
4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 日光屋

住所 :

Hirosawacho, Kiryu, 〒376-0013 Gunma,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8779
街 : Gunma

Hirosawacho, Kiryu, 〒376-0013 Gunma,Japan
マキくん on Google

長ネギの芳醇な香りが特徴の、鶏主体のスープ♡ 生姜の後押しが効いている、美味しいラーメンです♪ 海老を中央にあしらったチャーハンも絶品!
Chicken-based soup with a rich aroma of long onions♡ It's a delicious ramen dish with a boost of ginger. Fried rice with shrimp in the center is also excellent!
35 papa on Google

一人なのでカウンターで。 タンメンと餃子を注文しました。 餃子は注文を受けてから包み始めます。 大ぶりのが5つ。中の具も肉と野菜のバランスがいいです。 タンメンは、もやしニラキャベツにんじんキクラゲで、シャキシャキの食感がちょうどいい感じ。
Because I'm alone, at the counter. I ordered tanmen and dumplings. Gyoza will start to be wrapped after receiving the order. There are 5 large ones. The inside ingredients also have a good balance of meat and vegetables. Tanmen is sprouts leek cabbage carrot jellyfish with a crispy texture.
ももものパパ on Google

とにかく最低な店。テイクアウトやってるからお昼に頼んで、時間は?と聞いたら今いる客のあとで、なおかつ、もし客が入ってきたらさらにその後になるからどのくらいかかるかわからないと言われた。それなら注文聞く前に昼間は混むからできないと断ればいいのに。とりあえず家から近いけど二度といくことはないですね。 味はまぁそんなもんでしょって感じです。 味うんぬんというより商いやる資格ないお店。
The worst store anyway. I'm taking out, so ask for lunch, what's the time? I was told that I didn't know how long it would take after the current customer, and if a customer came in, it would be even later. In that case, I should say that I can't because it's crowded during the day before I hear the order. It's close to my house for the time being, but I'll never go there again. The taste is like that. A shop that is not qualified to do business rather than taste.
ハーちゃん。 on Google

日曜日、11:00頃到着。注文は肉の細切りラーメンと餃子 半ラーメンと中華丼 まず、肉の細切りラーメンですが、前もって食べた方のオススメで頂いたところ、細切りの肉と細切りの筍がやや緩めの餡に絡めてあり麺にかかってます。お好みで酢を一回しするとサッパリとして美味しかったです。¥790 餃子は注文後に皮で包んで作ってました。やや大きめな餃子が5個佐野で良く食べるような感じのモチモチ系の皮に中は野菜たっぷりでした。 ¥450 味は文句なし。どれも美味しかったです。
Arrived around 11:00 on Sunday. The order is shredded meat ramen, dumpling half ramen and Chinese bowl First of all, the shredded meat ramen was recommended by those who ate it in advance, and the shredded meat and shredded bamboo shoots were entwined with a slightly loose bean paste and hung on the noodles. If you like, you can add vinegar once and it will be refreshing and delicious. ¥ 790 The dumplings were made by wrapping them in leather after ordering. Five slightly large dumplings had a chewy skin that felt like eating well in Sano, and the inside was full of vegetables. ¥ 450 The taste is perfect. They are all delicious.
三児のパパ on Google

昔なつかしの味? 自分も行く時は必ず半ラーメン+チャーハンセット頼みます。 ただ休憩時間が短いと出てくるのが多少かかるので混む時間帯は避けた方がいいかも。 家族経営なのか?ご主人、奥さん、お兄さんかな?会話がなくて見てると面白い反面息があってていいっ! 注文が入ってから餃子も作ってるみたいで旨し❗ おすすめです。 駐車場は2台?3台が限界。
Old-fashioned taste ? Whenever I go, I always order half ramen + fried rice set. However, if the break time is short, it will take some time to come out, so it may be better to avoid busy hours. Is it a family business? Is it your husband, wife, or brother? It's interesting to see it without conversation, but on the other hand, it's nice to have a breath! It seems that dumplings are also made after the order is placed ❗ it's recommended. Two parking lots? 3 units is the limit.
ゆっちぃ on Google

This is my second visit. The parking lot wasn't available, so I vacated it several times and finally entered it! The bean sprout ramen is hot but delicious and I ate it in no time! Next, I'll eat Gomoku Yakisoba!
ちー on Google

I'm going with repeat. Ramen is insanely delicious. Since the dumplings and dumplings also very delicious, this time even thinking of going rice products, will still go to the noodles. Meat shredded ramen is irresistible texture also contains bamboo shoots. Gomoku Ramen also warm up if there is thickened with ingredients plenty. Cospa is also the best. Parking is no problem coming by car because it is in the back of the store.
絹枝横山 on Google

お店の前を通る度に、なんだか賑わっているようで、気になり初めてお邪魔しました。駐車場は裏にもあるみたい。 お店はオープンキッチンで、フライパンを振る音お料理を炒める音!!ライブ感満載でワクワク期待が高まります!!! 提供された炒飯と小ラーメンのセット、あんかけの五目焼きそばも期待を裏切らない美味しさでした❤❤ 焼きそばは、こんがり焼き付け、焦げ目がついたタイプで麺もあんかけも私好みのテイスト❢!❢!❤ ラーメンも綺麗なスープで美味、単品ラーメン?もイケるかも〜?炒飯もGOOD❢❢ 餃子も大ぶりだったので、もう食べ過ぎです☺ 今度は控えめに頼まなくてはね。
Every time I passed in front of the shop, it seemed to be crowded, and I was worried about it for the first time. There seems to be a parking lot on the back. The shop is an open kitchen, the sound of shaking a frying pan, the sound of frying food !! Full of liveliness and exciting expectations will increase !!! The provided fried rice and small ramen set, and the Ankake Gomoku Yakisoba were delicious and did not disappoint. Yakisoba is a type that is browned and browned, and the noodles and ankake are my favorite taste ❢! ❢! ❤ The ramen is also delicious with a beautiful soup, and the single ramen ? may be cool ~ ? Fried rice is also GOOD ❢ ❢ The dumplings were also big, so I've already eaten too much ☺ Now I have to ask modestly.

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