そば処 虚空蔵

3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact そば処 虚空蔵

住所 :

Hagimuro, Kawaba, Tone District, 〒378-0111 Gunma,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8787
Webサイト : https://www.denenplaza.co.jp/service/kokuzo
街 : Gunma

Hagimuro, Kawaba, Tone District, 〒378-0111 Gunma,Japan
小3男子 on Google

It is a soba shop in the roadside station. All soba soups are delicious, but the soba itself is normal. I felt a little soft. Service pickles can be refilled. However, it is a little expensive.
字音広告 on Google

午前11時開店のところ、お店の入口で並んでいたら10時45分にお店を開けて下さいました。(ちょっと好感触?) 1番で席に案内していただき、さっそくオーダー。 一升盛とミニたれカツ丼と蕎麦屋の小悪魔どんぶり。 お蕎麦は普通・・・と言うかイマイチでしたが、蕎麦屋の小悪魔どんぶり美味しかったです。 リピートするかどうかと問われると微妙って感じです。
The store opened at 11:00 am, but when I was lined up at the entrance of the store, it opened at 10:45. (Slightly good feeling ?) I asked you to take me to your seat at number 1 and order immediately. A small devil bowl with a small bowl of katsudon and a soba restaurant. The soba was normal ... I didn't like it, but the small devil bowl at the soba restaurant was delicious. It feels subtle when asked if I want to repeat.
tilland sia on Google

「てんぷら付きせいろ蕎麦」を大盛りで頂きました。 テーブルにはネギ、細切り海苔、黒七味、わさびが好きなだけ入れられるよう置いてあり、お漬物、天かす、お茶は、設置場所まで取りに行くシステムです。 揚げたてサクサクの天ぷらとコシのある蕎麦に大満足でした。 接客も感じ良く、マスク越しにも分かるステキな笑顔に癒されました。
We had a large serving of "Seiro soba with tempura". Welsh onions, shredded seaweed, black shichimi, and wasabi are placed on the table as much as you like, and pickles, tenkasu, and tea are taken to the installation location. I was very satisfied with the freshly fried crispy tempura and the chewy buckwheat noodles. The customer service was pleasant, and I was healed by the wonderful smile that I could see through the mask.
Masa No on Google

Located on the premises of the roadside station. It is a very chewy buckwheat noodle. I felt stronger than Musashino udon. I thought it would not be suitable for people who are undergoing dental treatment. The taste is normal and has no habit.
ちろしま on Google

I had it at the outside seat. It was November 13th, but it was a calm day. It's a little chilly so my husband is a duck steamer and I'm a warm soba with fox and maitake mushrooms. The serving is a little sweet, but it's not too bad. Although the buckwheat was warm, it was chewy and I was very satisfied. Although it is written in various reviews, it is recommended for those who have time to spare. I had buckwheat tea while having pickled Chinese cabbage, and it was very delicious. Cospa is a roadside station, so it's a little expensive.
nobuko fukushima on Google

初めてきました。13時すぎですが、満席で少しまってから入店。 とで忙しそうでしたが、キビキビとしたスタッフさんが好感をもてました。 注文をして15分ほどして、きました。 アツアツで美味しく、たべられました。 ちょっとしょっぱい味つけは、群馬ならではかな? 七味がちょっとかわっていて、よかったです。
I came for the first time. It's past 13:00, but I entered the store after a while when it was full. It seemed to be busy, but the staff who were squeaky liked it. I placed an order and it took about 15 minutes. It was hot and delicious and was eaten. Is the slightly salty seasoning unique to Gunma? I'm glad that Shichimi has changed a little.
シンジ on Google

蕎麦が酷い。 短い蕎麦と細かい断片だらけ。 啜れるサイズの蕎麦は極わずかで食べづらくて仕方なかったです。 後半米粒サイズの蕎麦を集めるのは苦行でした。 上記のイライラで補正かかってるかもしれませんが、味は普通。 値段程の味は残念ながらしません。 天ぷらも下の方はべちゃべちゃ。 せっかく上の方はサクサクにあがってるんですけどね、もったいない。 平日の昼に行きましたが、うまくさばけていないのか対応が雑で遅めでした。 店構えがよかっただけに期待して入りましたが、期待外れでした。
The soba is terrible. Full of short buckwheat noodles and small pieces. The size of the soba noodles was so small that it was hard to eat. It was a penance to collect buckwheat noodles of the size of rice grains in the second half. It may have been corrected by the above frustration, but the taste is normal. Unfortunately, it doesn't taste as good as the price. The lower part of the tempura is also messy. The upper one is crispy, but it's a waste. I went there at noon on weekdays, but it was late because the response was rough because I wasn't able to handle it well. I entered with the expectation that the store was well-positioned, but it was disappointing.
Etsuko on Google

雰囲気もよく、美味しくいただきました。 蕎麦自体は普通かなと思います。 天ぷらはもう少し衣が少ない方が好みですが。 お茶はセルフサービス。 海苔とネギ、漬物、天かすがフリーでいただけます。 ペイペイや、地域振興券が使えます。
The atmosphere was good and it was delicious. I think the soba itself is normal. I prefer tempura to have a little less batter. Tea is self-service. You can enjoy seaweed, green onions, pickles, and tempura free of charge. You can use PayPay and regional promotion tickets.

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