Hyotan-Yama Station - Higashiosaka

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Hyotan-Yama Station

住所 :

4-1 Showacho, Higashiosaka, Osaka 579-8046, Japan

Postal code : 579-8046

4-1 Showacho, Higashiosaka, Osaka 579-8046, Japan
けんしー on Google

「瓢箪山のドーナツ屋さん」が行列の大人気でもちもちきなこが絶品。 駅前のTSUTAYAが2022年1月に閉店して無くなった。 瓢箪山からまともな規模の本屋が無くなった。 レンタル店もなくなった。 西は八戸ノ里まで行かないとないよね? 南はアリオ八尾まで無いかな。 昔は映画館とクラブまであったというのに
"Gourd mountain donut shop" is very popular in the procession, and the chewy kinako is exquisite. TSUTAYA in front of the station closed in January 2022 and disappeared. A decent-sized bookstore has disappeared from Gourd Mountain. Rental stores are gone. You have to go to Yaenosato in the west, right? I wonder if there is no Ario Yao in the south. It used to be a movie theater and a club
鴨川嵐雪 on Google

The shopping street is very good and the scenery at the foot of Mt. Ikoma is also good. If possible, I would like to live in this station.
atoo fry on Google

東大阪市のベッドタウン駅。 ここから奈良方面は急こう配になって行き乗っていてなかなか楽しいです。 駅前の商店街は日本で2つしかないアーケードになっている国道です。 昭和の雰囲気も残っていていい感じ。 駅は通過線もあり区間急行も停まるので頻繁に電車が往来している感じがあります。 奈良方面行のホームには初代中村鴈次郎により建立された楠木正行のお墓があります。 なぜあるかは不明です。
Bed Town Station in Higashi Osaka City. From here, the direction of Nara is steep and it is quite fun to ride. The shopping street in front of the station is a national highway that has only two arcades in Japan. It feels good to keep the atmosphere of Showa. The station has a passing line and section express trains stop, so it feels like trains are coming and going frequently. At the platform for Nara, there is the grave of Masatsura Kusunoki, which was erected by the first Kojiro Nakamura. I don't know why.
ホームページ制作と活用の池田屋 on Google

Inside the station, there is a tomb guide monument to Masatsura Kusunoki, who was built by Kojiro Nakamura, the first Kabuki actor. As of November 1914, we have introduced you to the tomb in the Yoseiin as a memorial to celebrate the throne of Emperor Taisho. I think that Kojiro had some connection with the temple and built it, but I hope to check it again later and let you know here. Kojiro was a very popular actor, and I often saw the work of the second generation (Living National Treasure: Tamao Nakamura is a real daughter) in the movie. He was a wonderful actor as a movie actor, and I liked it.
平野善信 on Google

駅名はズバリ、瓢箪山稲荷神社からの命名なのでしょう。 此処より奈良方面の電車は新生駒トンネルを目指し、石切駅まで急勾配を駆け上がります。 上下線共に新幹線形式の通過線構造駅が特徴で殆んど優等列車の通過待ちが行われる。 日中でも大阪.奈良方面への電車が10分に一本の割合で区間準急と普通が運行されており利便性があります。 駅前踏切は旧国道170線に指定されており、北から南にサンロード瓢箪山商店街とジンジャモール瓢箪山商店街となっており、早朝から深夜近く迄車両通行禁止の歩行者道路で買物の人々が多く活気があり、駅周辺は暮らしやすいのでしょう。
The station name is probably from Zubari, Hyotanyama Inari Shrine. From here, the train in the direction of Nara heads for the Ikoma Tunnel and runs up a steep slope to Ishikiri Station. Both the upper and lower lines are characterized by Shinkansen-style transit line structure stations, and most of them are waiting for the passage of excellent trains. Even during the daytime, there is a convenient train that runs to Osaka and Nara at a rate of one train every 10 minutes. The railroad crossing in front of the station is designated as the old national highway 170, and it is Sun Road Gourd Mountain Shopping Street and Jinja Mall Gourd Mountain Shopping Street from north to south. There is a lot of liveliness and the area around the station is easy to live in.
nosuke tsukky on Google

東大阪(近鉄奈良線)にある駅です。 国道170号線の商店街がすぐにあり、活気がある場所です。 馴染みの無い場所でしたが、仕事で初めてきました。 人が多い下町という印象です。
This station is located in Higashi Osaka (Kintetsu Nara Line). It is a lively place with the shopping street of Route 170 right next to it. It was an unfamiliar place, but it was my first time at work. The impression is that it is a downtown area with many people.
魔法少女さくら on Google

近鉄奈良線の駅です。 ここを境に大阪方面は平坦な市街地を走り、奈良方面は生駒山地越えとなります。なので山の麓の駅という言い方もできます。 ホームは2面2線で、さらに通過線を備えた新幹線型の待避可能駅です。 ホームの長さは6両分で、駅を出てすぐ踏切がある関係で延伸ができず、ここよりも利用者数の少ない隣の東花園駅に準急停車駅の座を奪われたらしいです。 それでも、その後に新規に設定された区間準急は停車しますし、普通列車でも東花園駅で準急と緩急接続する便もあるので、それなりに便利ではあります。
It is a station on the Kintetsu Nara Line. From here, the Osaka area runs through a flat city area, and the Nara area crosses the Ikomasanchi. So you can call it a station at the foot of the mountain. The platform is a Shinkansen-type evacuable station with two lines on two sides and a passing line. The length of the platform is 6 cars, and it couldn't be extended because there was a railroad crossing right after leaving the station, so it seems that the next station, Higashi-Hanazono Station, which has fewer users than here, took the seat of the semi-express stop station. Even so, the newly set section semi-express will stop after that, and there are also regular trains that connect to the semi-express at Higashi-Hanazono Station, so it is convenient as it is.
どてらい男 on Google

It is a station that I often use. In the Showa era, it was a ground station building. At that time, only 4 cars could stop at Hiraoka and Nukata stations, so there was still a turnaround line at Hyotan-Yama station because there was work to separate and add two cars near Namba. In front of the station, there is a traditional downtown arcade shopping street and it is lively. It only stopped normally, but the convenience has improved because the section semi-express stops and you can change from the normal to the semi-express that evacuates at the adjacent Higashi-Hanazono station.

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