
4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 玉乃鮨

住所 :

Hagiyamacho, Higashimurayama, 〒189-0012 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Webサイト : https://tamanozushi.business.site/
街 : Tokyo

Hagiyamacho, Higashimurayama, 〒189-0012 Tokyo,Japan

ランチでおまかせ丼を戴きました。1000円ジャストで、とても満足です。写真以外にもあら汁(というのでしょうか?)が付いてきます。 大将がとても気持ちの良い方でした。 「醤油をネタの上からかけずに、醤油にネタをつけて召し上がってください」(耳が悪いので正確には聞き取れなかったですがこんな感じの意味)と言われ、丼としては初めての食べ方をしましたが、いや、これが美味かった。今度はお金を貯めて(笑)握りを食べに行きたいと思います。
I had an Omakase bowl for lunch. It's just 1000 yen and I'm very satisfied. In addition to the photo, arajiru (is it?) Is also included. The general was a very pleasant person. It was said, "Don't sprinkle soy sauce on top of the soy sauce, and eat it with soy sauce." (I couldn't hear it exactly because I had a bad ear, but it means something like this), and this is the first way to eat a bowl. I did, but no, this was delicious. Next time I want to save money (laughs) and go eat a handful.
倉林宣彰 on Google

The chopsticks are only here, and it has only been completed. I am allowed to disturb you several times a year from Gunma. You will be able to update the best ever taste every time. If you ask the general, you will be able to carefully explain seasonal and affordable fish. I think that it is a commitment to freshness and taste, fish and delicacies can be put in a kitchen knife each time, so please get it slowly.
chi-to sen on Google

ランチの鯵丼が大好きです 定番のおまかせ丼、鯵丼、鉄火丼、穴子丼の他に時期によって季節丼があります。 マグロうにいくら丼は2400円でした。
I love the horse mackerel bowl for lunch In addition to the standard Omakase bowl, horse mackerel bowl, iron fire bowl, and conger eel bowl, there are seasonal bowls depending on the season. The tuna sea urchin salmon roe bowl was 2400 yen.
fuf uno on Google

I went to lunch ^ _ ^ It was very delicious and the price was reasonable.
岡野和重 on Google

1/15 久しぶりに玉乃鮨に〜?おまかせとアジ丼美味しく完食です 7/26 湯の森♨️の帰りに美味しいお昼を〜?日曜日ランチメニュー有りました〜雨の中〜お客さんは確り入ってました〜好きなアジ丼でご飯ちと多めで完食です〜話の中で今の時期アナゴが美味しいと〜?隣の方が美味しそうに食べてました。 2/8 ランチタイムにアジ丼〜アジの身の色に◎〜?あらの味噌汁も美味しく完食でした。おすすめ丼も良いよ〜店の前に1台車停めれます〜今日はラッキー空いてました〜?魚の花〜小魚とクルミのつくだ煮かな〜お土産に〜美味しいね〜?
1/15 For the first time in a long time, to Tamano sushi ~ ? Omakase and horse mackerel bowl Deliciously complete meal 7/26 Have a delicious lunch on the way back from Yunomori ♨️ ~ ? There was a lunch menu on Sunday ~ In the rain ~ The customers were surely in ~ It's a complete meal with a lot of rice with your favorite horse mackerel bowl ~ Among them, when the conger eel is delicious at this time ~ ? The neighbor was eating it deliciously. 2/8 At lunchtime, horse mackerel bowl ~ horse mackerel's body color ◎ ~ ? The miso soup was delicious and finished. The recommended bowl is also good ~ You can park one dolly in front of the store ~ ​​Lucky today was vacant ~ ? Fish flowers ~ Tsukudani with small fish and walnuts ~ Souvenirs ~ Delicious ~ ?
星野実 on Google

駅前の賑やかさが途絶えて住宅街に差し掛かるとお店はありました。 今回は、大将おまかせコースを頼みました。 「おまかせ握り10貫」そんな感じかと思いましたが、全く違いました。 あっつあつの和風アクアパッツァ風スープ、小ネギがたっぷりの炙りサバにポン酢あえ、見るからに新鮮なナメタガレイの煮付け、そのあと、卵焼きから握りに行きました。大好きなホッキ貝はさっと炙りで。 どれもが美味しく、感動的。素材が良いのも素晴らしいけれど、魚をどうやって食べたら美味しいか、何をどんな風に添えたら美味しいかを熟知しているからこその、アイディアとセンス!熱いものはきちんと熱々で。ネギは切りたてが一番美味しいからと薬味もその都度刻んでた。 目の前で大根の桂むきをして、生姜やネギを刻んで出してくるのもすごいし、食べるものに合わせて、刻む大きさも種類も変えてくるとは。 多くのお店は、あらかじめ刻んだのを出してくることが多いのに。 卵焼きも人生で初めて「これだよ!」って思いました。甘すぎても良くないし、かといって、出汁がうす過ぎても素っ気ない。 大将、あなたはすごい!!!誰も見ていなくても、褒められなくても、自分がそこにこそ、こだわる。そういう姿勢が、彼が握るお寿司に表れていました。隠れた多摩の名店がここにありました。もう築地には行きません。また絶対に来ます。
There was a shop when the bustle in front of the station stopped and we approached a residential area. This time, I asked for the general entrusted course. I thought it was like "Random grip 10 pieces", but it was completely different. Hot Japanese-style aqua pazza-style soup, roasted mackerel with plenty of green onions, ponzu sauce, simmered fresh sardines, and then fried eggs. Quickly roast your favorite surf clam. Everything is delicious and touching. The ingredients are great, but the idea and sense are because we know how to eat fish and what to add to it. Hot things are really hot. I chopped the condiments each time because the freshly cut green onions are the most delicious. It's amazing to peel daikon radish in front of you and chop ginger and green onions, and the size and type of chopping will change according to what you eat. Many shops often serve pre-chopped food. For the first time in my life, I thought "this is it!" It doesn't matter if it's too sweet, but it doesn't matter if the soup stock is too thin. General, you are amazing! !! !! Even if no one is watching or complimenting me, I am particular about it. That attitude was reflected in the sushi he holds. There was a hidden Tama store here. I'm not going to Tsukiji anymore. I will definitely come again.
masaya on Google

ランチタイムにおまかせ丼をテイクアウトで利用、美味しく頂きました。 大将の説明も丁寧で、店員さんも感じが良く、次回は店で食べたいと思う。
I used the Omakase Don for takeout at lunch time and it was delicious. The general's explanation is also polite, and the clerk feels good, so I would like to eat at the store next time.
Anna Skripnik on Google

I like it. ♡

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