Hidakaya - Itabashi City

3.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Hidakaya

住所 :

2 Chome-20-3 Narimasu, Itabashi City, Tokyo 175-0094, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8889
Postal code : 175-0094
Webサイト : https://hidakaya.hiday.co.jp/hits/ja/shop/1/detail/129.html
Opening hours :
Saturday 10:30AM–11PM
Sunday 10:30AM–11PM
Monday 10:30AM–11PM
Tuesday 10:30AM–11PM
Wednesday 10:30AM–11PM
Thursday 10:30AM–11PM
Friday 10:30AM–11PM

2 Chome-20-3 Narimasu, Itabashi City, Tokyo 175-0094, Japan
帆波(HONAMI) on Google

A shopping street from Narimasu Station on the Tobu Line to Narimasu Subway. Restaurant fierce battle area. It's one of the shops that doesn't come off in the mood at that time, such as noodles, rice bowls, fried foods, curry, pasta, bread, sushi, etc.
0221ジロー on Google

たまに無性に食べたくなる野菜タンメンを求めて日高屋へ 寒い日に野菜もとれてあっさりの野菜タンメンがたまらないやつです。
Occasionally go to Hidakaya in search of vegetable tanmen who want to eat asexually It's a kind of irresistible vegetable tanmen on cold days.
うり on Google

【場所】 成増駅から徒歩5分程度、ダイエーの横にあります。 駐輪場はないので自転車でいった場合はダイエーの駐輪場に停められます。 【店内】 1階と2階に別れており、2階の方がゆったりしています。 子供椅子も2階にあるので家族連れは2階がいいでしょう。 トイレは1階にあります。 【料理】 チェーン店の中華屋さんといった味です。 可もなく不可もなく。 とんこつラーメンは少し油っぽく感じます。
【place】 It is about 5 minutes on foot from Naruma Station, next to Daiei. There is no bicycle parking lot, so if you go by bicycle you can park at Daiei's bicycle parking lot. 【In shop】 It is divided into the first floor and the second floor, and the second floor is more spacious. There is a children's chair on the second floor, so families should like the second floor. The toilet is on the ground floor. 【cuisine】 It tastes like a Chinese restaurant in a chain store. It's neither good nor bad. I feel that the pork ramen is a bit oily.
浩道矢野 on Google

チゲ味噌ラーメンの天使 日向坂46斎藤京子就任祝で、食べに来たら成増店も、やっぱり旨かった❗️天使の効果で、テイクアウトで、持ち帰った人もいた‼️
Jjigae Miso Ramen Angel Hinatazaka46 Kyoko Saito When I came to eat, the Narimasu store was delicious after all ❗️ Due to the effect of the angel, some people took it home‼ ️
向井晃 on Google

この味で、この価格驚きです。今日は、、野菜たっぷりタンメンをいただきました。野菜350g たっぷり入っています。そして、こくのあるスープ‼️ そして、驚きの価格なんと520円‼️ 日高屋さんの 企業努力にただただ感謝です‼️。
With this taste, this price is amazing. Today, I had tanmen with plenty of vegetables. Vegetables 350g It contains plenty. And rich soup! ️ And a surprising price of 520 yen! ️ I'm just grateful to Hidakaya for his corporate efforts! ️.
JIN ABE on Google

I sat down and looked at the menu and decided what I wanted to eat, but no clerk came and waited at the store for 15 minutes. I didn't come too much, so I decided to eat at another restaurant without asking for anything. Even though many people come to eat dinner, it came to my mind that the person sitting next to me listened to the menu earlier. I really wanted to be more solid.
77 tunetama on Google

I'm glad that you can order various items as a single item. The seats on the first floor are narrow
グルメアカウント on Google

ラーメンはやっつけででて来ました 行くなら駅前の店舗に行ったほうが良いです あちらはすごく美味しいし活気がある こちらは隣のテーブルの食いカスとか食器とかいつまでも片付けないしやっつけラーメンだし肌に合いません
Ramen came out in a hurry If you go, you should go to the store in front of the station It ’s very delicious and lively. This is a ramen that doesn't get rid of the food scraps and tableware on the next table forever and doesn't suit your skin

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