Izumiya - Minamiaizu District

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Izumiya

住所 :

Kamimachiko-4047 Tajima, Minamiaizu, Minamiaizu District, Fukushima 967-0004, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 967-0004

Kamimachiko-4047 Tajima, Minamiaizu, Minamiaizu District, Fukushima 967-0004, Japan
阿部京子 on Google

H N on Google

It is a quiet hotel.
なべなべ on Google

先ほど宿を間違って口コミを投稿してしまいました、こちらの宿は 行った事がないです、悪い口コミを見た方はこの宿ではないので誤解しないで下さい、申し訳ありませんでした
I made a mistake and posted a review earlier, this inn is I've never been there, if you see a bad review, it's not this inn, so don't get me wrong, sorry
土居真也 on Google

It is said to be a cultural asset, and it feels like a time slip. My wife, O wife was very kind.
m1970 on Google

The building is a cultural property class. An inn full of atmosphere in the early Showa period where you can actually stay.
吉田誠一 on Google

奥の別館が素晴らしい。 戦時中、疎開して来た大工の仕事であるそうだ。大工・左官の仕事に興味がある人には、必見! 大女将?始め皆様フレンドリーで、居心地が良い。 料理もこちらの郷土料理をとのお願いに、快く応じてくれました。美味しかったです。
The back annex is wonderful. It seems to be the job of a carpenter who has been evacuated during the war. A must-see for anyone interested in the work of carpenters and plasterers! Grandmaster? At the beginning everyone is friendly and cozy. The food also responded to the request of the local cuisine. It was delicious.
nabechan2116 on Google

会津田島駅から歩いて5分くらいのところにある、昭和初期からある老舗旅館。 建物も開業当時のものがそのまま使われており、国登録有形文化財に指定されている。 1泊2食付きで¥8,000也。 南会津町観光協会のホームページで事前に調べ、電話予約の際にリクエストした洋室(1名用)に宿泊。 戦後、進駐軍が停泊した宿だけあって、奥の方の泊まった洋室や応接間、会議室も洋風に改修されており、格天井やシルクの壁紙、飾り窓と、和洋折衷の豪華な造りに息を呑むばかり。 また、2階には松平容保の息子の松平恒雄(ちなみに秩父宮妃殿下の父親)が晩年に停泊していた部屋もあり、精巧で美しい建具や欄間の数々が目を引いた。 これらの部屋に、会津田島の歴史の息づかいを感じ取ることができる。 夕食・朝食ともに地のものがふんだんに使われており、馬刺が出てきたのには驚いたw (ちなみに会津地方では馬刺は赤身が多く、辛味噌で食べるらしい) ちなみに出てきた地酒はこの宿の近所で作られている國権。 建物に興味があると話すやいなや、宿の中を案内したり宿の歴史をマシンガントークしてくださったりした大女将さんや、つかず離れず温かいもてなしをしてくださった女将さんも、この宿の素晴らしいところだったかなと思う。 瓢箪と紅葉の葉っぱ、ありがとうございましたw 設備が古さ(階段が多い、和式便所、明かりが暗め)や、家族経営ならではの温かいもてなしを期待する人、この手の古い建物が好きな人には、お勧めできる宿である。
A long-established inn from the early Showa period, about a 5-minute walk from Aizu Tajima Station. The building was used as it was when it opened, and is designated as a nationally registered tangible cultural property. ¥ 8,000 with 2 meals per night. Check in advance on the Minamiaizu Town Tourism Association website and stay in the Western room (for 1 person) requested at the time of telephone reservation. After the war, there were only inns where the army stationed in the berth, and the western rooms, reception rooms, and meeting rooms that were staying in the back were also refurbished in Western style, and breathe in the luxury of Japanese and Western eclectic architecture, ceiling wallpaper, silk wallpaper, decorative windows Just. On the second floor, there is a room where Matsuo Yasuho's son Tsuneo Matsudaira (by the way, the father of His Imperial Highness Chichibunomiya) was anchored in his later years, and his elaborate and beautiful fixtures and many spaces between the columns attracted attention. In these rooms, you can feel the breath of the history of Aizu Tajima. I was surprised that the local sashimi came out for dinner and breakfast. (By the way, in the Aizu region, horse sashimi has a lot of red meat and seems to be eaten with spicy miso) By the way, the local sake that came out is a national right that is made in the neighborhood of this inn. As soon as I was told that I was interested in the building, the landlady who guided me through the inn and gave me a machine gun talk about the history of the inn, and the landlady who gave me a warm hospitality without leaving me. I think it was a wonderful place. Thank you w This is an inn that can be recommended for those who expect old facilities (many stairs, Japanese-style toilets, dark lights), family-run warm hospitality, and those who like this old building.
糸井輝夫 on Google

つい一昨日令3年11月25日泊めていただき至福の時を過ごしました!大女将若女将の一流旅館には真似の出来ないもてなし気遣い…食べきれないほどの美味しい食事を…… 欅、桐、黒柿、など高級な材が使われている部屋で頂くのはとても贅沢なものでした。 格天井、組み格子の欄間や障子、明かり取りの窓等、作らせた先代と関わった職人の心意気が伝わる素晴らしい造作!よくぞ残してくれたものと、他所者ながら感謝いたします。 会津の人と土地に本当の日本を感じました!
The day before yesterday, I had a blissful time staying on November 25, 3rd year! A hospitality that cannot be imitated by a first-class inn of a young landlady ... A delicious meal that cannot be eaten ... It was very luxurious to have it in a room made of high-quality materials such as paulownia, paulownia, and black persimmon. A wonderful structure that conveys the spirit of the craftsmen who were involved with the predecessor who made it, such as the case ceiling, the columns and shoji screens of the latticework, and the windows for lighting! I am grateful to others for leaving it well. I felt true Japan in the people and land of Aizu!

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