Hattachiike Park - Tahara

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Hattachiike Park

住所 :

Horikiricho, Tahara, Aichi 441-3627, Japan

Postal code : 441-3627

Horikiricho, Tahara, Aichi 441-3627, Japan
にゃんとも on Google

2020年6月6日花菖蒲を目当てに散策しました。 ウォーキングコースも菖蒲も手入れされて過ごしやすいです。 花菖蒲は、今日が七分咲きといったところでしょうか。おそらく数日後満開と思われます。
June 6, 2020 I took a walk for the irises. The walking course and irises are well maintained and it is easy to spend. Is the iris flower in full bloom today? Probably in full bloom in a few days.
マリリン on Google

桜は散りかけていましたが、平日で朝早くウォーキングを兼ねて行ったので。楽しくウォーキング出来ました✌️5月になったらまたしょうぶが楽しみです? ウグイスが鳴いて本当に癒されました。
The cherry blossoms were about to fall, but I went there early in the morning on weekdays for walking. I enjoyed walking ✌️ I'm looking forward to seeing you again in May ? The warbler rang and I was really healed.
加藤鷹也 on Google

伊良湖岬にある 美味しいお店 入り口で元気なおじさんに声をかけられ店内へ 景色の良い2階へ案内され海がよく見える席で美味しいハマグリと刺身定食を食べて来ました。帰りにパイナップルのスティックとネギをおみやげに頂きありがとうございました。また、伺いますね。
Located at Cape Irago Delicious shop At the entrance, a cheerful uncle called me into the store I was guided to the scenic 2nd floor and ate a delicious clam and sashimi set meal at a seat with a good view of the sea. Thank you for giving me a pineapple stick and green onions on my way home. I will visit you again.
上高原賢志 on Google

It was summer when I visited before. There was a cherry tree, so I visited this time because I wanted to come in spring. It wasn't in full bloom as of March 27 because it was near the dam, but it is a beautiful cherry blossom. And there are no people at all, so it's a little-known spot to see the cherry blossoms. I recommend it.
t t (・3・) on Google

初立池に面した、静かで落ち着いた雰囲気の場所。 小高いところにあり、空気が綺麗。 車通りも人も少なく、のんびりするには良い場所です。 桜や菖蒲を植えてあるエリアがありますので、春から夏がオススメです☺️ 秋から冬は枯れ木が多くて寂しい感じ·····。 桜の園、菖蒲園、水上休憩所、親水デッキ、駐車場、トイレがあって、周辺を回ると2km以上になります。 天気の良い日は、ウォーキングやジョギングをする人が結構居ます。 周囲には畑と国指定史跡 東大寺瓦窯跡があるぐらいです。
A quiet and calm place facing the Hatsutate Pond. It is in a small high place and the air is clean. There are few cars and people, so it is a good place to relax. There is an area where cherry blossoms and irises are planted, so spring to summer is recommended ☺️ I feel lonely because there are many dead trees from autumn to winter. There are cherry blossom gardens, iris gardens, water rest areas, hydrophilic decks, parking lots, and toilets, and if you go around the area, it will be over 2km. When the weather is nice, there are quite a few people walking and jogging. There are fields and the remains of the Todaiji tile kiln, which is a nationally designated historic site.
田村きよ子 on Google

とても気持ちが良い場所です。 今は菖蒲と紫陽花が綺麗に咲いていて、 もう少し前には桜?も綺麗に咲き誇っていました。芝生も綺麗に刈られて親子連れの方達はお弁当を広げゆったりしてました。
It's a very pleasant place. Now the irises and hydrangeas are in full bloom, Some time ago, the cherry blossoms ? were in full bloom. The lawn was also mowed cleanly, and people with parents and children spread their lunch boxes and relaxed.
Dawn Matsumura on Google

This park has excellent sakura paths, terraced iris gardens, and picnic tables. Toilet in the South West parking lot. Nice little walk from that lot to the irises. During iris time it's very crowded on the weekend and you could be in a far lot with a long walk.
Chris Carrington on Google

Nice park for a walk around. Quite large so takes about half an hour or so to walk around. There are plenty of benches and gazebos to sit down. We saw quite a few birds and ducks. I expect it's very pretty around sakura season. There were a lot of flowers and botanical life.

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