Goemon Nisshin-Iwasaki store - Nisshin

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Goemon Nisshin-Iwasaki store

住所 :

Rokubo-88 Iwasakicho, Nisshin, Aichi 470-0131, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8777
Postal code : 470-0131
Webサイト : https://www.yomenya-goemon.com/

Rokubo-88 Iwasakicho, Nisshin, Aichi 470-0131, Japan
Y N on Google

ジェノベーゼ美味しいです メニューが沢山あって迷っちゃう。どれも美味しそう(^o^)
Genovese is delicious I get lost because there are many menus. Everything looks delicious (^ o ^)
sinit nakamura on Google

スープ2分、パスタ12分、ピザパイ19分 カルボナーラ美味しい買ったです。
2 minutes soup, 12 minutes pasta, 19 minutes pizza pie I bought a nice carbonara.
たわむれ膝小僧 on Google

おいしかった。 でも、やっぱりお高め。 乾麺のこのパスタ単品で1200円と言われたら微妙。でも、おいしいんだけどね。
it was delicious. However, as a matter of course, it is higher. It is subtle when it is said that 1,200 yen is pure for this pasta of dry noodles. But it is delicious.
猫蔵ちゃん on Google

パスタを美味しく頂けるお店です 季節のメニュー、デザートや大盛りもあります 満足出来ない人は少ないんじゃないかな? 小さいお子様を連れていても大丈夫ですしね 勿論キッズメニューも万全です? 難点があるとすれば、ご想像通り混んでる事位でしょうか 万人にオススメ出来るお店です
A restaurant where you can taste pasta There is also a seasonal menu, desserts and large servings Isn't there few people who can't be satisfied? It's okay if you bring small children Of course, the kids menu is also perfect. If there is a difficulty, is it as crowded as you can imagine It is a shop that can be recommended to everyone
mimizu OK on Google

駐車場に入った時から満車だったので混雑してるのは想像通りでしたが、 ランチタイムからは外れているのに、お待ち人数多い上に席が片付けられないから客を入れられないのか、、、 席空いてるのに料理頼んでから出てくるまで30分以上とか、、、 他の五右衛門さんではありえない状況、、、 パスタ美味しいだけに泣いた
It was as expected that it was crowded because it was full from the time I entered the parking lot. Even though it's off lunch time, there are a lot of people waiting and I can't get rid of the seats, so I wonder if I can't accommodate customers ... Even though the seats are vacant, it takes more than 30 minutes from asking for food until it comes out ... A situation that cannot be done by other Goemon-san ... I cried because the pasta was delicious
chig lily on Google

どのパスタも美味しい。 毎回どれにしようか悩みます。 パスタ以外のメニュー(ピザやデザート)はイマイチなので、パスタに全集中が吉です。
Every pasta is delicious. I always wonder which one to choose. Menus other than pasta (pizza and dessert) are not good, so it is good to concentrate on pasta.
Okb mimizu on Google

Perhaps the seats couldn't be cleaned up in time, and even if there were vacant seats, the customers were kept waiting outside. Even if I finally put it in the store, it takes too much time from ordering to serving. Is it a shortage of personnel?
serge roso on Google

It's only spaghetti they sell here, but they are quiet creative with it. Yep it's a chain, but the quality is above average and so are the prices.

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