
4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 七重

住所 :

Hakushucho Shirasu, Hokuto, 〒408-0315 Yamanashi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–4PM
Sunday 11:30AM–4PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday Closed
Thursday Closed
Friday 11:30AM–4PM
街 : Yamanashi

Hakushucho Shirasu, Hokuto, 〒408-0315 Yamanashi,Japan
黒木貴広 on Google

The soba is the best! Birds are also good.
Ariga Yasuhiro on Google

天ぷらそば、とても美味しいです。女将さんやご主人も優しいし。 足の悪い方でも椅子席なので安心ですよ。 また、お店周辺の景色が絶景です。
Tempura soba is very delicious. The landlady and her husband are also kind. Even if you have a bad foot, you can rest assured that it is a chair seat. In addition, the scenery around the shop is superb.
遠藤崇寛 on Google

I asked for a colander and a trimotsu. It was delicious ?? The sauce of the offal was the best.
岩谷真之 on Google

元々は、街中でやっていて、店を大きくして! 年を取り、2人でできる範囲で、更に最高の水を求めた結果。甲斐駒ヶ岳からの湧水 俗に言う 南アルプスの天然水で有名な白州にある奥さんの実家にたどり着いたのだと! 蕎麦に合う水 蕎麦が立つ水 美味しい! 鳥もつ煮も、臭味なくさっぱり。 駐車場が小さいので、運転に自信がない方は、道の駅白州に停めて、歩いて行きましょう。
Originally, I was doing it all over the city, and I made a store bigger! As a result of getting older, seeking the best water that can be done by two people. The spring water from Kai Komagatake is said to have arrived at the wife's parents' house in Hakushu, famous for the natural waters of the Southern Alps! The water that goes well with buckwheat is delicious! The simmered chicken also has no odor. Since the parking lot is small, if you are not confident in driving, stop at Hakushu Road Station and walk.
おつかれんこ on Google

11:30からの営業のお店ですが、11:00に到着。駐車場で待っていると、11:10頃に店主に、予約じゃないですか?と、声を掛けられ、違うと伝えると、どうぞ中へ入って、食べて行って下さいと? 嬉しいあまりです。 店内は落ち着いた雰囲気で、のんびり出来ます。 天ぷらも、漬物も美味しい❗ 蕎麦は、めんつゆをつけないで食べても、本当に美味しい☺️ また是非行きたいと思います❗
The shop is open from 11:30, but arrives at 11:00. When I was waiting at the parking lot, wasn't it a reservation for the shop owner around 11:10? When I was told that it was different, please go inside and eat ? I'm so happy. The inside of the store has a calm atmosphere and you can relax. Tempura and pickles are delicious ❗ Soba is really delicious even if you eat it without mentsuyu ☺️ I would love to go again ❗
Papa T_K on Google

繁忙期や土日は予約必須です、飛び込みで行っても予約優先の為入れないことがあります。 また駐車場が狭い&そこに至るまでの道も狭いです。 大きい車で行く方は注意。道の駅に停めて歩いた方がいいかも。 蕎麦はもちろんなのですが、鶏もつ煮が最高に旨いです。 単品でも良し、鶏もつ煮丼もあのタレが絶品です。 ただし遅い時間に行くとご飯が無くなってしまい、丼ものがオーダー出来ないこともあります。 欠点と言えば、ファミリー向けではないところですかね? 子供が食べるようなメニューはありません。
Reservations are required during busy seasons and weekends, and even if you jump in, you may not be able to enter because reservations are prioritized. Also, the parking lot is narrow & the road to it is also narrow. Be careful if you go by big car. It might be better to stop at the roadside station and walk. Not to mention soba, but chicken motsuni is the best. It can be a single item, and the sauce of the chicken motsuni rice bowl is excellent. However, if you go late, you may run out of rice and you may not be able to order rice bowls. The downside is that it's not for families, right? There is no menu for children to eat.
spring on Google

田舎のおばあちゃんの家のような一軒家の一室で、ほっこりしながら食事ができました。 量も多く、もつ煮が美味しかったです。 電話応対や接客もとても感じが良かったです。
I was able to eat while relaxing in a room of a single-family house like a grandma's house in the countryside. The amount was large and the motsuni was delicious. The telephone response and customer service were also very nice.
Taka “Shibu2y” on Google

車で行きましたが、細い道を通り、一軒家で入口も分かりづらかったです。 駐車場はそれほど大きくないので、早めに行った方が良いと思います。 ご夫婦でやられているようで素敵な感じの店内でした。座席は4名×4席くらい。 上天ぷら蕎麦を頂きました。 美味しかったです。
I went by car, but it was difficult to find the entrance to the house because I went through a narrow road. The parking lot is not so big, so I think it's better to go early. It was a nice interior that seems to be done by a couple. The seats are about 4 people x 4 seats. I had the top tempura soba. It was delicious.

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