Kaisando - Kyoto

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kaisando

住所 :

開山堂 Fushimi Ward, Kyoto, 601-1383, Japan

Postal code : 601-1383
Description : This Buddhist temple, celebrated for its detailed wood carvings, is surrounded by manicured gardens.

開山堂 Fushimi Ward, Kyoto, 601-1383, Japan
Chihiro Okada on Google

Daigoji Kaizan-do was opened by Rigen Daishi. There is a bench and an observatory in front of the hall.
y.山本 on Google

西国33カ所 霊場巡り 第十一番 上深雪山 上醍醐 准胝堂 ( 醍醐寺 ) 桜満開の便りに便乗、醍醐寺から、峰々を通り 第十二番  正法寺(岩間寺)へ、凡そ13キロ余のウオーク霊場をする
Visit to 33 sacred places in western countries Tenth Kamikami Miyukiyama Kamigogo Junsendo (Daigoji Temple) Take a letter from the cherry blossoms in full bloom and go from Daigoji Temple through the peaks to the 12th Shohoji Temple (Iwamaji Temple) and walk for about 13 km.
おしむとかふか on Google

It took more than an hour from the Nendoroid to here. After 15:00 on weekdays, there is no one.
ベルマールル武具店 on Google

At the summit of Daigoyama, the flowers bloom in early spring and the view is the best.
おだ天狗 on Google

開山堂(重要文化財) - 延喜11年(911年)に醍醐寺初代座主観賢によって創建。当初は御影堂と呼ばれていた。慶長11年(1606年)に豊臣秀頼により再建。内陣の厨子には理源大師(聖宝)坐像などが安置されている。
Kaisando (Important Cultural Property) --Founded in Engi 11 (911) by Daigoji's first-generation subjective sage. Initially it was called Mikagedo. Rebuilt by Toyotomi Hideyori in 1606 (Keicho 11). A sitting statue of Rigen Daishi (Shobo) is enshrined in the kitchen of the Chancel.
門田哲也 on Google

中々の見晴らしです。達成感あります。 開山堂前に醍醐山山頂の標識があります。
It is a nice view. There is a sense of accomplishment. There is a sign for the summit of Daigoyama in front of Kaisendo.
RYO chan on Google

上醍醐の一番高い所に建っていて向かい側に標識が立っています。 標高450m。 ここへ向かう山道も上醍醐の境内も静かで神聖な空気が漂っています。
It stands at the highest point of Kamidaigo and has a sign on the opposite side. Altitude 450m. The mountain path to here and the grounds of Kamidaigo are quiet and sacred.
円座厚司 on Google

It seems that Daigoji Kaizando was rebuilt in 1608 by Hideyori Toyotomi. In the center of the inside of the shrine, there are enshrined Kaizama Rigen Daishi, the 1st Kangen Buddhist priest on the right and Kobo Daishi on the left.

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