EDION - Otsu

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact EDION

住所 :

1 Chome-28-5 Taishogun, Otsu, Shiga 520-2145, Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Postal code : 520-2145
Webサイト : https://search.edion.co.jp/e_store/spot/detail%3Fcode%3D0000010213%26utm_source%3DGMB%26utm_medium%3DGMB_tenpo%26utm_campaign%3DGMB_tenpo

1 Chome-28-5 Taishogun, Otsu, Shiga 520-2145, Japan
けいたぽんた on Google

The cashier's auntie is always kind and lovely!
キー on Google

All the clerk are polite and will explain the item exactly. You can get advice from the buyer's point of view. There are many stores that sell home appliances, but I like this one.
リンダママ on Google

右折でPに入れないのが難点。入っている車もありますが、看板に書いてあるから、良識あれば右折はしないでしょう。 お店の方は親切です。 駐車場も広いです。
The difficulty is that you cannot enter P when you turn right. Some cars are in it, but it's written on the sign, so if you're sensible, you won't turn right. The shop is kind. The parking lot is also large.
gunjustice863 on Google

We would like to thank all the staff for their kindness.
seiki toriumi on Google

大きめ。おもちゃコーナーが充実しています。 ゲームコーナーはやる気なさげです。 店内に全然人いないのに、駐車場の車の多さはなに??
Large. The toy corner is substantial. The game arcade is motivated. How many cars are there in the parking lot when there are no people in the store? ??
Junichi Takai on Google

サービス品揃え、価格全てにおいて可もなく不可もなく、です。 お客にとってセンシティブな内容のフロア責任者への報告を,当人のレジ前でやって悪口言う店だとはおもいませんでしたね悪気はないにせよ,常識で考えて退店後の報告ですよ。 接客の基本というかそれ以前の人間性の問題です。 立地も微妙ですし,駐車場がだだっ広いだけでそのうちなくなりそうですね~。
The service assortment and price are all good and bad. I didn't think it was a store that was swearing in front of the person's cashier when reporting to the floor manager with sensitive content for the customer. .. It's a matter of humanity before the basics of customer service. The location is delicate, and the parking lot is so large that it seems that it will disappear soon.
ナポレオン2世 on Google

1階の電化製品のことを店員に聞いたら適当に対応された。 もう1階では買いません。 しかし、2階のゲーム製品の店員の接客は すごく丁寧でした!
When I asked the clerk about the electrical appliances on the first floor, he responded appropriately. I won't buy it on the first floor. However, the customer service of the game product clerk on the second floor is It was very polite!
かよこてんちょ on Google

家のテレビが壊れてしまって、近所の電気店をいくつか回りました。 タイミングよくEDION大津店のチラシが入っていたのもあり、大津店も訪問しました。 店員さんの説明が、とても丁寧でわかりやすかったです。購入の際に娘が飽きてしまって、袋菓子とミニ缶のお茶を出していただきました。そういった心遣いも非常に嬉しかったです。
My home TV broke and I went to several electronics stores in my neighborhood. I also visited the EDION Otsu store because the leaflet of the EDION Otsu store was included at the right time. The clerk's explanation was very polite and easy to understand. My daughter got tired of it when I bought it, so she served me a bag of sweets and a mini can of tea. I was very happy with that kind of consideration.

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