兜 奥座 恵比寿店

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 兜 奥座 恵比寿店

住所 :

Ebisunishi, Shibuya City, 〒150-0021 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +899
Webサイト : https://kabuto-okuza.owst.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–5AM
Sunday 11AM–5AM
Monday 11AM–5AM
Tuesday 11AM–5AM
Wednesday 11AM–5AM
Thursday 11AM–5AM
Friday 11AM–5AM
街 : Tokyo

Ebisunishi, Shibuya City, 〒150-0021 Tokyo,Japan
fishin123星 on Google

I went to three big events, his birthday, anniversary and Christmas! I was looking for a private yakiniku room in Ebisu and found this one. I was looking forward to the photos and the food menu for about 20,000 for two people at a slightly luxurious price. It's nice to bring more and more food when you go on the day, but a few people come into the private room, and even though it's a high-class yakiniku restaurant, all the women don't wear shirts well, and the staff talks. I could hear laughter and I couldn't settle down even though it was a private room. The private room door also goes out halfway open. I have no intention of repeating. To be honest, it was too disappointing to pay a lot of money. The meat was delicious.
bluebond 2013 on Google

せっかく美味しい肉と雰囲気なのに店員がいまいちでした。 足元の段差に気をつけるように一言声をかけるなどの気遣いもなく、シャツの袖のボタンをとめていないので運んできたものや皿を持っていくときに袖の端が肉についていました。 個室で静かでいいのですが天井を見上げるとあまりの汚さに驚愕しました。 キャバクラの同伴の店なのでしょうか?
The clerk was not good even though the meat and atmosphere were delicious. I didn't have to worry about calling out to be careful of the steps at my feet, and I didn't press the buttons on the sleeves of my shirt, so when I brought something I brought or a plate, the edges of the sleeves were attached to the meat. .. It's nice to be quiet in a private room, but when I looked up at the ceiling, I was surprised at how dirty it was. Is it a store accompanied by a cabaret club?
T N on Google

初めて行きましたが、もう行くことはないですね。 ダメだった点を挙げるとキリがないのですが、 ・スタッフの質が悪い。 ・店内に清潔感がない。 ・席の時間制限について事前の説明なし。 表面的に高級店を装ってますが、そのレベルに達してません。 汚いゴミ箱が客席から見えたりして萎えます。 もうちょっと考えればマシになるのに、何も考えてない、客を舐めてるのがヒシヒシと伝わってきます。 恵比寿にはもっと質の良い焼肉店がたくさんあるので、もう行かないですね。
I went there for the first time, but I'm not going anymore. The point that was not good is that there is no sharpness, ・ The quality of the staff is poor. ・ There is no sense of cleanliness in the store. ・ There is no prior explanation about the seat time limit. It looks like a luxury store on the surface, but it hasn't reached that level. Dirty trash cans can be seen from the audience seats and wither. If you think about it a little more, it will be better, but you can tell that you are licking the customer without thinking about anything. There are many better quality yakiniku restaurants in Ebisu, so I won't go there anymore.
Kyoko on Google

お肉は最高に美味しいんだけどねー 過度な、サービスを求めて、いるわけでもないのだけど もうちょい ましだといいんだけどね 一応 高級焼肉店なんだろうし 品質を考えたらやすいけど 接客で 台無しだよー 残念
The meat is the best, though. I'm not looking for excessive service I hope it's a little better I wonder if it's a high-class yakiniku restaurant It's easy to think about quality In customer service It's ruined disappointing
toniez com on Google

The private room was good, so I made a reservation and had a dinner. The stuffy women were all lovely.
齋藤美穂 on Google

今までコース料理で予約とっておりました このご時世にワインもシャンパーニュも出してくださるので行ってましたが なんせ接客が最悪なのと、お肉が美味しくないのが衝撃で 中目黒別邸は同じお店なのにとても良いので不思議でした 恵比寿に予定があったので ダメ元でチャレンジしてみたところ とてもお肉もおいしく、接客も良くなっておりました 若い子が増えて、分からない事は聞いてきますと素直に せっかちな方は合わないと思いますが きちんとした接客で可愛いです お肉はフレッシュになっていておいしく頂きました。 珍しいレンコンのナムルや サラダが美味しくてお代わりしました。 今まで最悪だった接客とお肉に行かないとお友達も言っていたので もう一度いってみてはと提案してみました
I used to make reservations for course meals I went there because wine and champagne will be served at this time. The worst thing about customer service and the fact that the meat isn't delicious is a shock. It was strange that Nakameguro Bettei is the same shop but very good. I had a plan in Ebisu I tried to challenge with no good source The meat was very delicious and the customer service was getting better. The number of young children is increasing, and when I ask them what they don't understand, they are obedient. I don't think the impatient one will fit It is cute with decent customer service The meat was fresh and delicious. Rare lotus root namul The salad was delicious and I replaced it. My friend told me that I wouldn't go to the meat with the worst customer service so far I suggested that you try again
恵比寿の母 on Google

個室があり、ランチからずっと営業してくれているので遅めランチ難民には助かる。 厚切り牛タンおいしすぎる。ハラミやホルモン系もうまい! 冷麺は麺がムチムチと噛みごたえがあり美味しい!
There is a private room and it is open from lunch, so it is helpful for late lunch refugees. Thick sliced ​​beef tongue is too delicious. Skirt steak and hormones are also good! Cold noodles are delicious because the noodles are chewy and chewy!
yomi matsuoka on Google

Fine BBQ. You can order soba noodle and chicken from it's sister store. Price not as high as the decor suggested.

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