中華そば じるば

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 中華そば じるば

住所 :

Higashihoncho, Tainai, 〒959-2643 Niigata,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–3PM
Sunday 11AM–3PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday 11AM–3PM
Wednesday 11AM–3PM
Thursday 11AM–3PM
Friday 11AM–3PM
街 : Niigata

Higashihoncho, Tainai, 〒959-2643 Niigata,Japan
桑man on Google

母が職場の人と利用したらしいのですが 3人以上はラーメン2種類までと店の人に言われたらしい。 誰か1人は我慢して合わせなきゃいけないらしい。 そんな馬鹿げたシステムのらーめん屋なんてあるわけないと 思ってたが、クチコミ見たら本当らしい…。 そういうシステムならメニュー表に書いとかないと駄目じゃないかな(笑) なので母にアドバイスしました。 「そういう意味不明のシステムやってるラーメン屋に限って 大して美味しくないうえに傲慢な態度なんだよ」と。 恐らく地元の知り合いぐらいにしかマトモに相手できない 他所から嫌われるラーメン屋さんなのだろう。
It seems that my mother used it with people at work. It seems that the shop staff told me that 3 or more people have up to 2 types of ramen. It seems that one person has to put up with it. There is no such a stupid system ramen shop I thought, but it seems likely when I see the word-of-mouth communication ... If it's such a system, I think I have to write it on the menu table (laughs) So I advised my mother. "Only for ramen shops that have such an unknown system It's not very tasty and it's an arrogant attitude. " Probably only local acquaintances can deal with Matomo It's probably a ramen shop that is hated by others.
レイ on Google

私が食べたのは煮干し醤油ラーメンでした。 他の方の写真を見ても分かると思いますが、餃子などのサイドメニューは無いです。 店の雰囲気 店主さんのこだわりが強いのか、麺の固さを変更して貰えないかお願いしたのですが、断られました。 味 全体的に感じた印象はインスタントラーメンぽい味。不味くはありませんが、私は後味が悪いように感じました。
I ate Niboshi soy sauce ramen. As you can see from the photos of other people, there is no side menu such as dumplings. Atmosphere of the store I asked if the owner was very particular about changing the hardness of the noodles, but he refused. taste The overall impression is that it tastes like instant noodles. Not bad, but I felt the aftertaste was bad.
JIJI on Google

Is the soup salty and Menma? But I liked the small noodles and the low-temperature cooked char siu
樋口欽也 on Google

I came to the store in a residential area of ​​Tainai City, relying on the navigation system. A system that purchases meal tickets at a ticket vending machine and hands them to the store. I ordered Chinese noodles (my friend is salted Chinese). Chinese noodles with simple toppings are very common with char siu, seaweed, tip menma, and green onions. Both soy sauce and salt are lightly seasoned (salt does not taste) Menma is salty and sour. The price is ¥ 650 for Chinese noodles, but it's not expensive ...
- ree on Google

It was a homemade and chewy noodle. I received 750 yen for dried soy sauce ramen. The soup stock was good and it was delicious. I want to bother you again.
ryoh 3 on Google

せっかく遠くから来たのに、目当ての煮干し醤油ラーメンがメニューから消えてました、、、 代わりに頼んだ中華★SOBAは麺が細い平打ち?麺で変わっていましたが、味はなんとも普通でした。
Even though I came from afar, the sardine soy sauce ramen I was looking for disappeared from the menu ... Chinese food I ordered instead ★ SOBA is flat noodles with thin noodles? It changed with the noodles, but the taste was normal.
yumi tama on Google

日替りの鶏醤油、中盛り、肉トッピングを注文しました。 平打ちの角ばった麺でひやむぎの様な食感、正直ラーメンを食べた実感は…(^_^;)? あと長くて啜るのが大変。途中で噛み切るのが好きではないので(笑) お肉はレアで柔らかいけど甘味を感じ、レアなハムって感じでした。 次は焼き煮干し食べたいと思います。
I ordered daily chicken soy sauce, medium serving, and meat toppings. The flat, square noodles have a texture like Hiyamugi, and the honest feeling of eating ramen is ... (^_^;)? It's too long to slurp. I don't like to bite off on the way (laughs) The meat was rare and tender but sweet, and it felt like a rare ham. Next, I would like to eat dried sardines.
池井組08 on Google

新年初じるばです! メニューが変わって初の注文は野菜塩湯麺です?美味い?優しい味でも奥深い美味さがあります。白菜、玉葱、人参、モヤシ、ニラ、葱の野菜が塩スープで茹でてあり仕上に溶き卵を入れてある感じです。とろみは無いです。とても美味しかったので次は何を食べようか迷いますネェ?
It's the beginning of the new year! The menu has changed and my first order is vegetable salted tanmen ? Delicious ? Even with a gentle taste, it has a profound taste. Chinese cabbage, onions, carrots, bean sprouts, garlic, and green onions are boiled in salt soup and the finish is like beaten eggs. There is no thickening. It was so delicious that I'm wondering what to eat next ?

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