Tachiki-Kannon An’yō-ji - Otsu

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

厄除 立木観音 - Tachikikannon.or.jp

滋賀県大津市「立木観音 立木山安養寺」。鹿跳渓谷から立木山境内まで約800段の石段が続く。弘法大師が42歳の厄年に立木のままの霊木に観音像を刻み建立され、古来より厄除けに霊験あらたかな観音霊場として広く信仰を集めている。

Contact Tachiki-Kannon An’yō-ji

住所 :

奥山-1231 Ishiyamanangocho, Otsu, Shiga 520-0865, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87778
Postal code : 520-0865
Webサイト : http://www.tachikikannon.or.jp/

奥山-1231 Ishiyamanangocho, Otsu, Shiga 520-0865, Japan
Y KK on Google

There is Kannon who is famous for warding off evil. I can't meet you easily. Only meet people who have climbed the 800 steps. It may be difficult for people who lack exercise, but please do your best.
Kei Funaki on Google

A temple that is famous not only in Shiga prefecture but also in Kyoto as a ward off evil. A long time ago, when Kobo Daishi came to Japan when he was 42 years old, he was able to cross the river safely thanks to the white deer that suddenly appeared where the flow of the river could not be crossed violently. It seems that it has become famous as a temple for warding off evil. So, the statue of Kobo Daishi on the long stairs is a statue of a deer. It is recommended because you can see beautiful autumn leaves in autumn. It is nicknamed Mr. Tachiki, but it will be officially Tachikiyama Anyo-ji Temple.
kiyoshi oota on Google

京都・滋賀では有名な厄除けのお寺です。 小高い山の上にあり、約800段の階段を上ります。 途中途中で脇に建つ詩の書かれた石碑を眺めながら休憩し、上りきった先には観音様が暖かい眼差しで見つめてくださってます。 本堂を参り、鐘突堂から奥の院へ参って一息。 参拝者は疎らですが、結構年配の方が多かった印象ですね。 今回は2年ぶりに参拝しましたが、思った以上に体が鈍っていてビックリ? 途中で何度も諦めようかと思いましたが、下山してくる方々の気持ちいい挨拶を交わしていると、何とか山頂まで上がれました。 季節は冬に向かい、紅葉も終わりかけていましたが気持ちの良い一時を過ごせました。
It is a famous warding off temple in Kyoto and Shiga. It is located on a small mountain and goes up about 800 steps. Along the way, I took a break while looking at the stone monument with the poem written on the side, and Kannon looked at me with a warm look at the end of the climb. Visit the main hall and take a break from the Kanto-do to the Okunoin. The worshipers are sparse, but it seems that there were quite a lot of elderly people. This time I visited for the first time in 2 years, but I was surprised that my body was duller than I expected ? I was able to climb to the top of the mountain. The season was heading for winter, and the autumn leaves were almost over, but I had a good time.
Noritaka Nakamura on Google

京都でも立木観音様は有名なので厄年と言うこともあってお参りさせて頂きました。 800段の階段は少しきついですが、行けない程もなくといった感じ。ですが、頑張って上った分、有り難さがます感じはありますね。 どうか、厄除け出来ますように⤴
Tachiki-Kannon is also famous in Kyoto, so I visited him because it was a difficult year. The 800 steps are a little tight, but it feels like I can't go. However, I feel that I am grateful for the hard work I have done. I hope you can get rid of evil ⤴
りえさとう on Google

厄除けの神さまです。 厄年ではありませんが、家族で何十年ぶりに800余段?の階段を登ってみました。階段幅が広くて、高さもまちまち…歩幅の違いがキツイ? 息が上がって、ゼイゼイ?マスクもしてるので苦しい?のぼろうなんて、なんで思ったんだろう?と少し後悔も。 あと何段?ヘロヘロになりながら、到着。息を整え、汗を拭いて、清めて、お参り。しんどい思いをしたぶん、一生懸命祈ることができました。そこから見おろす瀬田川とびわ湖の景色は美しく、空気も違いました。下りも800余段。膝がわらって(笑)途中に休憩できる踊り場的な場所があります。ゆっくりご自分のペースで無理なくのぼられる事をオススメします?帰りは何かやり遂げた満足感があって、今年も元気で頑張るぞ!と思えました。
It is a god of evil. It's not a difficult year, but I tried climbing 800 steps ? for the first time in decades with my family. The stairs are wide and the heights are different ... The difference in stride length is tough ? I'm out of breath, and I'm wearing a mask, so it's painful ? Why did you think it was going to climb? And a little regret. How many more steps? Arrived while becoming a hero. Hold your breath, wipe your sweat, cleanse, and worship. I was able to pray hard because I had a hard time. The view of the Seta River and Lake Biwa overlooking from there was beautiful, and the air was different. The descent is also over 800 steps. There is a landing place where you can take a break on the way with your knees bent (laughs). We recommend that you climb slowly and comfortably at your own pace ? I'm satisfied with what I've done on my way home, and I'll do my best again this year! I thought.
lakeside blue on Google

滋賀県にある厄除けで有名な立木観音さんに行ってきました。弘法大師が牡鹿に導かれて開いたお寺で、宇治川にある急な階段を800段程上った所にあります。少々距離はありますが南郷からの旧のルートもあるようですね。 川沿いに無料の駐車場(20台くらい)があるのですが、すぐ埋まります、少し遠くはなりますが離れた場所にもあります。階段ですが私の感ずるに前半が段差が大きめで歩幅があいにくく足にきます。途中途中の階段の曲がり角が少し広くなってるので、足の早い方や若い方は先に行ってもらってマイペースで登るのがおすすめです。 階段の途中に石碑があって距離を示してるので参考にするといいかと思います。私で2回ほど休憩したかな、年配の方や小さなお子様ずれの方なら、無理せず毎回休憩されて登る方がいいかもしれません。 登りきると立木観音さんがあるのですが、そんなに広い訳ではありません。見落としがちな、奥の院があるので忘れずに上がりましょう。 類にたがわず、ご祈祷、お祓い、お守りや御札などがあるので忘れずに。コロナ禍で厄除けの鐘は中止中なのはざんねんですが、凛とした感がある良いお寺でした。 体力がある方はパワースポットです。是非1度行って見てください。
I went to Mr. Kannon Tachiki, who is famous for warding off evil in Shiga prefecture. This temple was opened by Kobo Daishi under the guidance of a stag, and is located about 800 steps up the steep stairs on the Uji River. There seems to be an old route from Nango, although it is a little far away. There is a free parking lot (about 20 cars) along the river, but it fills up soon, and although it is a little far away, it is also in a remote place. Although it is a staircase, I feel that the first half has a large step and it is difficult to make a stride, so I can come to my feet. The corners of the stairs on the way are a little wider, so it is recommended that those with fast legs or young people go first and climb at their own pace. There is a stone monument in the middle of the stairs that shows the distance, so I think you should refer to it. I wonder if I took a break about twice, if you are an elderly person or a small child, it may be better to take a break every time and climb. There is Tachiki Kannon when you climb all the way up, but it's not that wide. Don't forget to go up because there is an Okunoin that is often overlooked. Don't forget that there are prayers, prayers, amulets, and bills, regardless of the type. It's a shame that the bell to prevent evil is being canceled due to the corona, but it was a good temple with a dignified feeling. Those who have physical strength are power spots. Please go and see it once.
島野竹生 on Google

Beautiful place to live.
JC San on Google

800 steps

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