Fujino - Kodaira

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Fujino

住所 :

1 Chome-1059-6 Ogawacho, Kodaira, Tokyo 187-0032, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 187-0032
Webサイト : http://www.kodaira-net.jp/kd2113731/
Opening hours :
Saturday 12:15–8PM
Sunday 12:15–8PM
Monday 12:15–7:30PM
Tuesday 12:15–7:30PM
Wednesday 12:15–7:30PM
Thursday 12:15–7:30PM
Friday 12:15–7:30PM

1 Chome-1059-6 Ogawacho, Kodaira, Tokyo 187-0032, Japan
Sachiko .K on Google

The take-out simmered red sea bream and the sashimi platter were delicious. As expected professional ❕
Shusaku Tanaka on Google

Unagi is fluffy. Menus other than eel also look delicious.
Taso Map on Google

休日の夜に、家族とお邪魔しました。 普通のお宅に上がるように、玄関先で靴を脱ぎ、普通のお宅のような廊下を歩き、左手に普通のお宅のリビングのような空間があります。 さすがに、奥には広い厨房がありますが、それ以外、雑然としているところも含め、親戚の家に遊びに来たような感覚に陥ります。 経験上、こういった佇まいのお店は、大ハズレか、良くても小当たり程度。 期待せず、注文に進みます。 お重は鰻の大きさにより、3-4段階の価格設定です。 個人的に、この季節は鰻を食する最適期だと思っていますので、期待は持たないまま、程よいサイズであろう上から二番目を注文します。 程なく、キレイなサラダのお皿が運ばれてきます。 可も無く不可も無く。 普通のサラダをいただきます。 続いて、鰻重。 期待を大きく裏切る見た目です。 「おおっ!」と声を上げつつ、一口。 ふわふわとした食感とキレの良い甘味抑えめのタレ。 鰻の香りも良く、丁寧な仕事をなさっていると感じられます。 すっきりしたタレは、大きめの鰻の乗った鰻重を食べ進めても全く飽きが来ず、あっという間に完食してしまいました。 かなりレベル高いです。 お椀がお味噌汁であったこと、個人的に皮目はバリッと焼いていただいた方が好みですので、その点は少し残念でしたが、完全に、良い意味で期待を裏切られました。 近くに行ったら、ではなく、わざわざうかがいたいとてもおいしい鰻重でした。
I interfere with my family on a holiday night. Take off your shoes at the entrance, walk in a corridor like a normal home, and have a space like an ordinary living room on your left so that you can get to your regular home. As expected, although there is a wide kitchen in the back, other than that, I feel like I came to visit my relatives' house, including cluttered places. Experience, these shops in the staircase are big losers, even at best they are about small. I will not expect, I will proceed to order. Depending on the size of the eel, the weight is 3-4 step price setting. Personally, I think that this season is the optimum period to eat eel, so I will order the second from the top which will be reasonable size without expectation. Soon, a beautiful salad dish will be brought. There is neither possible nor impossible. I will have an ordinary salad. Next, eel heavy. It is an appearance which greatly disappoints expectation. While raising a voice saying "Oh!", It is a bite. Sauce with soft texture and fluffy sweetness suppression. It is felt that the smell of eel is also good and doing a careful work. The refreshing sauce did not get tired at all even if I ate the eel heavy with the big eel on and finished it in a blink of an eye in a blink of an eye. It is quite high level. Personally I like the bowl that it was miso soup, personally baked with skin eyes, so that was a bit disappointing, but I was disappointed in a completely good sense. When I went nearby, I wanted to bother to wish for it It was a delicious eel weighed.
mickey at on Google

大学生の時近くに住んでいて、2週に1回とか月に1回の頻度で通っていました。 1000円〜2000円と思えないほど品数多く華やかなランチセットを提供してくれて、味も最高。 鰻も美味しいけど、他のお料理も全部美味しい。 連れて行った友人の評判もいつも良くて間違いのないお店。 今引越しちゃって遠いけど、また行きたいな〜
I lived near the time of college, and I went there once every two weeks and once a month. They offer a lot of gorgeous lunch sets that don't seem to be between 1000 and 2000 yen, and the taste is great. Salmon is delicious, but all other dishes are delicious. This is a restaurant that always has good reputation with friends who took it. I'm far away from moving, but I want to go again ~
Machina Musica on Google

うなぎ屋さんですが、注文してから捌く本格的なお店。ということで、本格的なうなぎを求める方には当たり前のことかもしれませんが、かなり待たされる(期待させられる)つもりで行ってください。まだ?って聞くのはうなぎ屋さんでは野暮です。 おつまみとお酒でのんびり待ちましょう。この時間こそが最高の贅沢かも。 これはうろ覚えなので申し訳ないですが、確か親類が築地市場だそうで、だから良いうなぎを安く仕入れられるとか?だからなのか、お値段も、ビックリするようなものではなく、外食としては普通、むしろ良心的です。 普通の家っぽいので、地元のくせに知ったのはかなり大人になってからです。探すのとか、入りにくさはあるかもしれませんね。地元の隠れた名店です。ぜひ!
It is an eel shop, but it is a very full-scale shop after having ordered it. So, it may be natural for those who want a full-fledged eel, but please do it with the intention of being kept quite awaited (expected). Still? It is wildly in the eel shop to hear. Let's wait for snacks and sake. This time may be the best luxury. I'm sorry I remember this, but it seems that relatives are the Tsukiji market, so you can buy good eel cheaply? That's why, the price isn't surprising either, and it's usually more reasonable for eating out. It looks like an ordinary house, so I learned that the local community was quite adult. It may be difficult to search or enter. It is a local famous restaurant. By all means!
R'S CRAFT on Google

ランチでおじゃまいたしました! ウナギとお刺身を頂きましたが、大変おいしゅうございました! またお邪魔させて下さい!!
I was at a loss for lunch! I received eel and sashimi, but it was very delicious! Please let me disturb you again! !
gyuhxb zgbko on Google

A shop that looks like a renovated ordinary house. Only 3 seats were found so reservations are required? If you go for lunch, it costs 2,000 yen and 2500 yen. Apparently the amount is different. Ordered both tempura or sashimi. Two pickles, one leaf, a large plate of gorgeous salads and soup (sorry that it is not liver sucking), then eel. And dessert (handmade pudding?) Eel is fluffy and delicious, tempura is delicious, sashimi and others are OK (dessert was not delicious). It was calm and I was satisfied because the at-home feeling was comfortable.
井上義一 on Google

鰻重と前菜、デザートが付いてコスパ最高! 鰻もあっさりな上品な味で大変美味しかったです。これで¥2,700でした?
Cospa is the best with unajū, appetizer and dessert! The eel was also very delicious with a light and elegant taste. This was ¥ 2,700 ?

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