it is not so crowded from the deepest location. As a measure against corona, a transparent cup is put on the sushi, and it looks dull at first glance, so it doesn't look good, but when you take the cup, a large slice of fresh material appears. It is also safe to prevent splashes. Individual orders are also possible, and a system that asks you to write up to 6 dishes on paper at a time. Honestly, it arrives at a higher quality than the rotating sushi, so in a sense, some sushi in the rotating lane may be a little older. Prices are mainly 220-330 yen. We recommend Negitoro 220 yen. It's a huge overflow. The inside of the store is a little dirty, though it may be old. It's a pity that the unused equipment hasn't been cleaned up and it's dark and cluttered overall. Because sushi is delicious, if you clean it, you will be more satisfied. ..
ごう on Google

那珂湊に来たら必ず訪れる大好きなお寿司屋さん 毎日新鮮なお寿司が食べられ平日でも並ぶほどの大人気店。 市場の目の前の信号機のある交差点側の市場寿司にはないネタが多くあり珍しい魚や、普段なかなか食べられないまぐろのカマトロや、頬肉などもいただくことができます。(写真あり) 市場寿司も美味しいのですが店員さんの接客等をみるとこちらの店舗には勝てません。 毎回笑顔と挨拶で迎えてくれます。 いつも美味しいお寿司をありがとうございます? 特にこちらの店舗でしかいただけない「自家製煮アナゴ ¥440 」は肉厚でふわっふわ。タレでも良いのですが別皿で用意して貰えるので1口目は塩でまずはいただいてみてください。 あとはあまり教えたくない数量限定の「中落ち」。 写真1枚目 こちらはかなりの量の盛られた豪快な握り。 まぐろの集大成のような1品です。 土日の朝イチに伺い店員さんに聞いてみてください? あったらラッキーです? では次の休みに是非御賞味あれ✨
A favorite sushi restaurant that you will definitely visit when you come to Nakaminato It's a very popular restaurant where you can eat fresh sushi every day and line up even on weekdays. There are many rare fish that are not found in the market sushi on the intersection side where there is a traffic light in front of the market, and you can also get rare fish, tuna camatro that you can not usually eat, cheek meat and so on. (With photo) Market sushi is also delicious, but when you look at the customer service of the clerk, you can't beat this store. They will welcome you with a smile and greetings every time. Thank you for always delicious sushi ? In particular, the "Homemade Boiled Anago ¥ 440", which is only available at this store, is thick and fluffy. Sauce is fine, but you can have it prepared in a separate plate, so please try salt for the first bite first. The rest is a limited number of "middle drops" that I don't want to teach too much. 1st photo This is a daring grip with a considerable amount. It is a product like the culmination of tuna. Please visit the clerk on Saturday and Sunday morning and ask the clerk ? I'm lucky to have it ? Then, please try it on your next vacation ✨
Ance Tung on Google

Fofo Chang on Google

Here have freshest seafood, and mega sushi ?? I will definitely visit here again ??
TominJapan on Google

Great prices and huge sushi slices.

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