Iwama-dera - Otsu

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Iwama-dera

住所 :

82 Ishiyamauchihatacho, Otsu, Shiga 520-0869, Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Postal code : 520-0869
Webサイト : http://www.iwama-dera.or.jp/

82 Ishiyamauchihatacho, Otsu, Shiga 520-0869, Japan
Hotaru on Google

西国三十三観音第十二番 岩間山 正法寺 (岩間寺) 駐車場(無料)から本堂へはなだらかな道です。 本堂にて拝観料を収めます。 雷除けのお寺でも有名だそうです!
Saigoku 33 Kannon No. 12 Iwamayama Shohoji Temple (Iwama Temple) It is a gentle road from the parking lot (free) to the main hall. The admission fee will be collected at the main hall. It's also famous for lightning protection temples!
hiromasa on Google

Saigoku Kannon Pilgrimage, No. 12 Fudasho, a temple in the mountains, where a large tree was spectacular around, it seems that a big ginkgo tree protects it for some reason in front of the main hall I tasted the feeling.
内藤俊治 on Google

It is easy to reach by following the signs from the direction of Ishiyamadera and climbing the mountain path. It is a temple in the mountains. Iwama-dera is a famous temple for sealing bokeh. Bokeh-sealed kawara senbei is recommended as a souvenir.
guri chan on Google

I visited 33 places in Saigoku. You can park your car in the free parking lot and pay the entrance fee of 500 yen at the main hall. I really felt a spiritual test here. It is wonderful. The famous Furuike was more modern than I expected
yosi katou on Google

西国札所巡りでお伺いいたしました、 下界の目印はファミリーマート、看板だと奥宮神社、石山ゴルフ練習場でわかりやすい、高速道路までは田園地帯そこからは本格的な山道で右に左にぐるぐると山の中を進みお寺に到着?で目の前にはコンクリートの建物でここが駐車場?(奥に看板、赤旗までですね)で5.6台なら大丈夫かな? このような山の中を夜な夜な本堂を抜けだし下界や地獄巡りをして汗だくで戻られる仏様もこの様に山道を戻られて居たのか‥‥てな事を思いながら境内に進み大銀杏にご挨拶し本堂を参拝、松尾芭蕉の「古池や蛙飛びこむ水の音」の舞台となった本堂脇の池も要必見!で水と風の奏でる声も心地良いですよ、合掌。
I visited the Saigoku Kannon Pilgrimage, The landmark of the lower world is Family Mart, the signboard is Okumiya Shrine, and the Ishiyama Golf Driving Range is easy to understand. And in front of you is a concrete building, is this a parking lot? Is it okay if 5.6 units are used (up to the signboard and red flag in the back)? I wonder if the Buddha, who escaped from the main hall at night in such a mountain and was able to go around the lower world and hell and return with sweat, was also able to return to the mountain road like this. Don't miss the pond on the side of the main hall, which was the setting for Basho Matsuo's "Furuike and the sound of water jumping into the frogs"! The voice of water and wind is also comfortable, Gassho.
韩冰 on Google

【西国三十三観音霊場·第十二番】 【岩間山·正法寺】 正法寺位于滋贺县大津市和京都府宇治市交界处海拔443m的岩间山的谷中,由于叫正法寺的寺庙众多,所以也被称为岩间寺。 正法寺是西国三十三所第十二番, ぼけ封じ近畿十楽観音霊場的第四番, 以及琵琶湖一百零八灵场中的湖西二十七古刹的第二番。 养老六年(722年),是由开创加贺白山的泰澄大师建立了正法寺,是作为以法力治好元正天皇33岁的大厄运之病的奖赏。很久以前,这里由于後白河(ごしらかわ)・後宇多(ごうだ)・正親町(おおぎまち)天皇等历代天皇的尊崇,是与熊野、吉野齐名,作为日本三大圣地之一而兴盛过的。 在养老六年将元正天皇病愈祈愿达成的泰澄,同年,在开创贺白山的行走途中,为了寻求灵地而拜访岩间山的时候,从一棵巨大的桂花树中感受到了千手陀羅尼的存在,于是用那棵桂树雕刻了等身大小的千手观音像,并将元正天皇的念佛供奉在其腹中作为了正法寺的主佛。 传说这个观音本尊在每夜日落的时候,都会从佛龛的橱柜里溜出来,在一百三十六个地狱中奔跑,把受苦受难的人全部救出来,并在日出的时候,赶回到岩间山的时候浑身大汗淋漓,所以也被称为“挥汗如雨的观音”。
[The Thirty-Three Views of the Western Kingdom, the twelfth episode] 【Iwajian Mountain · Zhengbo Temple】 Shohoji is located in the valley of Mt. Iwama at an altitude of 443m at the junction of Otsu City in Shiga Prefecture and Uji City in Kyoto Prefecture. Because there are many temples called Shohoji, it is also called Iwagenji. Zhengfa Temple is the twelfth of the thirty-three schools in the Western Kingdom. ぼ け じ The fourth part of the Kinki Ten 楽観 sound field, And the second part of the twenty-seven ancient temples in the west of the lake in the one hundred and eight spiritual fields of Lake Biwa. In the sixth year of the old age (722), Taisumi, the founder of Kaga Hakusan, established the Shohōji Temple as a reward for curing the 33-year-old Emperor Motosho's ill fortune by magic. A long time ago, this place was as famous as Kumano and Yoshino and prospered as one of the three sacred places in Japan due to the respect of the emperors of the past, including the emperors of Goshira River (ごしらかわ), Gouta (ごうだ) and Maschinachi . In the sixth year of his retirement, Taisong, who fulfilled his wish for Emperor Yuanzheng's recovery from his illness, in the same year, on the way to found the Hebai Mountain, when he visited Iwajian Mountain in search of a spiritual place, he felt a thousand hands from a huge osmanthus tree. Because of the existence of Dharani, he used the osmanthus tree to carve a life-size statue of the Thousand-handed Avalokitesvara, and enshrined the chanting Buddha of Emperor Yuanzheng in his belly as the main Buddha of Zhengfa Temple. Legend has it that this Guanyin deity will slip out of the cabinet of the shrine every night at sunset, run through the one hundred and thirty-six hells, rescue all the suffering people, and rush back to the sun at sunrise. I was sweating profusely when I was in Mt. Yanjian, so it is also called "Kuan Yin who sweats like rain".
S San on Google

西国三十三ヶ所の一つ。山奥にあります。 住職の方もすごく明るく色々お話をしてくれるので、お寺初心者でも楽しめます。 季節によってはハイキングなどで来られる方も多いとのことです。たしかに自然豊かな場所なのでそういうのも楽しいかもしれないなと。
One of the 33 places in Saigoku. It is in the mountains. The chief priest is also very cheerful and talks about various things, so even beginners at the temple can enjoy it. It is said that many people come by hiking depending on the season. It's a place rich in nature, so it might be fun to do that.
Antoine BLANC on Google

Very nice temple

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