牛の福 海遊館マーケットプレース店

3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 牛の福 海遊館マーケットプレース店

住所 :

Kaigandori, Minato Ward, 〒552-0022 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8779
Webサイト : https://singa-inc.com/brand/ushinofuku/
街 : Osaka

Kaigandori, Minato Ward, 〒552-0022 Osaka,Japan
はらぺこサムライプレミアム on Google

angel heart on Google

Takanori Sasaki on Google

bluecloud71 on Google

田中大輔 on Google

The price is reasonable. The delicious sauce is delicious.
澤田篤 on Google

I was scared because it was too bad. The meat is stiff and can't be chewed.
さいとう建 on Google

I had it for takeout. I think it's reasonable.
トシ on Google

口コミ評価悪いようですが、私の評価は良いですよ。肉質も悪くない。牛タンもしっかり歯ごたえある。味変するに、タレ、わさび、七味を使い、最後は少しご飯を残し、出し汁をもらい、茶漬けにする。いろいろ食べ方を考え良いお店だと思います。味は旨いよ。 しかしお店の雰囲気と提供される器など考えると少し値段が高いかも。天保山マーケットプレースのような若者達、子供連れには高いかもですね。
Word-of-mouth evaluation seems to be bad, but my evaluation is good. The meat quality is not bad either. Beef tongue is also chewy. To change the taste, use sauce, wasabi, and shichimi, and at the end, leave a little rice, get the soup stock, and make it into chazuke. I think it's a good restaurant considering various ways to eat. The taste is delicious. However, considering the atmosphere of the shop and the vessels provided, the price may be a little high. It may be expensive for young people like Tempozan Marketplace and families with children.

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