Kurisakiya - Higashiibaraki District

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kurisakiya

住所 :

531 Onukicho, Oarai, Higashiibaraki District, Ibaraki 311-1311, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 311-1311
Webサイト : http://www.kurisakiya.co.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–8:30PM
Sunday 11AM–8:30PM
Monday 11AM–8:30PM
Tuesday 11AM–8:30PM
Wednesday 11AM–8:30PM
Thursday Closed
Friday 11AM–8:30PM

531 Onukicho, Oarai, Higashiibaraki District, Ibaraki 311-1311, Japan
昆布〆 on Google

栗崎屋さんへは再来店ですが、私の転勤が多い為、実に10年以上ぶりくらい⁈ まだ震災が起こる前だったと思います。 緊急事態宣言解除に伴い、大洗方面も御多忙に漏れず 多くの観光客であちこちの食事処は行列を成していました。 日曜日の13:50久しぶりに訪問。 ちょうど帰るお客さん達が多くいた為、 ウェイティングボードに名前を書き待つこと5分程で席に通されました。 ホールスタッフの女性は元気いっぱい。 気持ちが良いし自然と頭が下がります。 オーダーは『ランチまぐろ丼』と『ランチ15貫握り』。 10分ほどでテーブルに届けられ、 嬉しいことに両方に熱々のあら汁が付きます。 10年以上ぶりの栗崎屋さんのお寿司。 めっちゃ美味しくて大満足! 残念なのは、10年以上の月日が 私の胃袋を小さくしてしまった事ですね… すぐお腹が満腹になってしまう。 本当は煮アナゴ丼も頼みたかったのですが、今は15貫が精一杯。 お会計の際、ホールスタッフの女性だけではなく 大将も一緒にご挨拶してくださいました。 最後まで気持ちが良いお店で嬉しかった。 ※ガルパン好きにもオススメですよ。
I will return to Kurisakiya, but since I have been transferred a lot, it's been about 10 years since then⁈ I think it was before the earthquake. With the cancellation of the state of emergency, the Oarai area is also busy. Many tourists lined up restaurants here and there. Visited at 13:50 on Sunday for the first time in a long time. Because there were many customers who just returned It took me about 5 minutes to write my name on the waiting board and wait. The women in the hall staff are full of energy. It feels good and my head goes down naturally. The order is "Lunch Tuna Bowl" and "Lunch 15 Kanzuri". Delivered to the table in about 10 minutes Fortunately, both sides have hot arajiru. Kurisakiya's sushi for the first time in over 10 years. Very delicious and very satisfied! Unfortunately, more than 10 years have passed. You made my stomach smaller ... I'm full soon. I really wanted to order a boiled conger eel bowl, but now I have 15 pieces. At the time of checkout, not only the female hall staff The general also greeted me. I was happy that the shop was comfortable until the end. * It is also recommended for Garupan lovers.
yutaka hentona on Google

This is my second visit since my first visit in February last year. When I visited for the first time, it was lunchtime, so I had a tank sushi of creative sushi. This time, I ordered 10 pieces of nigiri sushi, roasted salmon and fatty tuna for dinner. It was very delicious.
ギッシュ on Google

夜に入りました。温泉上がりに何か海産物をと探して、なかなか評判が良かったので此方に決定。 駐車場はかなり広くて、結構な台数を止められそうです。 建物の造りが少し変わっていました。入口から入ると作業所みたいな通路が有り、奥に行って良いのか躊躇われました。 奥の左側の扉を開くと、普通の寿司屋の店内が広がります。 カウンターと小上がりだけで、テーブル席は無い様子。コロナ対策で撤去してるのかもしれませんね。 温泉と同じく、入口やカウンターにガールズパンツァーとか言うアニメ関連の物が沢山有りました。街全体で盛り上げているみたいですね。 地魚が食べたかったので、頼んだのは地魚を含む《ディナー特選10貫握り》2400円《蜆汁》250円。合計で2650円です。 ネタは値段相応の物で、質は良いと思いました。しかし、シャリはかなり残念な物です。酢の配合は良いのですが、シャリが冷たい状態でした。 冷えて固くなり、米粒同士が結合したような状態で、口に含んでも簡単には解れません。 何より冷たいのはダメです。やはり人肌なね近い常温がベストだと思います。 そもそも、握り寿司の味の六割はシャリと言われる位に、シャリは重要です。いくらネタが良くても、シャリが美味しくなければ台無しです。普通の食事で言えば、おかずは美味しいけれど、白米が冷飯みたいなものでしょう。 ガリは別注です。料金は掛かりませんが、少々面倒ですね。頼んだのに忘れられていたのは如何なものかと。ただ、別注そのものについては構わないと思います。ガリもコストは掛かります。食べない方に出して廃棄は勿体無いですからね。何よりガリの質は良かった事から、コスト削減の為に注文制にするのは仕方無いと思いました。 蜆汁は秀逸。別料金にするだけは有ります。 出汁加減が良く、蜆の身は大きくフックラしていました。 出汁は小振りな蜆でじっくり取って、供する蜆は、サッと火を通した物を入れてるのかも。 ネタと蜆汁が良かっただけに、シャリの状態が悪かったのは非常に残念です。作り立てなら良いシャリだったんでしょうがね。回転の早いランチなら違うのかな? また来るとしたらランチでしょうかね。 ごちそうさまでした。
It's night. I searched for some seafood after the hot spring and decided on this because it had a good reputation. The parking lot is quite large, and it seems that a good number of cars can be parked. The structure of the building has changed a little. When I entered from the entrance, there was a passage like a work place, and I hesitated whether I could go to the back. If you open the door on the left side of the back, you can see the inside of an ordinary sushi restaurant. It seems that there are no table seats, only the counter and a small rise. It may have been removed as a measure against corona. Like the hot springs, there were many anime-related items such as Girls und Panzer at the entrance and counter. It seems that the whole city is lively. I wanted to eat local fish, so I ordered "10 special dinners" including local fish for 2400 yen and "Clam soup" for 250 yen. The total is 2650 yen. I thought the material was good for the price and the quality was good. However, the rice is quite disappointing. The vinegar mix was good, but the rice was cold. It becomes cold and hard, and it is not easy to dissolve even if you put it in your mouth in a state where rice grains are bound to each other. It is not good to be cold above all. I think the best temperature is normal temperature, which is close to human skin. In the first place, 60% of the taste of nigiri sushi is said to be sushi rice, so sushi rice is important. No matter how good the material is, if the rice is not delicious, it will be ruined. Speaking of ordinary meals, side dishes are delicious, but white rice is like cold rice. Gari is bespoke. It doesn't cost anything, but it's a bit of a hassle. What was it that I asked for but was forgotten? However, I don't mind the bespoke itself. Gari also costs money. It's a waste to put it out to those who don't eat it. Above all, the quality of the gully was good, so I thought it was unavoidable to make an order system to reduce costs. The clam juice is excellent. There is only an extra charge. The soup stock was good, and the clam's body was big and hooked. The soup stock may be carefully taken with a small clam, and the clam to be served may be a quick cooked clam. It is very disappointing that the rice was in poor condition because the ingredients and clam juice were good. It would have been a good sushi rice if it was freshly made. Is it different for a fast-turning lunch? If I come again, it will be lunch. Thank you for the meal.
粉川眞理 on Google

知人から勧められて行ってみました。 昔からあるお寿司屋さんだそうです。 お店は広々としていて、駐車場はすぐ目の前にあります。 ご当地キャラなのか? キャラクターの絵がいっぱいあって、お寿司で作った戦車みたいなのも看板メニューにありました。 私はピン!と来なかったけれど、普通のお寿司を注文。 美味しく頂きました。 詳しくはメニューをご覧ください。
I went there after being recommended by an acquaintance. It's a sushi restaurant that has been around for a long time. The shop is spacious and the parking lot is right in front of you. Is it a local character? There were lots of character pictures, and there was a tank on the signboard menu that looked like a tank made from sushi. I'm a pin! I didn't come, but I ordered regular sushi. We had delicious. Please see the menu for details.
木公藻と南王喜 on Google

コスパがよい。とありましたが、本当にコスパがよい! またシャリの密度が高く、動く寿司に慣れてしまった小生は、「寿司ってこんなに重かったっけか」と感じました。大きさも動く寿司より大きいし。 初めて本当のお寿司屋さんに息子を連れていったのですが、頬張り、ペロリでした(笑)。 それに、アイデアある戦車寿司!息子も感激!?自分も感激! さらにシジミ汁、飲まなきゃ損損!!おかわりしたくなります!家族三人で4000円くらいで満足出来ました。 また、ガルパンのディーガのパネルがあり、寿司を食べながらよく見るとディーガって「ザ、戦車!」って感じでカッコいいかもと感じました。子どもの頃プラモデルで憧れた戦車だけに、今また作りたくなりました。
Cospa is good. There was, but the cost performance is really good! In addition, I was accustomed to moving sushi because of its high density of rice, and I felt that sushi was so heavy. It's bigger than moving sushi. For the first time, I took my son to a real sushi restaurant, but he was chewy and licking (laughs). Besides, tank sushi with ideas! My son is also impressed! ? I am also impressed! In addition, you have to drink freshwater clam soup! !! I want to refill! I was satisfied with about 4000 yen for three family members. Also, there is a panel of Garupan's DIGA, and when I look closely while eating sushi, I feel that DIGA is cool, like "The tank!". I wanted to make it again because it was a tank that I longed for as a plastic model when I was a kid.
lalakut “ララクト” nanan on Google

老舗のお寿司屋さんデス 美味しくないハズがない大当たりでした〜と言うのも水曜日に大洗に行ったのですが、有名所がことごとくお休みでスマホの検索で見つけました。 チラシ寿司をいただき大満足です、でもよく考えたら、握りの方を食べればよかったと後悔。だってすし飯がいい感じでこれは〜って感じです^ ^ ガルパン と 有名人のサインがいっぱいです。 オススメです^o^
Long-established sushi restaurant Death It was a big hit with no bad taste. I went to Oarai on Wednesday, but all the famous places were closed and I found it by searching my smartphone. I am very satisfied with the chirashizushi, but when I think about it, I regret that I should have eaten the handful. Because the sushi rice is nice and this is like ^ ^ There are a lot of autographs of Garupan and celebrities. Recommended ^ o ^
hag hag on Google

rather tired fish and quite expensive
Carsten Linke on Google

Excellent sushi!!! Amazing rice and big pieces of fish. Super friendly chef, family run, great small location. Great prices, too!!

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