Sukiya - Kokubunji

3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Sukiya

2 Chome-16-1 Honda, Kokubunji, Tokyo 185-0011, Japan
園田雅也 on Google

ここ数年は最低最悪で汚し、量も適当で店員の最低限の教育も出来てなかったけど半年くらい前からか?普通のすき家レベルに改善されて安心しています エリアマネージャー代わったのかな?
In the last few years, it has been the worst and dirty, the amount is appropriate, and the minimum education of the clerk has not been done, but is it about half a year ago? I am relieved that it has been improved to the level of a normal Sukiya Did you replace the area manager?
calory 2 on Google

This Sukiya is turned only by a part-time job, and the level is quite high. .. The beef bowl on that day had a lot of rice. ..
Ninomiya Takashi on Google

Some clerk can provide detailed service and some cannot.
最上仁志 on Google

香明日 on Google

There were quite a few hard parts of the rice, which made a pretty bad impression.
小森聡士 on Google

まあ、皆さんご存じの牛丼屋さんですが店員さんによって牛丼の肉の料に若干バラつきがあるかな、肉が多めに入っていたらラッキーと思って下さい。 それと吉野家はご飯の大盛り無料だし、松屋は味噌汁無料だけどすき家はそういったちょっとしたおまけがないから少し残念です! 自宅から一番近いから行くだけです。
Well, everyone knows the beef bowl shop, but I wonder if there is a slight variation in the meat price of the beef bowl depending on the clerk, please think that you are lucky if there is a lot of meat. Also, the Yoshinoya has a large serving of rice for free, and the Matsuya has no miso soup, but the Sukiya doesn't have that kind of extra, so it's a little disappointing! Just go because it's the closest to your home.
Mariko T on Google

人生初すき家。近くのラーメン屋さんに行ったら行列でふられ、彷徨った末、すき家に辿り着きました。 アラビアータ牛丼? ねぎたま牛丼…? 慣れないお店は、メニュー選びに困ります… そこを救ってくれたのが「チーズ牛丼」の横の「タバスコ付き」の文字。 そしてメニューの片隅に見つけた 『大辛ソース』30円 の存在。 具材<<<辛さ で選びました。 タバスコと大辛ソースのダブルがけで、幸せな夕食でした。
The first favorite house in my life. When I went to a nearby ramen shop, I was touched by a line, and after wandering, I arrived at Sukiya. Arabia Gyudon? Green onion beef bowl ...? Unfamiliar shops have trouble choosing menus ... The letter "Tabasco" next to "Cheese beef bowl" saved that. And found it in one corner of the menu "Spicy sauce" 30 yen The presence of. Ingredients << << hotness I chose it. It was a happy dinner with a double cliff of Tabasco and spicy sauce.
中山誠 on Google

JR・西武線国分寺駅北口から約580m、駅前通りから3番目信号左角の牛丼屋さん。16時55分来店、先客2、後客4、テイクアウト5。期間限定 チーズ尽くしのガーリックトマト牛鍋定食(並盛 890円)注文。チーズ×ガーリック×トマトの牛鍋、期待感大です。先ずは牛肉、グツグツしてきた牛鍋は、トマトの酸味より甘みの有るスープ、ダイスモッツァレラチーズが絡んで旨いです。フライドガーリックの風味は弱い印象。スライスだったらガツンときたかな。鍋具材は、白菜、人参、青葱、玉葱、白滝、豆腐、うどん、かなりのボリューム。4種類のチーズをブレンドしたバジルチーズソースは牛肉をまろやかにします。半分は鍋に投入、イタリアンの様な牛鍋、ごちそうさまでした。
About 580m from the north exit of Kokubunji Station on the JR / Seibu Line, the Gyudon restaurant on the left corner of the third traffic light from the station front street. 16:55 visit, 2 first customers, 4 second customers, 5 takeouts. For a limited time, I ordered a garlic tomato beef sukiyaki set meal (normally 890 yen) full of cheese. Cheese x garlic x tomato sukiyaki, great expectations. First of all, the beef and the sukiyaki beef pot are delicious with the soup, dice mozzarella cheese, which is sweeter than the sourness of tomatoes. Impression that the flavor of fried garlic is weak. If it was a slice, it would have been crazy. The hot pot ingredients are Chinese cabbage, carrots, green onions, onions, shirataki noodles, tofu, udon noodles, and a considerable volume. Basil cheese sauce, a blend of four types of cheese, mellows beef. Half of it was put in a pot, and it was an Italian-like beef pot and a feast.

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