Izumi - Nishishirakawa District

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Izumi

住所 :

Yotsuyamae-6 Izumizaki, Nishishirakawa District, Fukushima 969-0101, Japan

Postal code : 969-0101

Yotsuyamae-6 Izumizaki, Nishishirakawa District, Fukushima 969-0101, Japan
aほじねっす倶楽部 on Google

ざるそばとミニ天丼セット 900円。おまけにセルフですが、アイスもいただきました。蕎麦美味い。タレ少々薄い。
Zaru soba and mini tempura set 900 yen. As an added bonus, I also got ice. Delicious soba noodles. Sauce is a little thin.
ぽんぽん on Google

I ordered shrimp colander (¥ 1200). It was normal, but I was surprised when it came out. The default seems to be large. Tempura consists of 2 shrimp, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, and skewered tempura (onions, peppers). The soup is pretty sweet. I thought that the cost performance was high as a whole.
mizoi atsushi on Google

蕎麦殻の粒が少し入ったお蕎麦で、コシがあり、香りも程よく感じられる、とても美味しいお蕎麦でした。 メニューは丼などとのセットで1200円がほとんどでリーズナブルです。しかも、食事をした人はコーヒー、アイスコーヒーが無料、自家製だと思いますが、バニラとチョコ(他にもあるのかも知れない)のアイスもひとり2つまで無料というサービスがあります。お店の方も感じがよく。雰囲気もアットホームで良かった。
It was a very delicious buckwheat noodle with a little grain of buckwheat husks, and it was chewy and had a good aroma. The menu is reasonably priced at 1200 yen as a set with rice bowls. What's more, coffee and iced coffee are free for those who have eaten, and I think they are homemade, but there is also a service where up to two iced vanilla and chocolate (maybe others) are free for each person. The shop feels good too. The atmosphere was good at home.
小林秀壱 on Google

カツ丼セット!カツが見えない^_^が美味かった、コシがあり、蕎麦湯は薄いけど、お腹いっぱいです♪ 1,200円 セルフでコーヒー飲み放題?
Katsudon set! I couldn't see the cutlet ^ _ ^ was delicious, it was chewy, and the soba hot water was thin, but I was full ♪ 1,200 yen All-you-can-drink coffee by yourself?
薪作り玉三郎 on Google

上手いですよ。 そして良心的な価格。 さまざまなメインにもミニ丼を付けられたりします。 そばも茹で加減、つゆ、全ていい。 天麩羅も美味いです。 蕎麦湯がすぐに出てきてしまうのが少し残念ではありますが、すぐ冷めるものでもないし美味いので特に文句ないです。 小さい子供を連れて行っても親切に対応してくれますので嬉しいですね。 またお邪魔したいなと思います。
You're good at it. And a reasonable price. You can also attach a mini bowl to various main dishes. Boiled soba, soup, everything is fine. Tempura is also delicious. It's a little disappointing that the soba hot water comes out soon, but it doesn't cool down immediately and it's delicious, so I'm not particularly complaining. I'm glad that even if you bring a small child, they will be kind to you. I would like to bother you again.
のりこまさこ on Google

Along National Route 4. I went from Shirakawa to Koriyama. It's just a hit, and it's okay if it's free. By the way, soba is a large class even if it is a normal serving. It was a soba restaurant with free coffee, iced coffee, and ice cream.
矢内良一 on Google

今回は天丼セット(1200円)を注文しました。天ぷらは8種類ほど盛られてます! 単品の蕎麦と、丼ものと蕎麦のセットメニューがあり、丼ものメインに蕎麦少なめか、蕎麦メインにミニ丼か、選べます。 丼ものも種類があり何度も来たくなりますよ!(カツ丼、天丼、うな丼、ネギトロ丼など)
This time I ordered a tendon set (1200 yen). There are about 8 types of tempura! There is a single soba, a bowl and a set menu of soba, and you can choose between a small amount of soba for the main bowl and a mini bowl for the main soba. There are various types of rice bowls, and you will want to come again and again! (Katsudon, Tendon, Unadon, Negitoro bowl, etc.)
黒酢海老 on Google

While driving in the vicinity, I searched and entered this store. Infectious disease countermeasures are also taken properly, so you can eat with confidence. For the menu, I ordered a set of the most popular mini-tendon and soba noodles. You can choose cold or warm soba. The warm soba is delicious with wild plants on it. There are about 5 types of tempura in the mini-tendon, and the sweet and spicy sauce of the tendon is soaked in the rice and the food goes on. A mini-tendon with soba and pickles with tempura is 900 yen. My stomach and heart were filled. What's more, those who have eaten can enjoy mini ice cream and coffee by self-service. I unexpectedly found a good shop. I will visit you again.

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