Hamana - Okazaki

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Hamana

住所 :

Deai-1-1 Okacho, Okazaki, Aichi 444-0005, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89898
Postal code : 444-0005

Deai-1-1 Okacho, Okazaki, Aichi 444-0005, Japan
Koji M on Google

ワンオペ人気店ゆえに少々待ちました。 車内での待機は不可で店の軒下で待ちます。 入店後,ルールに従い自ら注文伝票に記入し, テーブルの角に置きます。 店主がそれを回収し, ほどなくして料理が運ばれてきました。 脂身の多いロースカツは甘いが決してくどくなく, ヒレカツは柔らかく肉の旨味もしっかりしており, どちらも美味しかったです。 客足が絶えないのも納得しました。
I waited for a while because it is a popular one-operated shop. Waiting in the car is not possible and will wait under the eaves of the store. After entering the store, fill out the order slip by yourself according to the rules Place it in the corner of the table. The shopkeeper collects it and Soon after, the food was delivered. Loin cutlet with a lot of fat is sweet but never too bad The pork cutlet is tender and the meat has a strong flavor. They were both delicious. I was convinced that the number of customers was constant.
やんひろ on Google

味噌かつ好きにはたまらないお店。初めて行ったのでとりあえず定番の味噌かつ定食を注文しました。注文をオーダーシートに書くと頃合を見計らいご店主が取りにくる方式です。 味噌だれはかけるタイプではなく着けてから盛り付けされていて裏側まで美味しい!大盛りにすればよかったと後悔するぐらい美味しかった。また行きます。
A shop that is irresistible for miso and lovers. Since I went there for the first time, I ordered the standard miso and set meal for the time being. When you write an order on the order sheet, the shop owner will pick it up at the right time. Miso sauce is not a type to put on, but it is served after wearing it and it is delicious to the back side! It was so delicious that I regret that I should have made it a large serving. I will go again.
サハラ on Google

仕事の関係で近くにきたので、お昼に伺わせて頂きました。 店内はテーブル・座敷・カウンターがあるとはいえ若干狭めですが、必要十分のスペースはあります。 注文が注文表記入で指定場所に置くなど独特となっておりますが、一人で対応されているから調理に集中する為にも必要な対応でした。 その分昨今のコロナ禍において黙食には合致した方法となっております。 頂いたのはみそヒレカツ定食大でしたが、形がゴツっとなってますが、その分ヒレ肉の肉質や纏っている味噌がたっぷり堪能できる出来上がりとなっているので美味しく頂けました。 国道1号から曲がってすぐとアクセスも良いのでお近くに来て時間がある場合はおすすめのお店です。
I came near because of my work, so I visited him at noon. Although the store has a table, tatami room, and counter, it is a little narrow, but there is enough space. It is unique that the order is placed in the designated place by filling in the order form, but since it is handled by one person, it was necessary to concentrate on cooking. For that reason, it has become a method that matches silent eating in the recent corona disaster. The one I received was the size of a miso fillet set meal, but the shape was rugged, but the meat quality of the fillet and the miso that I was wearing were fully enjoyed, so it was delicious. It's easy to access as soon as you turn from National Highway No. 1, so it's a recommended shop if you have time to come nearby.
Nagoya wayan on Google

色々悪い評価も見て、 日曜日の昼オープン直後に伺いました。 お店側からのオーダーの仕方や色々指定がありましたが… 味噌ヒレカツ大定食を食べたら全て吹き飛びました。 連れはおろしヒレ定食。 唯一、味噌汁がイマイチで したから★4 美味しいかったです!
Seeing various bad evaluations, I visited immediately after the opening on Sunday afternoon. There were various specifications such as how to order from the shop side ... When I ate the miso pork cutlet large set meal, everything was blown away. The companion is a grated fillet set meal. Only miso soup is not good Because I did ★ 4 It was delicious!
Hal Naka on Google

東名岡崎IC近くにこんな美味いトンカツ屋さんあったとは驚きです。 メニューには味噌ヒレカツが1番上に書かれていますが、お勧めは味噌ロースカツですね。 笑うほど柔らかい。 そして味噌との相性抜群。 男性ならペロリと食べてしまうので、大にした方がいいと思います。 強面の亭主が1人でやっておられるので、料理が出るまで多少時間がかかります。 厨房の清潔さから見てもいい仕事をしてるのがよく分かります。 また近く通りかかったら行ってみたいですね。 そうそう、少しオーダーの仕方が独特です?
It is surprising that there was such a delicious pork cutlet shop near the Tomei Okazaki IC. Miso pork cutlet is written at the top of the menu, but I recommend miso pork cutlet. Soft enough to laugh. And it goes well with miso. If you are a man, you will eat it easily, so I think you should make it bigger. Since the strong host is alone, it will take some time for the food to be served. From the cleanliness of the kitchen, you can see that it is doing a good job. I would like to go there again when I pass by. Oh yeah, the way of ordering is a little unique ?
ゴマ煮 / Boiled Sesame on Google

2021年10月9日20:00ごろ2名で訪問しました。 最初は他の飲食店では見ない注文方法で、あまり会話も発生しないので、少し寂しさがありました。 ロース味噌定食を注文しました。 最初は赤味噌汁?も少し少なめかなと思いました。が、 食べてみると、とても柔らかく、美味い…車で6時間掛けてまでも、また食べたいと思えるおいしさ。 一緒に行った友人も同じことを言っていましたが、 味噌汁の量も計算され尽くした全てにおいて予想を遥かに超えてくるお味でした。 店主の方もとても良い方でした。本当にご馳走様でした。 またロース味噌定が食べたくなったら、今度行きたいと思います。 レビューに書いておいて、あれですが、誰にも教えたくない名店。 2021/11/14にも3名でリピートさせていただきました!ご馳走様です!!
We visited with two people around 20:00 on October 9, 2021. At first, I was a little lonely because I didn't have much conversation with the ordering method that I didn't see at other restaurants. I ordered a loin miso set meal. At first, I thought that red miso soup was a little less. but, When I tried it, it was very soft and delicious ... It was delicious that I wanted to eat again even if I took 6 hours by car. A friend I went with said the same thing, The amount of miso soup was calculated and the taste was far beyond expectations. The shop owner was also very good. It was really a treat. If I want to eat loin miso soup, I would like to go there next time. I wrote it in the review, but it's a well-known store that I don't want to tell anyone. We also repeated on 2021/11/14 with 3 people! It's a treat! !!
May Nozawa on Google

This restaurant is a one-man show. The owner does everything there. Small but nice restaurant. The miso katsu is really delicious! Highly recommended.
PoPo (Pちゃん) on Google

This restaurant has a varied tonkotsu menu. You can choose what you want to eat. If you want to eat delicious tonkatsu, this is the place to go. Master is a good person. If you have any negative emotions in this place, I think you should review your attitude. Because he is saying right about our manners.

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