チキンジム 八王子店

4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact チキンジム 八王子店

住所 :

Hk Bldg., 10−4, Azumacho, Hachioji, 〒192-0082 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8997
Webサイト : https://chicken-gym.jp/shops/hachioji/
街 : Tokyo

Hk Bldg., 10−4, Azumacho, Hachioji, 〒192-0082 Tokyo,Japan
村澤奈保 on Google

通い始めて1ヶ月ほどですが、頑張りすぎずに少しづつ成果が出てるなと実感してます✌︎ 筋トレは大変なイメージがありましたが、トレーナーの方も優しいので楽しく頑張れます!! まだまだ頑張ります!
It's been about a month since I started going, but I feel that I'm getting results little by little without trying too hard ✌︎ I had a difficult image of muscle training, but the trainers are also kind, so I can do my best happily! !! I will do my best!
吉田朱里 on Google

インスタグラムの広告で知りました。 今年の春から自宅で筋トレを始めましたが、自重だけでは負荷やモチベーションに限界があったため入会。 自分だけではすぐ諦めてしまうことや苦手な種目でも、トレーナーの方がそばにいてくれるのでなんとか最後まで続けられます。また、自重だと最初のうちしか筋肉痛にならなかったのが、今ではほぼ毎回筋肉痛でちゃんと効いてることを実感できます。 分からないことや不安なことがあっても、どの方も親切で優しいので気軽に相談できて安心できるところだと感じています。期間中これからも頑張っていきたいと思えるジムです。
I learned from an Instagram ad. I started kintore at home from this spring, but I joined because there was a limit to the load and motivation with my own weight alone. Even if you give up immediately or you are not good at it, the trainer will be there for you so you can continue to the end. Also, my weight caused muscle soreness only at the beginning, but now I can feel that myalgia is working properly almost every time. Even if there is something I don't understand or have anxiety about, everyone is kind and kind, so I feel that it is a place where I can feel free to consult and feel at ease. It is a gym that I would like to continue to do my best during the period.
小林三惠子 on Google

It's been two weeks since I started going to the gym for the first time. The first anxiety was immediately blown away, and I was able to pass without difficulty. I'll do my best while being taught by the trainer about exercises that I wouldn't do on my own, and I'm glad I came because it's fun. I wish I had the courage to do it early and started from a younger age. I come 4-5 days a week, but every time I have a trainer, this price is cheap. I'm fine and still want to do my best, so I'm happy that exercise has become a daily routine.
m k on Google

運動不足で体重が増えてしまい、通い始めました。 筋トレは苦手でしたが、トレーナーのみなさんが明るく励ましてくれるので頑張れます! トレーニングが終わった後のプロテインも美味しいので楽しみです!
I gained weight due to lack of exercise and started going to school. I was not good at muscle training, but the trainers cheerfully encourage me so I can do my best! I'm looking forward to the delicious protein after training!
のんこ on Google

I've been attending for more than two months so far, but the trainer's response is kind and polite, and he has also considered a program for the part I want to strengthen, and I'm getting results, albeit little by little. Also, I was able to teach you how to stretch at home, and I am working on it for a short time. I look forward to working with you.
megu on Google

筋トレは苦手でしたが、分かりやすく、褒めながらトレーニングしてくださるので、頑張ることができています。 トレーニングに必要な物は揃っているので、手ぶらで行けるのがとってもラクです! 平日夜や休日などの人気の時間帯でも予約が取りやすくなると嬉しいです!
I was not good at muscle training, but I am able to do my best because it is easy to understand and trains while complimenting me. We have everything you need for training, so it's very easy to go empty-handed! I hope it will be easier to make reservations even during popular hours such as weekday nights and holidays!
aki temi on Google

新しい年に何かをやろう!と思い大の苦手な運動をやろうとジムを探してました。体重を落としたい訳ではなく筋肉量を増やしたい…見た目をスッキリしたい。普通のフィットネスジムはすでに通って挫折していたので,YouTubeを見てこのジムなら頑張れそうかなと思い申し込みしました, トレーナー方皆さん親切丁寧に教えてくださりありがたいです。あと何よりも手ぶらで通えるのが1番です!
Let's do something in the new year! I was looking for a gym to do an exercise that I was not very good at. I don't want to lose weight, I want to gain muscle mass ... I want to look refreshed. I had already gone to a normal fitness gym and was frustrated, so I looked at YouTube and thought that I could do my best at this gym, so I applied. Trainers Thank you for your kindness and politeness. Best of all, you can go empty-handed!
にこにこ on Google

The trainers are very cheerful and have fun training every time! The matcha protein you drink after training is delicious!

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