Nishiyamamimi Hana Nodo Clinic - Nukata District

3.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Nishiyamamimi Hana Nodo Clinic

住所 :

Hirono-30 Okusa, Kota, Nukata District, Aichi 444-0103, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8878
Postal code : 444-0103
Webサイト :

Hirono-30 Okusa, Kota, Nukata District, Aichi 444-0103, Japan
永田真美 on Google

It took a long time and it was hard.
あっちょん on Google

器具が古いので、子どもにはおすすめしません。子どもが泣いて暴れると器具が耳の内部に当たり、時間が経ってから血が出てきました(2回も)。器具が古いと仕方ないと他の耳鼻科で言われました。 先生は良い先生です。無駄な検査はしません。先生はいつも立って診察してくださいます。大人がかかるならこちらで充分です。 子どもを預ける先がなく連れていくと、親が診察してもらっている間、受付の人たちが抱っこしてくれたりします。子連れにはとても助かります。
Not recommended for children because the equipment is old. When the child cried and rampaged, the device hit the inside of the ear and blood came out after a while (two times). Other otolaryngologists told me that the equipment was old. The teacher is a good teacher. We do not uselessly inspect. The teacher always stands and examines you. This is enough for adults. If you take your child without a place to leave, the receptionists will hug you while your parents are consulting you. It is very helpful for families with children.
佐野朱莉 on Google

ちょっと流れ作業的に診察されてる気もしますが、 かなり混んでるのでしょうがないと思いますし、 的確な診察をしてくれるので良いと思います。 毎回、行くと数日すると症状が良くなります。 先生も優しいです。
I feel like I ’m being examined for a while, I think it ’s pretty crowded, I think that it is good because it gives an accurate examination. Each time you go, the symptoms will improve after a few days. The teacher is also kind.
もすら on Google

先生勝手すぎるかもね そして高い。相談なしに色々させられた もう行きません
The teacher may be too selfish And expensive. I was made to do various things without consultation I won't go anymore
Gabriela Rocha de Araújo Yonamine on Google

Atendimento muito bom, médico bastante atencioso e me atendeu super bem mesmo sendo estrangeira
Very good service, very attentive doctor and served me very well even though I was a foreigner
もうあかん on Google

こちらのクリニックに掛かるにあたっての注意点になります。 初診、再診に関わらず前日までに予約もしくは来訪する旨を伝え承諾された上での来訪が必須となります。 事前連絡、予約が無いと受付で受診拒否されますのでご注意下さい
Here are some things to keep in mind when going to this clinic. Regardless of whether you are visiting for the first time or returning to the hospital, it is mandatory to make a reservation or visit by the day before and to visit after consenting. Please note that if you do not contact us in advance or make a reservation, you will be refused consultation at the reception.
shiro kuro on Google

持っていった紹介状を見ずに治療を開始しようとした先生に不信感を抱きました。 耳掃除もしていただきましたがピンセットが割りと大きく娘は泣き叫びました。耳の中が傷ついてないことを願います。 次からは細いピンセットで処置していただけるところに行きます。
I was distrustful of the teacher who tried to start treatment without seeing the letter of introduction I had. I had my ears cleaned, but the tweezers were rather big and my daughter cried. I hope your ears are not hurt. From now on, I will go to the place where you can treat with thin tweezers.
KING on Google

嫁から、”患者の話しを全くきがないから私はいかない”と言われつつ、継続する薬をもらう目的だけなら早くていいかな口コミをみても良い先生など書いてあったので嫁と気が合わないだけかとと思い通院していました。 ただ実感としては全くそうでなく、、要望に対して診察の際に返事はするが、前回カルテのコピーしかしないので希望が毎回通らない。 完全に蓄膿症の症状を訴えて再度通院しても花粉症の薬を継続処方されたり。 流石におかしいと感じ、他の耳鼻科医に3日後にかかったら”なぜこんな酷い蓄膿症になるまでほっておくの?”と診断され。流石に話しをきかなさすぎでは、というか診察で何をみていたのか???と不信感しかなく。それが何度も重なり今後、絶対にいくまいと決めました。 話しを聞かない、子供が動くとすぐにイラついた顔をするのは有名みたいでママ友さんも岡崎市の耳鼻科まで通院しているそうです。 幸田町唯一の耳鼻科なので他に選択肢がないのが残念です。
My daughter-in-law said, "I can't go because I can't talk to the patient at all." I went to the hospital thinking that it wouldn't fit. However, this is not the case at all, and I will reply to the request at the time of the examination, but since I only have a copy of the previous medical record, my hope does not pass every time. Even if I complained of the symptoms of empyema completely and went to the hospital again, I was continuously prescribed hay fever medicine. I felt strange, and when another otolaryngologist took me three days later, I was diagnosed with "Why do you leave me alone until I have such a severe sinusitis?" What did you see during the medical examination, if you weren't too confident about it? ?? ?? There is only distrust. It overlapped many times and I decided not to go in the future. It seems that it is famous that he does not listen to the story and makes an irritated face as soon as the child moves, and his mom friend also goes to the otolaryngology department in Okazaki City. It is a pity that there is no other choice because it is the only otolaryngology department in Kota Town.

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