Hanamaru Udon - Marugame

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Hanamaru Udon

住所 :

2 Chome-1-7 Joseicho, Marugame, Kagawa 763-0032, Japan

電話 : 📞 +887788
Postal code : 763-0032
Webサイト : http://www.hanamaruudon.com/

2 Chome-1-7 Joseicho, Marugame, Kagawa 763-0032, Japan
めしげ on Google

からあげ定食はちょっと待つのだが、揚げたてがきます。 3個590円悪くないだろう
I'll wait for a while for the karaage set meal, but it will be fried. 3 pieces 590 yen not bad
山田雅巳 on Google

Speaking of Kagawa, it ’s udon. So there were so many udon shops and I was wondering where to go, but I was near Marugame Castle, and there was a bowl of udon that I had never eaten so far. The udon noodles were really delicious and very delicious.
筒井臣哉 on Google

It has a stable taste, and now you can get a tempura one-item service ticket until 1/16. You can use it the next time you visit the store.
ALPINA 2002 on Google

何気に行ったことが無かったので お昼前に初めて行ってみた。 こう言う表現は失礼だが意外と混んでいた。 学生さんが多いかな?あと、1人で食べている女性も多く見受けられた。 他のうどん屋と比べたら店内の清潔感はずば抜けてキレイだと思います。 「冷かけ」がオススメ 全国チェーンのうどん屋とは思えないクオリティ 何故か「かけ」より値段が高いのが難点ですが。
I've never been to anything I went there for the first time before noon. This expression is rude, but it was unexpectedly crowded. Is there a lot of students? Also, many women were eating alone. Compared to other udon restaurants, the cleanliness of the restaurant is outstandingly beautiful. "Cold" is recommended Quality that you can't think of as a national chain udon restaurant For some reason, the price is higher than "Kake".
グレートハンサムボーイ on Google

近場にあったのに全く気づかずにいました。 香川に引っ越して半年ですが、コロナの為、夜の食事場所が殆ど無く結構難儀していた時に知っていたらなぁとw うどん屋さんが香川では昼に閉まってしまい夜まで開店しているうどん屋さんは貴重ですね。ただでさえ飲食店が減っているんで。 で、うどんですが、出汁は比較的自分好みで味も香川では濃い目です。(関西じゃ普通です) うどん自体はどっちかといえばカスカスの部類かと。 もうちょい腰あってもちっとしたほうが好みですが、モチモチ感がほぼ無し、腰も弱いが香川好みですかね。うどん好きな香川民先輩の情報では。 天ぷらのかき揚げはボリューム感があります。 創作うどんがこのチェーン店の売りでしょうか。 他所では食べたことが無いうどんバリエーションですね。 テレビであった焼芋天ぷらは確かにねっとりした甘みの強い焼き芋の衣着きといった感じで初見は美味しいと感じました。 芋天ぷらが元々好きでは無いのでコメント好きはこの程度ですが(汗) 子供連れ家族で来やすいんでしょう。 賑やかしい店内でした。 セルフうどん店ってなにか受付含め陰気臭いというか、職人風気取っているのか、無愛想チックで好感持てないのがなにか理解出来たような。子供ウケしない、家族でこようって感じない。 このチェーン店ではそれが無い。 時代遅れの接客風味を見習ったら良いのにと思えました。 うどん麺がもうちょいモチモチならベスト・バイ なんだが惜しい! でも、色々食べるのに通います。
I was in the vicinity, but I didn't notice it at all. It's been half a year since I moved to Kagawa, but I wish I knew it when I was having a hard time because there was almost no place to eat at night because of the corona. Udon restaurants that close in the daytime and open until night in Kagawa are valuable. The number of restaurants is decreasing. As for udon, the soup stock is relatively personal and the taste is strong in Kagawa. (Normal in Kansai) Udon itself is more like cascus. I prefer to have a little waist, but I don't feel chewy, and I have a weak waist, but I like Kagawa. According to the information of Kagawa Minoru, who likes udon. Kakiage of tempura has a voluminous feel. Is the creative udon sold at this chain store? It's a variation that I have never eaten elsewhere. The roasted sweet potato tempura that was on TV certainly felt like a sticky and sweet roasted sweet potato, and I felt it was delicious for the first time. I don't like potato tempura originally, so I like comments like this (sweat) It's easy to come with a family with children. It was a lively store. It seems that I could understand that the self-made udon shop is gloomy, including the receptionist, or that it has a craftsmanship, and that it is unfriendly and unfavorable. I don't like children, I don't feel like coming with my family. This chain store doesn't have it. I thought it would be nice to emulate the outdated customer service flavor. If udon noodles are mochi mochi, it's the best buy, but it's regrettable! But I go to eat a lot.
たかひこさん(Takahiko) on Google

1番よく行くうどん屋かもしれない( ◠‿◠ ) アプリのクーポンで天ぷらが安くなったりしますよー 限定メニューの焼きうどんも美味しかった( ◠‿◠ )
It may be the udon restaurant I go to most often (◠‿◠) Tempura will be cheaper with the coupon of the application. The limited menu yaki udon was also delicious (◠‿◠)
Julius Wang on Google

ここ「はなまるうどん丸亀城西店」は県道33号線の「東進衛星予備校」の道を挟んで反対側の道路沿いにあります。駐車場も広くて車を駐車しやすいです。 ここはいつ来ても安定した美味しさです。 本日は開店時間10:00を2時間過ぎた12:00頃に到着。既に駐車場は車でいっぱいです。 早速中に入ると店員さんのハキハキした声が良い感じです。うどんのメニューも豊富にあり、天ぷらやおにぎり、いなり寿司も充実してます。 今回は用事で急いでたので「しょうゆうどん(小)」と「かしわ天」を頂きました。 うどんの方ですが、渡された丼の中の麺は艶々して見るからに美味しそうです。丼も「はなまる」の文字と、「はなまる」の花が描かれていて綺麗です。また麺の上にはネギと大根おろしが最初から乗ってます。これにセルフの天かすを入れました。天かすも2種類あるので、その日の気分で入れる天かすを変えるのも良いですね。 「しょうゆうどん」には専用の醤油が丼と一緒に渡されるので、2周程専用醤油を垂らして思い切りかき混ぜ一口啜ると、麺が非常に美味しいくコシもしっかりあり、ツルツル食べれます。ホントに美味しいです!!これから暑くなる季節「しょうゆうどん」はお勧めです。 「かしわ天」の方は、110円セール期間中だったので、一個頂きましたが、さすが「はなまるうどん」の「かしわ天」だけあって非常に美味しいです。店を出た後も「かしわ天」の旨さが口の中に残ってました。この分だと冷めてても美味しいと思います。なので今度来た時はビールの肴や、ご飯のおかず用に買って帰りたいと思います。 「かしわ天」の他にも「鶏千のから揚げ」もお勧めです。また、「うどん弁当」や「吉野家の紅生姜天」も美味しそうです。機会があれは頂いてみたいと思います。
Here, "Hanamaru Udon Marugame Josei Store" is located on the opposite side of the road of "Toshin Satellite Preparatory School" on Prefectural Road 33. The parking lot is large and it is easy to park your car. It's always delicious here. Arrived today around 12:00, two hours after the opening time of 10:00. The parking lot is already full of cars. Immediately inside, the clerk's fluttering voice feels good. There is also a wide selection of udon noodles, including tempura, rice balls, and inari sushi. This time I was in a hurry for business, so I received "Soy sauce udon (small)" and "Kashiwaten". As for udon noodles, the noodles in the bowl that I was given look glossy and look delicious. The bowl is also beautiful with the letters "Hanamaru" and the flowers of "Hanamaru" drawn on it. Also, green onions and grated radish are on top of the noodles from the beginning. I put a self-made tenkasu in this. There are two types of tenkasu, so it's a good idea to change the tenkasu you put in depending on the mood of the day. The special soy sauce is given to "Shoyudon" along with the bowl, so if you drip the special soy sauce for about 2 laps and stir it with a sip, the noodles will be very delicious and chewy, and you can eat it smoothly. It's really delicious !! We recommend the hot season "Soy sauce udon". The "Kashiwaten" was on sale for 110 yen, so I got one, but it's really delicious because there is only "Kashiwaten" from "Hanamaru Udon". Even after I left the store, the taste of "Kashiwaten" remained in my mouth. I think that this amount is delicious even if it gets cold. So next time I come, I'd like to buy it for beer and side dishes for rice. In addition to "Kashiwaten", we also recommend "Chicken fried chicken". Also, "Udon bento" and "Yoshinoya pickled ginger heaven" look delicious. I would like to have the opportunity.
Marco Wirjadi on Google

An Udon chain restaurant which could be found in quite many places. Decent price with a good taste and lots of side dish option including several tempura and fish cake soup.

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