Onoko parking - Maebashi

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Onoko parking

住所 :

Maebashi, Gunma 371-0101, Japan

Postal code : 371-0101

Maebashi, Gunma 371-0101, Japan
H TOTSUKA (Trekking) on Google

Hundreds of cars can be parked at the Akagi Kogen Odo parking lot on the shores of Lake Onuma. The brown building on the far left is a public toilet. The building behind it is the Oto shopping street, which is the center of Mt. Akagi where souvenir shops and restaurants are lined up.
須磨寺由起雄 on Google

自販機はあれどゴミ箱はなく・・。 登山客が持ち込んだものを棄ててくのを防ぐためでしょうが、ありえない・・。
There is a vending machine, but there is no trash can ... This is to prevent climbers from throwing away what they brought in, but it's impossible.
古澤大二郎 on Google

赤城山遠望で、冠雪したので車をとばして来てみた。 休日でもあり観光客多数。 登山、トレック、ソリ遊びの家族連れ、 神社参拝の人達、などなど。 道路は除雪してありましたが、日陰のカーブはアイスバーンで、急坂の場所では走行できない車で大渋滞。 大沼は、立入禁止、ワカサギ釣りもできませんでした。全面凍結はしているけど、 まだ氷が薄いかな? 天気は快晴、山々がきれいでした。
I skipped the car because of the snowfall at Mt. Akagi. It is a holiday and there are many tourists. Climbing, trek, sled play families, Shrine worshipers, etc. Although the road had been snow-removed, the shaded curve was ice-burn, and heavy traffic was not possible on steep hills. Onuma was off-limits and could not fish for smelt fishing. Although it is completely frozen, Is the ice still thin? The weather was fine and the mountains were beautiful.
Fin'z on Google

大沼の一番メインとなる無料駐車場です。 トイレもあり24時間大丈夫です(´∀`)
This is the main free parking lot of Onuma. There is also a toilet, so it's okay for 24 hours (´∀ `)
HAMA tora on Google

2021.10.30訪問 無料駐車場。トイレあり。 湖畔まで数分。 土曜日だったのでハイカーがたくさんいた。
Visited 2021.10.30 Free parking. There is a toilet. A few minutes to the lakeside. It was Saturday so there were a lot of hikers.
Maria Narita on Google

Klaus Awagakubo on Google

Charlie on Google

Very close to Akagi Shrine, but get there early for events; space is limited!

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