二岐温泉 湯小屋旅館

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Contact 二岐温泉 湯小屋旅館

住所 :

Yumoto, Tenei, Iwase District, 〒962-0621 Fukushima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Webサイト : https://yugoya.jp/
街 : Fukushima

Yumoto, Tenei, Iwase District, 〒962-0621 Fukushima,Japan
ken kenken on Google

When I first visited, I gave up on the retro look. However, once you step inside, the floor of the indoor bath has been cleanly cleaned, and you will have fresh and beautiful hot water. The open-air bath is surrounded by green trees and has a mountain stream in front of you. I take a day trip bath only on weekends and holidays.
YUKO Y. on Google

1時間貸切1人1000円でした。 1人だけなので、普段入れない男性用風呂や露天風呂にものんびり入ることができました。 川沿いの風呂は、川に近い小さいサイズの方が温度が低かったです。 この時期は虻がいますが、蚊取り線香や偽物のトンボで対応しています。 貴重な体験ができました。
It was 1000 yen per person for 1 hour charter. Since there is only one person, I was able to take a leisurely bath in the men's bath and open-air bath, which I usually do not take. The temperature of the bath along the river was lower in the smaller size near the river. There are some dragonflies during this period, but mosquito coils and fake dragonflies are used. I had a valuable experience.
高橋茂 on Google

It is a hot spring inn that I used to go to many times. Right now, the day trip is only on Saturdays and Sundays, and it is reserved for 1 hour for 1000 yen / group per person from 10 to 15 o'clock. (It costs 2000 yen per hour for two people.) I don't think I have made a reservation. Only one group can stay, from without meals to half board. It was renovated last year, so the only remnants of the old days are the former entrance and bathtub.
a-m-p on Google

大雪の中素泊まり 川沿いの露天風呂は雪見ならぬ雪中風呂 何時間でも入っていられる 硫酸塩泉の甘い石膏臭 部屋も大変綺麗にリフォームされている 何よりご主人のお人柄が素晴らしかった また来ます。ありがとうございました
Staying without meals in heavy snow The open-air bath along the river is a snow bath that is not snow-viewing You can stay in for hours The sweet gypsum odor of sulfate springs The room has also been renovated very nicely Above all, the personality of my husband was wonderful I will come again. thank you
湯川恵瑠 on Google

2021年7月18日訪問 来てみたかった 二岐温泉 湯小屋旅館?。 つげ義春の漫画「ニ岐渓谷」のモデルとして有名な温泉旅館です。 以前は土日祝日・日帰り入浴のみでの営業でしたが、ここ2年くらいはほとんど営業してなかったようです。 温泉好きには「とうとう湯小屋は廃業してしまったのか❓」と噂されてましたが、建物外装や部屋、内湯などを全面的に改装。 2020年11月30日にリニューアルオープンしました?。 現在は火曜・水曜日が休業で、それ以外の日は2部屋を素泊まりのみ・・・で宿泊することが出来るようになりました。 建物の外観も、以前とは見違えるほどピカピカ✨に。 混浴の渓流露天風呂はCOVID-19対応で、1組1時間の貸し切りで日帰り入浴可能です。 ココの一番風呂をゲットするためにわざわざAM9:00に旅館をチェックアウトしました。 実は先月、この温泉に浸かるつもりでAM11:00頃来てみたのですが、ふた組待ち(2時間待ち)だったので、その時は諦めました。 今回はAM10:00少し前に着いたら、予想通り一番風呂。 待ち時間なしで湯浴み♨️出来ました。 深緑と渓流を愛でながらの湯浴みは極上のひととき・・・としか言いようがありません?。 渓流や周りの草木、苔などは手付かずで自然のまま。 それでいて、湯槽は掃除が行き届いておりピッカピカ✨。 野湯の雰囲気を味わいつつも、綺麗な露天風呂の湯槽に浸かれる♨️とは何たる贅沢でしょう。 野湯はちょっと・・・と抵抗がある方でも、問題なく雰囲気を満喫することが出来ると思います。 渓流のせせらぎと木々の緑とでマイナスイオンが満ち満ちてます。 湯槽はふたつあり、渓流に近い方が41.4℃と適温。 建物に近い方は43℃でした。 主人と二人でのんびりと一時間の湯浴みを満喫しました?。 渓流沿いの露天風呂と言うとアブの心配があるのですが、幸い今年はまだ出現してないとのこと。 来週末辺りからアブが出そうだ、とご主人が仰ってました。 一応アブ除けの麦藁帽子(顔をガードするネット付き)が備え付けてありました。 また、宿のご主人がアブの天敵であるオニヤンマを調達中とのことです。 時間が無かったので入りませんでしたが、女性用内湯も良さげ✨でした。 絶対にまた湯浴みに来ます?!!
Visited July 18, 2021 Futaki Onsen Yukoya Ryokan that I wanted to visit ?. A hot spring inn famous as a model for Yoshiharu Tsuge's manga "Niki Valley". Previously, it was open only on weekends and holidays and day trip baths, but it seems that it has hardly been open for the past two years. It was rumored by hot spring lovers that "Is the hot spring hut finally closed?", But the exterior, rooms, and indoor baths of the building have been completely renovated. It was reopened on November 30, 2020 ?. Currently, it is closed on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, and on other days it is now possible to stay in 2 rooms without meals. The appearance of the building is also shiny as it was before. The mixed bathing mountain stream open-air bath is compatible with COVID-19, and one group can be reserved for one hour for a day trip. I checked out the ryokan at 9:00 AM to get the best bath here. Actually, last month, I came around 11:00 AM with the intention of soaking in this hot spring, but I was waiting for the two groups (waiting for 2 hours), so I gave up at that time. This time, if I arrived a little before 10:00 AM, it would be the best bath as expected. I was able to take a bath ♨️ without waiting. It can only be said that bathing in a bath while enjoying the deep green and mountain streams is the best time ?. The mountain stream, surrounding vegetation, and moss remain untouched and natural. Still, the bathtub is well-cleaned and shiny. What a luxury it is to be immersed in a beautiful open-air bath while enjoying the atmosphere of a wild hot spring. I think that even those who are a little reluctant to enjoy the hot springs can enjoy the atmosphere without any problems. The murmuring of the mountain stream and the greenery of the trees are full of negative ions. There are two bathtubs, and the one closer to the mountain stream has a suitable temperature of 41.4 ℃. The temperature near the building was 43 ° C. I enjoyed a relaxing one-hour bath with my husband ?. Speaking of the open-air bath along the mountain stream, I'm worried about Abu, but fortunately it hasn't appeared yet this year. My husband said that Abu is likely to come out around next weekend. For the time being, a straw hat (with a net to protect the face) was provided to prevent the ab. In addition, the owner of the inn is procuring Oniyama, the natural enemy of Abu. I didn't enter because I didn't have time, but the indoor bath for women was also good. I will definitely come to the bath again ?! !!
nobuyuki ebihara on Google

宿泊で行きました。 お湯はアルカリのお肌すべすべ系。 野天風呂は川の音を楽しみながらゆっくり出来て気持ちいいです。 寒い時期行ったので、少し熱めのお湯で温まって体冷ましての繰り返しができました。 食事も盛りだくさんでお腹いっぱいです。 1日1組のなのでゆっくり貸し切り温泉を楽しみました。
I went to stay overnight. Hot water is alkaline and smooth on the skin. The open-air bath feels good to be able to relax while enjoying the sound of the river. Since I went there in the cold season, I was able to repeat the process by warming up with a little hot water and cooling my body. I am full with plenty of food. Since it is one group a day, I enjoyed the private hot springs slowly.
00 Goinkyo on Google

2022.2.26現在休業 数ヶ月前から何度電話しても一回も出てくれないから、やってないとか、気まぐれでしか開けないのは薄々わかってまして、 でも、あのつげ義春の「二岐渓谷」のモデルになったシャビーな建物を見るため、撮影するため、行きました。 まあ、それすらできませんでした。 雪深すぎて建物までたどり着けなかったし、 建物の前もどうせ雪で埋もれてるし? 大丸あすなろ荘のおっさんにやってませんよ 「それみたことか」の顔されてもね。確認だけできてまあ、今回はやむなし。 また虫もそんなに増えない春あたりに行ければいいけれど、、行けるかなぁ。
2022.2.26 Currently closed No matter how many times I called from a few months ago, I couldn't answer even once, so I knew that I hadn't done it or that I could only open it on a whim. However, I went to see the shabby building that became the model of Yoshiharu Tsuge's "Niki Valley" and to take a picture. Well, I couldn't even do that. The snow was so deep that I couldn't reach the building The front of the building is also buried in snow ? I'm not doing it to the old man of Daimaru Asunaroso Even if you are faced with "Have you seen it?" I can only confirm it, but this time it's unavoidable. Also, I wish I could go around spring when the number of insects does not increase so much, but I wonder if I can.
岸部恵麻 on Google

SO Good! The discussion of these timeless themes explains why this book has continued to be relevant to readers, even in modern times.

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