
1.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ロブレ耳鼻咽喉科

住所 :

Fukuyamamachi Kubota, Koriyama, 〒963-8071 Fukushima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8987
街 : Fukushima

Fukuyamamachi Kubota, Koriyama, 〒963-8071 Fukushima,Japan
・みぃ on Google

耳の中とのどにかけて激痛があり、いつもの大きな病院の耳鼻科がやっておらず、初めてロブレで受診しました。 3時間以上待たされた挙げ句、診察結果は綿棒で耳掃除をしたので、耳カスが奥に入ったから痛いんだ!と言われました。 しかし、痛みが治まらず、次の日大きな病院で診てもらいました。 なんと、耳の帯状疱疹でした。 耳鼻科なのに、診察できてないことの驚きでいっぱいです。 現在、顔の半分がマヒしてます。 飲食も苦労してます。人前に出るのが嫌です。
I had a severe pain in the middle of my ear and throat, and I did not go to the usual otonas department of a large hospital, so I visited for a first time in Robre. I had to wait for more than 3 hours, and my examination result was because I cleaned my ears with a cotton swab. They said. However, my pain did not go away and I was examined at a large hospital the next day. It was an ear shingles. Though it is otolaryngology, it is full of surprises that we can not see. Currently, half of my face is mahi. I have a hard time eating and drinking. I hate to go public.
Alice diamond on Google

レビューで酷評が多く嫌な予感はしていたが、自身で実際どうなのかを確かめるためにも、ここで診てもらうことにした。 医者の対応が酷いというのは本当だった。症状について自分でも正確には答えられないことをきかれた際、説明できる範囲でなるべく分かりやすく答えているにも関わらず、怒り口調でかえされた。 ただ病気を診断するだけでなく、患者に丁寧な対応をして安心感を与えるのが本来の医者の役割であると思う。しかし、ここの医者はそれと正反対のことをしていると感じた。もう、高い医療費を払ってまでここの医者には診てもらいたくない。
I had a bad feeling that there were many criticisms in the reviews, but I decided to see him here so that I could see what it was like. It was true that the doctor's response was terrible. When I was asked that I couldn't answer the symptoms accurately, I was angry, even though I answered as clearly as I could explain. I think that the original role of a doctor is not only to diagnose the disease, but also to give the patient a sense of security by treating the patient carefully. However, I felt that the doctor here was doing the exact opposite. I don't want to see a doctor here until I pay a high medical fee.
ふくしまみく on Google

めまいがするようになり初めて受診しました。 すごく待ちました。3時間くらいです。 診察で先生がまず一言... どうせ夜遅くまで遊び回ってるんでしょ?と... え?遊んでませんけど ... 日中一生懸命仕事してるんですけど... なぜそのような言葉が出たのかも不思議ですね。 結局めまいも治らず 他の病院に行きました。 すぐ治りました。 星1も付けたくないです。 もう絶対行かないしオススメしません。
I became dizzy and went to see me for the first time. I waited very much. It's about 3 hours. At the medical examination, the teacher said one word... Why are you playing around late at night? When... e? I'm not playing... I work hard during the day, but... I wonder why such a word came out. After all, dizziness is not cured I went to another hospital. Healed soon. I don't want to add star 1 either. I won't go there anymore and I don't recommend it.
sor keiko on Google

It seems that there are many criticisms. First of all, the reception staff was kind and polite. There is a waiting time at the first visit, but you can return to the clinic by phone or online. It is helpful to have a system that will notify you by phone when it is near your turn. I think that some teachers are not good at it, but I think that medical examinations, tests, and diagnoses are accurate. He carefully inspected the results and taught me the results in detail many times while looking at the images. I think he is a knowledgeable teacher.
SAO on Google

0歳の子供の耳掃除でお世話になりました。 子供はギャーギャー暴れたりして大丈夫かと不安でしたが、動じることなくキレイに掃除してくれました。 さすがです(゜ロ゜) 結構ハキハキしてる先生ですが、分からない事があると、きちんと丁寧に教えてくれます。 私が対応してもらった受付の方は、すごく感じの良い方でした。 診察までは結構待ちます(^_^;)
I was taken care of by cleaning the ears of a 0-year-old child. The child was worried that it would be okay for him to go wild, but he cleaned it cleanly without any movement. As expected (゜ ゜) The teacher is quite excited, but if there is something I don't understand, he will teach me properly and politely. The receptionist I was able to handle was a very pleasant person. I will wait a long time until the medical examination (^ _ ^;)
天野英文 on Google

I have been indebted to him since he was in Otanishinouchi, but I have never felt uncomfortable. You are treated kindly and politely. Certainly the waiting time is long even if you make a reservation. I am not dissatisfied with the treatment.
すっしーY on Google

I'll wait anyway. I'll be waiting for you. 2.3 hours is a matter of course. In the worst case, I will go to the reception desk at 9 am and wait until after 13:00 even if I get the consultation number in the first half of the 10th. In addition, the examination number did not advance for about 50 minutes even though no one was in the examination room. (Are you reading the image by looking at the image?) I wonder if you should be patient. I'm a little convinced that the doctors mentioned by other contributors are arrogant, but the explanation of the symptoms is polite. This time I was not good at waiting, so I chose this star.
sin on Google

初めて行った時、予約をしていなかったので、かなり待たされたのは、仕方ないですが。 他に誰も居なくなっても、呼ばれずこちらからまだですかと尋ねてやっと、見てもらえました。 受付の対応は、ありえないですね。 やっと先生に見てもらえ、先生からの第一声に言われた言葉が、治らないよ! はぁ?って感じでありえないと思いました。 多分早く治療しないと、治らないよと言いたかったのでしょうけど。 言葉足らず過ぎでしょ! その後に、でも男性だからねって?意味のわからない事を言われました。 男性女性関係ないでしょ! 心の中で、こいつバカなのかと思ってしました。 こんな病院が存在する事にびっくりです。
When I went there for the first time, I hadn't made a reservation, so I couldn't help but wait a long time. Even if no one else was there, I wasn't called and asked if I was still there, and finally I was able to see it. There is no way for the receptionist to respond. I finally got the teacher to see me, and the words that the teacher said in the first voice didn't heal! Huh? I thought it couldn't be like that. Maybe I wanted to say that if I don't treat it early, it won't heal. There aren't enough words! After that, but because he's a man? I was told something I didn't understand. It doesn't matter if you're a man or a woman! In my heart, I wondered if this was a fool. I am surprised that such a hospital exists.

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