十割そば 迦しょう

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 十割そば 迦しょう

住所 :

Nakahotchimachi, Numata, 〒378-0072 Gunma,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8789
Webサイト : https://konjac-kasho.com/
街 : Gunma

Nakahotchimachi, Numata, 〒378-0072 Gunma,Japan
瀬戸城二 on Google

This is a store that I will never go to. The assortment of konjac in the photo took 20 minutes. Explained that I was excused when I reached the side and responded that I started even after 40 minutes. I wondered if other people's posts were crowded, but I found something different. I don't understand what time is spent. Tempura is said to take more time, so I changed it, but I can not wait for 50 minutes.
Takashi Shiihara on Google

蕎麦は美味しいですが、待ち時間長いです 余裕がある時に行きましょう
Soba is delicious, but the waiting time is long Let's go when we can afford
雷太風太 on Google

It's 100% buckwheat noodles, but it looks like white Sarashina with few buckwheat husks. It's delicious but the aroma is low. The walnut soba was delicious by sipping the walnuts myself. Kakiage of seasonal sakura shrimp is also crispy and delicious. The amount is small and the price is a little expensive, so it may not be enough for young children
山中由紀子 on Google

100% buckwheat is delicious ? You can enjoy the good scent of buckwheat even if it is warm or warm ? The handmade konjac was also a super horse
山口良通 on Google

良いですねぇ! 蕎麦美味いです! あったりまえです。今日は会津産でした。 懐かしく思いました。天ぷらが素晴らしく美味しかったです!!!! 油が良いのかなあ? 揚げ方が上手なのかな? たぶんどちらもでしょうねえ。また来年、りんご狩りの後に寄らせていただきます。
It's good! The soba is delicious! It was from Aizu today. I missed it. The tempura was wonderfully delicious !!!! Is the oil good? Is it good at frying? Probably both. Next year, I will stop by after picking apples.
とーちゃん on Google

旅行中の昼食で利用しました 11時過ぎに到着して 入ろうとしたら11時半から 営業開始とのこと… 隣のなめこセンターで時間を潰し 開店後にお店で注文してから… なかなか出て来ないので 口コミ検索してみると 確かに他の口コミにあったように 出てくるまではとても時間はかかります? 11時半に注文して 12時15分頃1枚目の北海道産が来ました 確かに美味しい? 今まで食べたそばの中で ダントツに1番そばの風味が 楽しめます? そして2枚目の会津産も 蕎麦の風味は北海道産ほどでは 無かったですが コシが強くのどごしは こちらの方が上な気がしました? 大盛り注文なので 3枚目は 個人的にはコシ強めが好きなので 会津産をおかわりしました 連れが胡桃そば、とろろそばを 頼んでましたが どちらも美味しく 特に胡桃は自分ですり鉢でするので 風味も強く美味しかったです こだわりがあって 美味しいのも十分な“価値”ですが お客を待たせないのも大切な “価値”ですので 効率を上げる努力も必要かと思い ☆4つです… 味だけなら十分すぎるほどの 費用対効果ですので 時間に余裕を持って行けるときになら オススメです
I used it for lunch while traveling Arrived after 11 o'clock If you try to enter, from 11:30 It is said that the business will start ... Kill time at the nameko center next door After ordering at the store after opening ... Because it doesn't come out easily When I search for reviews Certainly as in other reviews It will take a long time to come out ? Order at 11:30 Around 12:15, the first Hokkaido product came Definitely delicious ? Among the soba I have ever eaten The flavor of the first buckwheat noodles in Dantotsu Enjoy ? And the second piece from Aizu The flavor of soba is not as good as that produced in Hokkaido I didn't have it It ’s very chewy I felt that this was better ? Because it is a large order The third piece is I personally like to strengthen the body We have refilled Aizu products My companion is walnut soba and tororo soba I was asking Both are delicious Especially walnuts are mortared by myself The flavor was strong and delicious There is a commitment Delicious is also enough "value" It is also important not to keep customers waiting Because it is "value" I think it is necessary to make efforts to improve efficiency ☆ There are four ... The taste is more than enough Because it is cost effective If you have time to spare Recommended
Carたっちー(たっちーCar) on Google

超オススメの蕎麦屋さんです。 蕎麦も天ぷらも、めちゃめちゃ美味しい。 出てくるのが遅い書き込みがありましたが、ささっと出てくる、ファーストフード的蕎麦ではなく、こだわった、しっかり美味しい蕎麦です。 急ぐ方には向かないでしょう、蕎麦をしっかり味わいたい人向けのお店です。 お一人様スキーの帰り、昼時。沼田の街中出ると、どの店も混んでるだろうと、で、山下る途中に蕎麦屋が幾つかあったなと。。。 お店には失礼ですが、適当に、田舎蕎麦が食べれればいいくらいに思って、ちょうどあった店がこの店です。 田舎の蕎麦屋さんというのは、だいたい、一定レベル、美味しい、きっとそんな蕎麦だと思って。。 そしたら、いい意味で、違ってました。 かなり拘った美味しい蕎麦。 二種盛は、産地違いの蕎麦が食べれます。 10割蕎麦です。 ぼそぼそ感とかはないです。 適度な粗くひいた感じもありますが、それでいて、食べた時に滑らかさがありのど越しも良い感じ。適度な腰を感じます。 蕎麦好きですが、それほど蕎麦通ではないので、普段は、汁にびたっと付けますが、この蕎麦は、そのまま何もつけずに食べたくなる蕎麦でした。 2種盛、この日は、北海道産と秋田産とのことでした。 1種類が先に出てきて、食べ終わる頃を見計り茹でてくれます。 まあ、ちょっとした蕎麦のコースという感じです。 さらに、驚きは、天ぷら。 めちゃ美味しいです。 インゲンとかの野菜は、新鮮なもの。 それを、いい感じに火が通った、シャキシャキ感あるところで 揚げられてます。 天ぷらまで、美味しい。 山なので、素材はどんなレベルのものかわかりませんが まさかのエビまでプリップリ。 めちゃめちゃ満足なお昼となりました。
This is a highly recommended soba restaurant. Both soba and tempura are really delicious. There was a note that it came out late, but it is not a fast food soba that comes out quickly, but a solid and delicious soba that is particular about it. It is a shop for people who want to taste soba well, which is not suitable for those who are in a hurry. One person on the way home from skiing, at noon. When I went out in the city of Numata, all the shops would be crowded, and there were some soba shops on the way down the mountain. .. .. Excuse me for the shop, but I thought it would be nice if I could eat countryside soba, so this shop was just there. I think that a soba restaurant in the countryside is a kind of soba that is delicious at a certain level. .. Then, in a good way, it was different. Delicious soba that was very particular about it. You can eat soba noodles from different origins in the two kinds of soba. It is 100% soba. There is no feeling of sloppyness. It has a moderately rough feel, but it is smooth and smooth when eaten. I feel a moderate waist. I like buckwheat noodles, but I'm not a big fan of buckwheat noodles, so I usually add it to the soba, but this buckwheat noodles made me want to eat without adding anything. Two kinds of assortment, this day was from Hokkaido and Akita. One type comes out first, and it will be boiled at the end of eating. Well, it feels like a little soba course. Furthermore, the surprise is tempura. It's really delicious. Vegetables such as green beans are fresh. It's a nicely cooked, crispy place It is fried. Even tempura is delicious. It ’s a mountain, so I do n’t know what level the material is. Even the shrimp is really delicious. It was a very satisfying lunch.
箕輪明 on Google

You can eat and compare two types of soba from Hokkaido and Aizu. The 100% thin and beautifully laid-out figure is appetizing. The soup has a gentle taste that goes well with soba. However, it is a pity that this soba is not a real wasabi. Thank you for the meal. The soba was very delicious.

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