
4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 恵比寿ホルモン龍村

住所 :

Ebisuminami, Shibuya City, 〒150-0022 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト : https://horumon-tatsumura.owst.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 5PM–12AM
Sunday 5PM–12AM
Monday Closed
Tuesday 5PM–12AM
Wednesday 5PM–12AM
Thursday 5PM–12AM
Friday 5PM–4:30AM
街 : Tokyo

Ebisuminami, Shibuya City, 〒150-0022 Tokyo,Japan
megumi inoue on Google

モツ鍋のコースを頂きました。 プリプリの牛モツがとても美味しく、おかわりもできて とても満足の内容でした。 ホルモンに合う焼酎も沢山の銘柄があって どれも500円でコスパが非常に良い店でした。 今度は七輪で焼いたホルモンを食べてみたいと思います。
I had a motsunabe course. The beef offal is very delicious and you can refill it. It was very satisfying. There are many brands of shochu that go well with hormones. All of them cost 500 yen and the cost performance was very good. Next time, I would like to eat the hormone baked in Shichirin.
ka hono on Google

久しぶりに来店すると、メニューがかなり変わっていました。 黒ホルモンというものがあり気になったので注文。 黒センマイとかと同じ感じなのかな?と思いましたが全く違うものが出てきました。 オリジナルイカスミを使用して作られているらしく、普通のホルモンと比べて味わい深く美味しかったです
When I visited the store for the first time in a long time, the menu had changed considerably. I ordered it because I was curious about the black hormone. Is it the same feeling as black omasum? I thought, but something completely different came out. It seems that it was made using original squid ink, and it was tastier and tastier than ordinary hormones.
Ryo Shiraishi on Google

季節限定でモツ鍋をやっていると聞きお店へ。 追加無料の牛モツと野菜の量が多くて本当にこの値段でやっていいのかわからないくらい満足しました!
I heard that they are doing motsunabe for a limited time, so I went to the store. I was so satisfied that I didn't know if I could really do it at this price because of the large amount of additional free beef offal and vegetables!
moyu on Google

恵比寿駅から徒歩1分。 内装は綺麗な黒と木のシンプルで落ち着きのある内装。 御通しは牛タンの煮込み。ホロホロでとても御通しとは思えない食べ応え! ホルモンも嫌な癖が一切なくてとても食べやすく美味しいです。 レバーとハツがおすすめです!食べやすい! ホルモンが苦手な人でも全然大丈夫だと思います!
1 minute walk from Ebisu station. The interior is simple and calm with beautiful black and wood. Stewed beef tongue. A response to eating that you can't think of as being very familiar with Horohoro! The hormones are also very easy to eat and delicious without any unpleasant habits. Liver and hearts are recommended! Easy to eat! I think it's okay for people who are not good at hormones!
夢みるぽんず on Google

焼肉が食べたくて恵比寿を散歩していたらたまたま見つけたお店、龍村。 できたばかりのビルらしく、店内もとても綺麗でした。 おつまみとかも豊富でお肉も柔らかくとても美味しかったです。 最近いく焼肉のお店はガスコンロが多かったのですが、龍村は炭火焼肉。 七輪で焼くお肉は最高でした。 ドリンクもワンコインと安く、恵比寿駅近のお店なのにこんな値段で大丈夫?と思う程コスパがよかったです。 来店した時に次の予約を入れてしまうほど楽しい時間でした。 次も楽しみにしています。
Tatsumura, a restaurant I happened to find while taking a walk in Ebisu because I wanted to eat yakiniku. It looks like a new building, and the inside of the store was very beautiful. The snacks were abundant and the meat was tender and very delicious. Recently, there were many gas stoves in yakiniku restaurants, but Tatsumura is charcoal-grilled. The meat grilled on the shichirin was the best. Drinks are also cheap with one coin, and even though it is a shop near Ebisu station, is it okay at such a price? Cospa was so good that I thought. It was such a fun time that I made the next reservation when I came to the store. I'm looking forward to the next one.
Ryo SHIRAISHI on Google

恵比寿駅西口から徒歩1分の場所にある焼肉屋(ホルモン),居酒屋さん お店があるGinza K2ビル(恵比寿銀座通りの門を通ってすぐ左)は複数の店舗が入っているため一眼でわからないがそこが"恵比寿の隠れ家"のような雰囲気を出している。 店主が食材を選び、誰でも食べれるように味付けをするためホルモンが苦手な人でも楽しめるお店となっています。また、さまざまなお肉があるので初めて聞くような部位も店主を始め店員さんたちが説明してもらえるのでちょっとした通になれるのかも? 個人的には数少ない「また行きたい」と思えるお店の一つです。
Yakiniku restaurant (hormone), izakaya located a 1-minute walk from the west exit of Ebisu station The Ginza K2 Building (immediately to the left through the gate of Ebisu Ginza Dori), where the shops are located, has multiple shops, so you can't tell at a glance, but it creates an atmosphere like "a hideaway in Ebisu". The owner chooses the ingredients and seasons them so that anyone can eat them, so even people who are not good at hormones can enjoy it. Also, since there are various kinds of meat, the shop owner and other staff members can explain the parts that you will hear for the first time, so you may be able to become a little savvy. It is one of the few shops that I personally want to visit again.
もちもち大福 on Google

国分寺のマルイで期間限定で販売されていたもつ鍋セットを以前購入し、とても美味しかったので恵比寿のお店にお邪魔しました。 予約限定でのもつ鍋コースとのことで、予約をしていきました。 店内は広く、かなり混雑していました 人気店だからこそのマルイの出店だったのでしょうか。 店内でもつ鍋を食べると野菜ともつがおかわり自由との事で沢山おかわりさせて頂きました。 〆は米と麺でかなり悩みましたが今回は米を頼みました。 おじやもとても美味しかったです。 隣の席で焼肉を食べている方もおり、次は焼肉にも挑戦してみたいです。 ご馳走様でした。
I bought a motsunabe set that was sold for a limited time at Marui in Kokubunji, and it was so delicious that I visited the shop in Ebisu. I made a reservation because it is a hot pot course that is limited to reservations. The store was large and quite crowded Was it the opening of Marui because it was a popular store? When I ate the hot pot in the store, I was free to refill the vegetables and the offal, so I had a lot of refills. 〆 had a lot of trouble with rice and noodles, but this time I ordered rice. The uncle was also very delicious. Some people are eating yakiniku at the seat next to me, so I would like to try yakiniku next time. It was a treat.
高橋タカハシ on Google

友人の勧めでこちらに。 お店は駅から歩いて1分くらいかな、中はこじんまりとはしているが隣との距離が確保されていてよかった。店内も清潔感があり◎ 驚いたのはお通しのゆでたん、分厚くタンとは思えないくらいホロホロに煮込まれていてとても美味しかった。 メインのホルモンも臭みがなく大満足でした。ホルモン系の刺しは今まで見た目に抵抗があり避けてきたがこちらのお店は見た目も綺麗で味も文句なし。 ビールやサワーの他、焼酎や自家製の漬けたお酒など種類も豊富で500円均一でコスパ最高です。 また通いたいお店の一つになりました。
Here at the recommendation of a friend. The shop is about a minute's walk from the station, and although the inside is small, it's good that the distance to the neighbor is secured. There is a feeling of cleanliness inside the store ◎ What surprised me was the boiled beef tongue, which was so thick that I couldn't think of it as a tongue, and it was very delicious. The main hormone had no odor and I was very satisfied. I have avoided hormonal sashimi because of its appearance resistance, but this shop looks beautiful and tastes perfect. In addition to beer and sour, there are a wide variety of types such as shochu and homemade pickled liquor, and the price is 500 yen, which is the best cost performance. It has become one of the shops I want to visit again.

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