Nakau - Toyota

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Nakau

2 Chome-12-9 Jinnakacho, Toyota, Aichi 471-0079, Japan
wataru uribou on Google

It was cheap and delicious. It was a little difficult to understand the food ticket vending machine.
Kenji Yamagishi on Google

There are plenty of takeaway menus. If you place a mobile order in advance, you can avoid contact with people because you only receive it in the store, which is very convenient, but it takes a lot of work because you have to register your credit card in the app in advance. It is also very good that there are two ordering machines in the store, so even if you look at the menu slowly, it will not bother the people behind you. You don't have to rush. The taste is neither good nor bad, it is normal. However, I think the chilled dandan noodles are delicious. I think it's only this time of year, so it's a good idea to go early. There is also a drive-through, but it is a little troublesome because you have to turn around in the parking lot, but I think that the drive-through is effective in terms of avoiding contact with people.
hikobosi光雄 on Google

『なか卯 豊田陣中店』 初め行きました? お店の前は何度も通っていたけど、ランチタイムの時間帯にこの近くに居ないことが、行けなかった理由です? 夕ご飯時に近くに居たので、行こうと云うことに成り、初来店です? メニューは豊富で、価格もリーズナブルでした? 今回は、『かき揚げそば』を注文、個人的には味も合い美味しく頂きました? 次回は違うメニューを食べたいな〜と思ってます?
"Nakau Toyota Jinnaka store" I went to the beginning But before the shop had been through many times, I can not stay in this close to the time zone of lunch time, which is why you did not go ? Evening so stayed close to the time of rice, will be called to go, it is the first visit ? Menu is rich, the price was also reasonable ? This time, order the "Kakiage buckwheat", personally gave deliciously goes well taste ? Next time I think that - I want to eat a different menu ?
福永佳紀 on Google

This is a Nakau shop in Toyota City. I ordered Oyakodon with mushrooms and small udon noodles. The high collar udon is delicious, but the oyakodon with mushrooms was not good.
もぐもぐぷりん on Google

提供時間が早い、低価格の食事処。 なので味は多くを求めない。 けれど…味付けが少々濃いめ。 お水ではなく緑茶が出てくる。 冷たいのと頼めば温かいのも出てくる。 テーブルの上に紅生姜が置いてあり食べ放題。 トイレは男女が別じゃないのが残念なところ。便器回りの床が汚いので家が近所なので入りたくても我慢して帰る。古いのか?あまり綺麗ではない。 駐車場は10台分位ある。 ドライブスルーで買えるみたい。
A low-priced restaurant with early delivery times. So the taste does not seek much. But ... the seasoning is a bit darker. Instead of water, green tea comes out. If you ask for cold it will also come out warm. Red ginger is placed on the table and you can eat it all. It is a pity that men and women are not separate in the bathroom. Because the floor around the toilet bowl is dirty, I will endure even if I want to enter the house because it is a neighborhood. Is it old? It is not so beautiful. There are about 10 parking lots. It looks like you can buy it through drive-through.
日恵野雅俊 on Google

I went to eat lunch. A set of kakiage bowl and udon with tenkasu was 500 yen including tax. It was worth it and it was delicious.
A Y on Google

Gyudon and udon are not bad, but they have a normal taste. I think there are many more delicious chain stores. However, if you want to eat Oyakodon, Nakau is the most delicious of all the chain stores. The price is also reasonable. I came to the store around 6 pm in the evening, but I think that the customer service was a part-time girl and the kitchen inside was an employee boy, but there was no vocalization at all. The only thing I had was the word "I'm sorry". Thank you for visiting us. The serving time was about 5 minutes, which was quick, but after serving the food to the customers, the two clerk talked about things that were not related to the business all the time. I could hear the whole thing in the open kitchen, so I didn't feel good from the customer's point of view. It's a pity that the aunts at lunchtime are good at serving customers. Well, all the Nakau chain stores are like this (laughs)
hk TK on Google

星1つもつけたくない! たかだか牛丼と味噌汁頼んだだけで、食券買ってから25分! この手の店ではあり得ない! 店内もほとんどのテーブルがお客さんが帰ったままの状態で、どこに座ろうか悩んだくらい。 もう二度と行かない! さんざん待たされた牛丼の具は写真の通り!
I don't want to add a single star! It was 25 minutes after I bought the meal ticket just by asking for beef bowl and miso soup! It cannot be this kind of store! Most of the tables in the store were still in the state where the customers had returned, and I was wondering where to sit. I will never go again! The ingredients of the beef bowl that you have been waiting for are as shown in the picture!

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