Irago Shrine - Tahara

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Irago Shrine

住所 :

Iragocho, Tahara, Aichi 441-3624, Japan

Postal code : 441-3624
Webサイト :

Iragocho, Tahara, Aichi 441-3624, Japan
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たまたま道の駅伊良湖クリスタルポルトで伊良湖神社で年末年始に行事があると知り行ってみました。 車で行っても駐車場はありましたが、万一の事を思って海側の日出の石門の無料Pに車を停めて歩いて行きました。夜道真っ暗でちょっと怖かったけど空には満点の☆がきらめいてとても綺麗でした 神社ではお酒や甘酒が振る舞ってくれました(おかわりしてよ~って言われるほど) ごせんだらまつりは夜中0時頃から火が消えるまでされるようですが、神主さんの準備等で時間ははっきりしません 今回は結構遅く、寒さに凍えそうでした ちなみに去年は夜中0時半頃には火が消えそうだったそうです 貴重な場面に立ち会えて良かったです
I happened to know that there was an event at Irago Shrine at Irago Crystal Port, a roadside station. There was a parking lot even if I went by car, but in case of emergency, I parked my car at the free P of Hiji Ishimon on the sea side and walked. It was a bit scary because the road was dark at night, but the sky was full of sparkles and it was very beautiful Alcohol and amazake behaved at the shrine. It seems that the festival will be held from midnight until the fire goes out, but the time is not clear due to the preparation of the priest This time it was quite late and it seemed to freeze in the cold By the way, last year it seemed that the fire was going out at around 0:30 in the middle of the night It was good to be able to attend the precious scene
濱乃翔穏 on Google

この地は、かつて伊勢神宮領の伊良湖御厨(みくりや)とされていました。 伊良湖神社の前身は、848年(または875年)に伊勢湾を望む「宮山」に創建された「伊良久大明神」でした。明治38年になり、伊良湖試砲場拡大に伴う集落移転のため、現在地に遷座されました。御祭神として「栲幡千々姫命(タクハタチチヒメノミコト)」という織物の神様をお祀りし、4月第3日曜日には「おんぞまつり(御衣祭)」が執り行われています。 ・・・そこまで調べて、かつては伊良湖と同じく伊勢神宮神領で御厨であった浜松市三ヶ日町にある、機織りの神様「天棚機媛命(アメノタナバタヒメノミコト)」を祀る「初生衣(うぶぎぬ)神社」との関係に思い至りました。初生衣神社でも伊良湖神社と同じく、4月第2土曜日には「おんぞ祭り」が執り行われています。 初生衣神社は、平安時代から明治18年まで800年以上に渡り、現在の新城市大野から運ばれた赤引きの絹糸を織り、神御衣(かんみそ)として伊勢神宮に奉納してきました。江戸時代からは吉田(現豊橋市)から三河湾と伊勢湾を経て船で運ばれるようになりましたが、室町時代までは、白須賀から渥美半島に入り、表浜沿いの「伊勢街道(ほぼ現在の国道42号線か?)」で伊良湖神社まで運び、その後は海路で伊勢まで運ばれていました。 その意味で、三ヶ日~渥美半島~伊勢は、まさに「日本版シルクロード」にも例えることができ、伊勢に向かう船が出航する地点にある伊良湖神社は重要な役割を担っていました。 なお、豊橋市の豊川河口にある湊神明社でも「 御衣祭(おんぞまつり)」が執り行われていますが、これは海路で神御衣を運んだ江戸時代以後の祭りでしょう。
This place was once regarded as the Irago Mikuriya in the territory of Ise Jingu. The predecessor of Irako Shrine was "Iraku Daimeijin", which was built in 848 (or 875) in "Miyayama" overlooking Ise Bay. In 1883, it was relocated to its current location due to the relocation of the village due to the expansion of the Irago Hoba. As a deity, the god of textiles called "Takuhata Chijihime no Mikoto" is enshrined, and the "Onzo Festival (Gaisai)" is held on the third Sunday of April. After investigating up to that point, "Ubuginu" enshrines the weaving god "Amenotanabatahimenomikoto" in Mikkabi-cho, Hamamatsu City, which used to be a mikuriya in the Ise Jingu Shrine like Lake Irago. I came up with the relationship with "Ginu) Shrine." At Ubuginu Shrine, as with Irako Shrine, the Onzo Festival is held on the second Saturday of April. For more than 800 years from the Heian period to 1887, the first-generation clothing shrine has been dedicated to Ise Jingu as a sacred garment (kanmiso) by weaving red silk thread carried from the current Ono, Shinshiro city. From the Edo period, it was transported by ship from Yoshida (currently Toyohashi City) via Mikawa Bay and Ise Bay, but until the Muromachi period, it entered the Atsumi Peninsula from Shirasuka and entered the "Ise Kaido" along Omotehama. It was carried to Irako Shrine by almost the current National Route 42?), And then by sea to Ise. In that sense, Mikkabi-Atsumi Peninsula-Ise can be likened to the "Japanese Silk Road", and the Irago Shrine, which is the point where ships heading for Ise depart, played an important role. At Minato Shinmeisha, which is located at the mouth of the Toyokawa River in Toyohashi City, the Onzo Festival is also held, but this is probably a festival after the Edo period when God's clothing was carried by sea.
佐々木直子 on Google

神社って合う合わないの個人差があると思うけど、私は伊良湖神社合う方だと思いました。 無人っぽいですが、歴史があるみたい。 空気が清浄な気がします。
I think there are individual differences in shrines that don't fit, but I thought that Irago Shrine fits. It looks unmanned, but it seems to have a history. I feel that the air is clean.
syou matumoto on Google

平日夕方に参拝 主祀神は栲幡千千姫命 やや小高い場所に位置しとても静かな場所 境内には磯丸翁の祠も共にある 伊良湖に来たのなら参拝したい場所
Worship in the evening on weekdays The main deity is Takuhata Chichihime A very quiet place located in a slightly elevated place There is also a shrine of Isomaru in the precincts Places you want to visit if you come to Cape Irago
ティアラ0110 on Google

I like this shrine because it is quiet and has an impact. This is the shrine I want to visit again.
pman on Google

前日に鳥羽から海を渡って来て、あちらでも素敵な神社でお詣りを済ませて来たのですが、無人ながらもこちらもなかなか素敵で趣きのある神社でした?? 間違えて鳥居⛩を車で潜ってそのまま走って行ってしまわないように、その手前の元小学校の廃校跡らしき辺りの横に車を停め、そこからそこそこ歩いて本殿まで向かいました。 辿り着いてから気が付いたのですが、ここの御祭神である栲幡千千姫命(たくはたちぢひめのみこと)は、関西にあるうちの氏神様の神社の御祭神である親子三柱の奥方様でもあり、そこに少なからぬ何らかのご縁を感じましたし??、また、本殿の向かいには遥拝所があって、そこから伊勢神宮と橿原神宮も拝めるとあり、一緒に連れて行った者も橿原神宮と多少のご縁があるので、彼女も何かしら感ずるものがあったのではないかと思います。
The day before, I crossed the sea from Toba and had a prayer at a nice shrine there, but it was also a nice and quaint shrine even though it was unmanned ?? In order not to accidentally dive into the torii ⛩ and run as it is, I parked the car next to what seems to be the closed school ruins of the former elementary school in front of it, and walked from there to the main shrine. After arriving, I noticed that the deity here, Chichihime Kashihara (Takuhata Chijihime no Mikoto), is the deity of the shrine of Ujigami in Kansai. I was also the wife of the shrine, and I felt some kind of connection there ?? Also, there is a Haruka place opposite the main shrine, from which Ise Jingu and Kashihara Jingu can be worshiped, so take me with me The person who went there also had some connection with Kashihara Jingu, so I think she had something to feel.
幸子(さちどら) on Google

ありがっ様・Meaning of thank you in JPN dialect on Google

On the first day of the 6th wave of the Wuhan heat turmoil, I stopped by in the sunny weather. There was also a place of worship because it was a palace that had a close relationship with Ise. It was a worship with nobody, but it is clear that people in the vicinity are cherished. I hope the turmoil will end as soon as possible.

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