
3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 桐生宿

住所 :

Hirosawacho, Kiryu, 〒376-0013 Gunma,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Webサイト : http://s.ameblo.jp/masashi19820110
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–3PM
Sunday 11AM–3PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday 11AM–3PM
Wednesday 11AM–3PM
Thursday 11AM–3PM
Friday 11AM–3PM
街 : Gunma

Hirosawacho, Kiryu, 〒376-0013 Gunma,Japan
그루잠 (MoonHole) on Google

논과 밭이 어우러진 시골 한구석에 위치한 손수뽑은 라면과 새로운 맛을 볼수 있는 라면집 키류여관 주변에 진짜 논과 밭밖에 없지만 신기하게도 손에 꼽을 맛집이 많이 있다. 상대적으로 적은 시골에서 살아남기 위해서 많은 연구를 한것같다. 일부러 주말에 찾아왔는데도 손님이 많았다. 티비에 소개된적 있다던데 사실인가; 3년전에 왔을때는 그렇게 많이 붐비지 않았던거 같은데 그사이 소문이 많이 난거같다. 이가게의 볶음밥도 맛있지만(고기가 큼지막하게 맛있다) 내가 제일 추천하는건 바로 이 토마토치즈 라면! 처음 메뉴를 봤을때 라면에 토마토, 치즈 조합이 이해가 안됬는데 이게 정말 최고의 조합이다. 스프에는 토마토의 독특한 신맛은 느껴지지 않고 깊은 감칠맛만 느껴지고 듬뿍 들어가있는 치즈가 팽이버섯, 느타리버섯등 각종 야채와 어우러져서 색다른 라면의 맛을 느끼게 해준다. 치즈가 녹아내리면서 점점 바닥으로 가라앉으니 한번씩 바닥을 뒤집어서 치즈를 남김없이 건져내자. 면의 양도 많으니 평소에 곱빼기 시키는 사람은 보통으로 먹길 추천
The Kiryu Ryokan, a ramen restaurant where you can enjoy handmade ramen and new tastes located in a corner of the countryside where rice fields and fields are harmonized. There are only real rice fields and fields nearby, but surprisingly, there are many restaurants to count on. It seems that a lot of research has been done to survive in relatively small countryside. Even though I came here deliberately on the weekend, there were many customers. It was introduced on TV, but is it true; When I came three years ago, it didn't seem that crowded, but there seems to be a lot of rumors in the meantime. The fried rice of this shop is also delicious (the meat is very tasty), but the tomato cheese ramen I recommend the most is this! When I first saw the menu, I didn't understand the combination of tomato and cheese with ramen, but this is the best combination. The soup doesn't have the unique acidity of tomatoes, but it has a deep umami and has plenty of Cheese is mixed with various vegetables such as enoki mushrooms and oyster mushrooms, giving you a different taste of ramen. As the cheese melts, it gradually sinks to the floor, so let's turn the floor over and take out all the cheese. The amount of noodles is also large, so it is recommended to eat it normally
パネポン on Google

特徴的な麺で佐野ラーメンにの雰囲気に近いです。個人的にはありですが、かなり好みが分かれそう。 豚骨頂きました?スープもしっかり味濃いめですがしつこくなくてとても食べやすい、進む進む! トマトラーメンが有名みたいなので頂いてみたいですが、シンプルに味噌、醤油の定番メニューもとても気になりました⤴️
The characteristic noodles are close to the atmosphere of Sano ramen. Personally, it seems that my tastes are quite different. I got pork bones ? The soup is also strong, but it's not persistent and it's very easy to eat. It seems that tomato ramen is famous, so I would like to have it, but I was also very interested in the standard menu of miso and soy sauce ⤴️
村田啓二 on Google

久しぶりに桐生宿に来店、昔は大将が、奥さん(セイコちゃん)を怒鳴り散らしていました。代が変わり、静かな店内で、美味しく頂きました。奥さんと娘は、トマトラーメン。私は、ネギ塩ラーメンです。ネギが想定以上に大盛でした。次回は、半分のネギにします。塩は、あっさりしていて、こくがあり、美味しいです。麺は手打ちで、のど越しが良く癖になります。トマトは濃厚で、チーズが入っていて、美味しいです。昔は大将が、セイコ早く運べ!って怒鳴ってましたが、それがないのも、少し寂しく感じました。トマトラーメン未経験の方、是非一度食べてみてください。 ネギのどんぶりが、塩ラーメンより大きいです。
I came to Kiryu-juku for the first time in a long time, and in the old days, the general shouted at his wife (Seiko-chan). The generation changed and it was delicious in a quiet shop. His wife and daughter are tomato ramen. I'm green onion salt ramen. The green onions were more popular than expected. Next time, I will cut it in half. The salt is light, rich and delicious. The noodles are handmade and have a good throat feel. The tomatoes are rich, contain cheese and are delicious. In the old days, the general should carry Seiko fast! I was yelling, but I felt a little lonely without it. If you have no experience with tomato ramen, please try it. The bowl of green onion is bigger than the salt ramen.
村田鑑真 on Google

6~7年ぶりに訪問しました。 全体的に薄い味付けに感じました。 麺は柔らかい手打ちで、他ではなかなかない様な食感でした。 こんな味付けだったかなー? と思い出しながら、ラーメンを 食べました。 調理をされるご主人様は、東南アジアの民族衣装の様な物をまとっていました。
I visited for the first time in 6-7 years. I felt it was lightly seasoned overall. The noodles were soft and handmade, and had a texture unlike any other. Was it seasoned like this? While remembering, ramen ate. The master who cooks wore something like a Southeast Asian folk costume.
スダチ on Google

青竹手打ちだけど佐野風でもないちょっと独特かな、メニューも豊富で迷うかも?味は全体的に濃いめでチャーハンが変わっていてコーンが入っていてベチャ系個人的にはあまり好みではない! トマトラーメンはキノコが沢山入ってる。
It's handmade by Aotake, but it's not Sano-style. The taste is strong overall, the fried rice is different, and it contains corn, so I personally don't like it very much! Tomato ramen contains a lot of mushrooms.
ta ko on Google

人気のトマトラーメンをいただきました! 麺は青竹手打ちの縮れ麺で濃厚スープによく絡みます。野菜、きのこがたっぷり入っていて最後はライスを入れてリゾット風にいただきました。とても美味しくいただきました。 追記・数ヶ月後、味噌ラーメンをいただきました。バターに半ライス。スープはもやしがたっぷりでチャーシューも柔らかくて美味しかったです。ただ、麺は手打ちということもありますがコシが少し弱く、柔らかすぎかもしれません。
I got the popular tomato ramen! The noodles are hand-made curly noodles made from green bamboo and are often entwined with the rich soup. It had plenty of vegetables and mushrooms, and at the end I added rice and had it in a risotto style. It was very delicious. Postscript ・ A few months later, I had miso ramen. Half rice with butter. The soup was full of bean sprouts and the char siu was soft and delicious. However, although the noodles are sometimes handmade, they are a little weak and may be too soft.
ヤマザキマサシ on Google

隠れた名店 そんな言葉がぴったりのお店。 いつもはキノコつけ麺を頼んでいるのですが、麺を楽しみたい気分だったので、ざる盛りに挑戦です。 注文後10分またずに念願のご対麺 ざる盛り(山盛り)770円 ちょっと後味が甘いつけ汁に冷凍された刻みゆず、そして程よいちぢれ具合のシコシコ麺 こいつは旨いですよ。 キンキンに冷えたボトル水で麺を流し込み完食です。 ごちそうさまでした!
Mike Bottema on Google

Great selection of ramen. They are known for their tomato cheese ramen, but all of their ramen is good!

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