Harajuku Drive In - Daisen

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Harajuku Drive In

住所 :

Funato-241-3 Kitanaraoka, Daisen, Akita 019-1702, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88778
Postal code : 019-1702
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–8PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 10AM–8PM
Tuesday 10AM–8PM
Wednesday 10AM–8PM
Thursday 10AM–8PM
Friday 10AM–8PM

Funato-241-3 Kitanaraoka, Daisen, Akita 019-1702, Japan
高橋照雄 on Google

I had Gomoku Miso Ramen, the noodles were mochi mochi and the soup was rich and very delicious ♥ ️
佐藤勇介 on Google

メニューも豊富で、ボリュームがあります。どれも美味しそうでしたが、他の方が注文したにんにくバラ焼き定食の匂いにつられて注文しました!この手は濃いめの味付けが多いですが、私にはちょうどいい味付けで美味しかった! 接客も丁寧でいい店だと思います。
The menu is abundant and voluminous. Everything looked delicious, but I ordered it because of the smell of the garlic rose-grilled set meal ordered by another person! This hand has a lot of strong seasoning, but it was just right for me and it was delicious! I think that the customer service is also polite and good.
samus Jejese on Google

ホルモン定食は濃い目の味付けで美味しかったです。 付け合わせも全て良いお味です。 値段は全体的にやや高めのようです。
The hormone set meal was delicious with a deep seasoning. The garnish is all good. The price seems to be a little higher overall.
小林明夫 on Google

ホルモン定食がオススメです。 再訪 ラーメン定食を食しました。 鶏ガラ醤油スープに縮れ麺のオーソドックスなラーメンで食べやすいです。 ミニチャーシュー丼は多少しょっぱさがあるので、ご飯が進みます。 小鉢の麻婆豆腐とお新香で大満足な定食です。
The hormonal set meal is recommended. Revisited I ate a ramen set meal. It is easy to eat with an orthodox ramen noodles with crumbled noodles in chicken soy sauce soup. There is a little bit of shame on the mini char shu chopsticks, so the rice goes on. It is a very satisfying set meal with small bowls of mapo tofu and fresh incense.
はち on Google

今回は、にんにくバラ肉炒め定食をいただきました。白飯との相性が抜群でおいしかったです。 原宿ドライブインは定食、丼もの、麺類などのメニューがとても豊富で、いつも注文に迷ってしまうくらいです。なので、子供からお年寄りまで、誰と一緒でも安心して食べに行けます。
This time, I had a set meal with garlic ribs. It goes very well with white rice and was delicious. Harajuku Drive-in has a wide variety of menus such as set meals, rice bowls, and noodles, so I always get lost in ordering. Therefore, you can go to eat with peace of mind with anyone, from children to the elderly.
渡部正雄 on Google

Topped with a single stewed meat bowl set meal. It was so delicious that it was simmered with motsuni ~ ? I became addicted to it! I will go to eat again.
全治11年 on Google

お店は奇麗に掃除されてます、明るくて余裕のある間取りです、コロナ対策は店員がマスクをしている以外は一切してないようです。 自分はタンメンを注文しました、こんで無かったのでさほど待たず着丼、早速一口、スープは塩味なのは想像道理なのですがスープに一切野菜炒めの旨みがない、野菜炒めと一緒にスープを食べてもあまり旨みを感じない、スープ自体も味が薄い880円もしたのにこの味は正直酷い、妻が醤油ラーメンを注文、少し貰う和風出汁が利いてる、他ではあまり味わえない味、これは有りかな?娘が味噌ラーメンを注文少し貰う、古くさい味噌ラーメンの味、昭和から一切味の研究してないのかな?あまり美味しくない。 テーブルセットにテッシュが置いてない、自分は体質で食事をとると鼻水が出るのでテッシュが欲しい、 駄目な処ばかり書いたけどここの御飯物はおいしいのでここでは後飯ものを頼んだほうが無難、ラーメンは値段が高いだけの地雷メニュー、今日初めてここのラーメンを頼んだ本当に後悔。
The shop is clean, bright and generous, and it seems that no corona measures are taken except by the clerk wearing a mask. I ordered tanmen, so I didn't have to wait so long, so I didn't have to wait so long. I don't feel the taste so much, the soup itself has a light taste of 880 yen, but this taste is honestly terrible, my wife ordered soy sauce ramen, the Japanese-style soup stock that I get a little is good, there is a taste that I can not taste much elsewhere Wonder? My daughter ordered a little miso ramen, and I wonder if I haven't studied the taste of old-fashioned miso ramen since Showa. Not very tasty. I don't have a Tesh on the table set, I want a Tesh because I have a runny nose when I eat with my constitution I wrote only the bad things, but the rice here is delicious, so it's safer to order the after-meal here, the ramen is a mine menu that is only expensive, and I really regret ordering the ramen here for the first time today.
りぃだ on Google

The greeting is amazing. The roadside station is nearby, but as the drive-in name suggests, it might be good for lunch on Drive 13. There is no counter and the main is a table and a tatami room. There are soba, curry, rice bowl, etc., but I had a garlic rib meat set meal.

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