
3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 曽山商店

住所 :

Fujimimachi Akagisan, Maebashi, 〒371-0101 Gunma,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87878
Webサイト : http://www.10000zen.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9:30AM–4PM
Sunday 9:30AM–4PM
Monday 9:30AM–4PM
Tuesday 9:30AM–4PM
Wednesday 9:30AM–4PM
Thursday 9:30AM–4PM
Friday 9:30AM–4PM
街 : Gunma

Fujimimachi Akagisan, Maebashi, 〒371-0101 Gunma,Japan
Keith K. YAMAGUCHI on Google

自分としては珍しく舞茸天の天ぷら蕎麦を昼食に頂いた。独特な香りとともにサクサクに揚げられた舞茸天のコロモが素晴らしい。肝心の蕎麦も美味しかった。 とても気さくなパートのおばさん、ちょっと素っ気ないようにみえるけれど、群馬県人特有の照れによるものだから、心配はいらないと思われる。
It was unusual for me to have tempura soba of Maitaketen for lunch. Maitaketen koromo fried crisply with a unique fragrance is wonderful. The essential soba was also delicious. An aunt of a very easy-going part, it seems a little uncool, but it seems to be unnecessary because it is due to the peculiar character of Gunma prefecture.
อะกิ aki on Google

味は、そこそこだがオペレーションが最低最悪。 料理を注文したら、1時間以上待つ覚悟が必要。 男性がメインで調理だが、揚げ物オーダーすると揚げ物が重点的に他の客人分一斉に配膳される。まさにワカサギフライの大量出征。 オーダー順に調理した方が、作る手間も楽なのにと感じた。 真冬のワカサギフライは、旨い。
The taste is moderate, but the operation is the worst. If you order food, be prepared to wait for an hour or more. Men cook mainly, but if you order fried food, fried food will be served to other guests at once. Exactly a large smelt fry. I felt that cooking in order was easier to make. The midwinter smelt fry is delicious.
もりのぼ on Google

ソースカツ丼は 肉が柔らかくて おいしかった。そばは茹でに時間がかかりますがおいしいです。
The sauce cutlet bowl had tender meat and was delicious. Soba takes time to boil, but it is delicious.
s on Google

研究心の強いお店らしく、とてもそばの食感は素晴らしかったです、蕎麦の風味はあまり感じられませんでした、 店の角でそばをトントンと切っている音が聞こえます、 外の席はタバコが吸えます、しかし中に匂いが入るのでくさいです(私も喫煙者) 舞茸は柔らかく良し ワカサギについていたパセリですが、、 アブラムシのような虫がいっぱいついてました、、 机においたら散歩してました笑 虫がたかるということは美味しいパセリなのでしょうが 流石に食品の保存方法、衛生管理が気になりました それを除けばそこそこ良い店です、
It seems to be a research-minded shop, the texture of soba was wonderful, the flavor of soba was not so much felt, At the corner of the store, you can hear the sound of buckwheat noodles. The outside seats allow you to smoke, but it's awkward because it smells inside (I'm also a smoker) Maitake mushrooms are soft and good The parsley that came with the smelt, There were a lot of bugs like aphids ... I took a walk when I was at my desk lol I think it ’s a delicious parsley that the insects are hungry. I was worried about food preservation methods and hygiene management. Apart from that, it's a reasonably good store,
Ogu Channel on Google

20211103 味は人それぞれですので控えますが、私は美味しくいただくことができました。 特に問題点はありませんが、店内で並んでいる人の人数を制限していただけるとありがたいです。食べている時に見られるのはプレッシャーですし、混雑時は完全に蜜でしたので、ちょっと怖かったです。
20211103 The taste is different for each person, so I will refrain from it, but I was able to enjoy it. There are no particular problems, but I would appreciate it if you could limit the number of people lined up in the store. I was a little scared because it was pressure to see when I was eating and it was completely honey when it was crowded.
Shibata “TAKA” Takayuki on Google

It's a casual soba restaurant on the shore of a lake, but it's delicious with authentic handmade soba. I also had the tempura of Maitake mushrooms, which was also delicious and voluminous, and I was very satisfied.
さくら on Google

ワカサギのフライをいただきました、 目の前ではワカサギ釣りをしていて、さぞワカサギが美味しいだろうと、美味しいが 目の前で釣れたワカサギではない。。。 女将いわく、お客さまに提供するほど釣れないとか、、 残念? ざる蕎麦を、食堂のそばですね、手打ちとか書いてありますが、、、、、、、
I got a fried smelt, I'm fishing for smelt in front of me, and if the smelt is delicious, it's delicious. It's not a smelt caught in front of me. .. .. According to the landlady, I can't catch enough to offer to customers ... Sorry ? It says that Zaru soba is near the cafeteria, handmade, but ...
Kappa Com on Google

地元車中心に赤城山スキー場跡、大沼湖畔のファンの方?で混雑。 わかさぎフライは食べた記憶もないので何とも。 かけ蕎麦麺は喉越しよく懐かしいお店です。
Are you a fan of Akagisan Ski Resort, Lake Onuma, mainly in local cars? It's crowded. I don't remember eating fried smelt, so I don't know. Kake soba noodles are a nostalgic shop with a good throat.

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