Edion Moriyama - Moriyama

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Edion Moriyama

住所 :

42-2 Harimadacho, Moriyama, Shiga 524-0012, Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Postal code : 524-0012
Webサイト : https://search.edion.co.jp/e_store/spot/detail%3Fcode%3D0000010511%26utm_source%3DGMB%26utm_medium%3DGMB_tenpo%26utm_campaign%3DGMB_tenpo

42-2 Harimadacho, Moriyama, Shiga 524-0012, Japan
桂香Yuriko on Google

Whenever I go, every clerk is polite and comfortable
やる気二重 on Google

店長の接客最悪 数万する買い物だったので少しは値下げしてくれるかセット買を話したのに 全くこちらの値下げを検討しない しかも1週間後またその商品見たら値下げしてました! そんな簡単に値下げすんならもう少し考慮しろよ
Worst customer service of the store manager It was tens of thousands of purchases, so I talked about buying a set to reduce the price a little. I will not consider this price reduction at all Moreover, when I saw the product again a week later, the price was reduced! If you want to reduce the price so easily, consider it a little more.
ポカリすえっと on Google

It's expensive compared to online sales, but it can't be helped considering the location and labor costs. Good to see the real thing and buy it.
宮崎啓介 on Google

野洲市から買い物にはここしかない。 しかし、野洲川を自転車で越えるのは辛い。 野洲市に大方電器店ができてほしいです。
This is the only place to shop from Yasu City. However, it is hard to cross the Yasu River by bicycle. I want Yasu City to open an electronics store.
ガーシー on Google

中嶋と言う店員に注意!! 不良品を買わされて何の謝罪も無し! 行かない方が鮮明です
Be careful of the clerk named Nakajima !! No apology for buying defective products! It's clearer not to go
Taka on Google

我が家のメイン電気屋さんです。MIDORIだった頃から愛用しています。 模型売り場もやや充実しています。品種は少ないですが、各ジャンルの商品が揃えられています。 隣には滋賀県屈指の洋菓子店、ドゥブルベ・ボレロがあります。 お土産に是非。
This is the main electric shop in my house. I have been using it since I was MIDORI. The model department is also a little substantial. There are few varieties, but products of each genre are available. Next door is Dubrube Bolero, one of the best pastry shops in Shiga prefecture. Come as a souvenir.
白井浩 on Google

何時も家電製品を探すのに行きます。只今回は、トイレが駄目になって探すのに利用すると便器が10万円出来る。LUCKYでした? 家電だけでないのも有難たいです❗️
I always go looking for home appliances. This time, if you use it to find a toilet that is ruined, you can get a toilet bowl for 100,000 yen. It was LUCKY ? I'm grateful that it's not just home appliances ❗️
Sigmas on Google

They have a large selection of electronic appliances from personal trimmers to Air conditioners to refrigerators. They also have consumer electronics (video games) and a wide range of model kits and trading card games. The only thing they don't have is other kinds of home goods such as soap, cleaners, food, etc.

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