Yao Station - Yao

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Yao Station

住所 :

3-chōme-9 Yasunakachō, Yao, Osaka 581-0085, Japan

Postal code : 581-0085

3-chōme-9 Yasunakachō, Yao, Osaka 581-0085, Japan
a obmoric on Google

多分ね、外からこの駅に来たのは初めてだと思います。私はほかのJRの駅をあまり知らないのですが、エレベーターが線路を挟んで駅の左右にあるのね。これは体の不自由な人やご老人には大変大事よ。だって一か所にしかないと、線路を渡る必要があるもんね。私は一時足を痛めて杖を突いていたことがあるんだけど。踏切が上がっている間にわたりきるのは大変勇気がいるのよ。車いすで単独ならあれはどれだけつらいかわかるよね。 どのJRでもそうなら世間知らずで、ごめんね。 で、この八尾駅中にはコンビニがあって、なんかほかのお店もあったかな。明るい印象でした(写真忘れた) ーーごめんここから話が変わるのーー でもね。どうしてホームの売店がないの? 閉まっていたのかな?いずれにしても何故?私はね、昔から思っているんだけど朝は売店(新聞とか雑誌とか朝の軽食とか買うじゃん。急いでいるしね)昼は夜の準備で夜には立ち飲み屋があれば通勤客の皆様は喜ぶんじゃないかしら? ホーム上のコンビニに集約するのが合理的なんでしょうか? だってホームの立ち食いうどんって地方にはまだあるじゃん。ホームって強烈なエキナカだと思うんだけどね。そこにしかない地元の名産を通勤客の帰宅時に時間限定で販売してもいいんじゃないかな? 私の相方なら美味しそうなものは買って帰ってくれるよ。それが地元の駅にあるんだからさ。だってさ、確実に何千人かは集まるんでしょ? 今日は昼頃だったけど、待っている人はみんな椅子に座って寝ているかスマホを見ているかなのよ。もったいないわね。ホームにいて得をする情報が無さすぎるのよ。偉そうでスマヌ。
I think it's the first time I've come to this station from the outside. I don't know much about other JR stations, but there are elevators on the left and right of the station across the railroad tracks. This is very important for people with disabilities and the elderly. Because if there is only one place, you have to cross the railroad tracks. I once hurt my leg and poke a cane. It takes a lot of courage to get through while the railroad crossing is up. You can see how hard it is if you are alone in a wheelchair. I'm sorry that any JR train is naive. So, there was a convenience store in this Yao station, and I wonder if there were other shops as well. It was a bright impression (I forgot the photo) -I'm sorry, the story changes from here- But you know. Why is there no home shop? Was it closed? Why in any case? I've been thinking for a long time, but in the morning I buy newspapers, magazines, morning snacks, etc. I'm in a hurry. In the daytime, I'm preparing for the night, and in the evening, if there is a standing bar, commuters Wouldn't you be happy? Is it rational to consolidate at convenience stores on the home? Because there are still udon noodles at home in rural areas. I think Home is a strong Ekinaka. Isn't it okay to sell local specialties that are only there for a limited time when commuters return home? My companion will buy something that looks delicious and go home. Because it's at the local station. After all, surely thousands of people will get together, right? It was around noon today, but I wonder if all the people waiting are sitting in chairs and looking at their smartphones. It's a waste. There is too little information to benefit from being at home. It looks great and Sumanu.
RI ONST on Google

It is a very new station building. The toilet is also beautiful. Around the station there are some shops in the north exit, there are bus stops and taxi stands, but the south exit is a residential area with few shops.
つじのよしこ on Google

昔の駅舎のほうが風情があってよかったですね。 安全面は今のほうがいいのでしょうが、、、 昭和の良い建物がどんどんなくなっていくのがさみしいですね。
I'm glad that the old station building was more tasteful. I think the safety aspect is better now, but ... It's sad that the good buildings of the Showa era are getting better and better.
久保隆史 on Google

It seems convenient after becoming Hashigami station, but it seems that it is not.
草光.ゆう on Google

まず、トイレが綺麗なことに驚きました! ちゃんと便座消毒液があり、また便器自体も使用前に消毒してくれるシステムの物(大きな病院でよくみるやつ)が設置されていて、とにかく清潔!ありがたいです。あと改札から入ってすぐにあるベンチのところには、八尾の街並みを眺めることができる窓があるのも嬉しかったです。夕日が綺麗でした。いつも地下鉄八尾南を利用しているので、こちらには馴染みのなかった私ですが、これからも利用させて頂きたいです。
First of all, I was surprised that the toilet was clean! There is a toilet seat disinfectant solution, and the toilet bowl itself is disinfected before use (a guy who often sees it in large hospitals). Thank you I was also happy that there was a window on the bench right after entering the ticket gate where I could see the cityscape of Yao. The sunset was beautiful. I always use the subway Yao Minami, so I was unfamiliar here, but I'd like to keep using it.
魔法少女さくら on Google

関西本線(大和路線)の駅です。 25万以上の人口を抱える八尾市の市名を冠する駅ながら、快速系統の列車はすべて通過します。 ただ隣の久宝寺駅で終日緩急接続を行っているので、天王寺方面に限ればさほど不便ではありません。
It is a station on the Kansai Main Line (Yamatoji Line). All the fast trains pass through the station that bears the name of Yao City, which has a population of over 250,000. However, it is not so inconvenient if it is limited to Tennoji because it is connected to Kureuji Station next door.
N T on Google

改札口出てすぐにセブンイレブンあり。 駅前はたいしてお店がないですが、八尾の古い町並みが綺麗です。 ちょっと歩くと和菓子屋、神社があって、楽しめます。
There is a 7-Eleven immediately after exiting the ticket gate. There aren't many shops in front of the station, but the old streets of Yao are beautiful. If you walk a little, you will find a Japanese sweets shop and a shrine, which you can enjoy.
tatsu YD on Google

八尾・志紀周辺は魔境です。 電車内・駅・駅周辺でレベル高めの人が大声で喚き散らしながら徘徊してます。絶対に目を合わせないようにしましょう。付いてこられたら全力で走って逃げましょう。 駅は綺麗です。
The area around Yao and Shiki is a magical boundary. High-level people are wandering around in the train, at the station, and around the station, screaming out loud. Make sure you don't make eye contact. If you can follow me, run with all your might and run away. The station is beautiful.

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