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Contact Dr.トレーニング|代々木店

住所 :

Yoyogi, Shibuya City, 〒151-0053 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Webサイト : https://drtraining.jp/yoyogi-contact/
街 : Tokyo

Yoyogi, Shibuya City, 〒151-0053 Tokyo,Japan
中山紗希 on Google

月額のスポーツジムで幽霊会員を一年やっていましたが、体験が楽しすぎたので入会しました。 腹筋が一度もできないほど軟弱だった私ですが、トレーナーさんが毎度笑顔で励ましてくださるので、できるようになりました。
I had been a ghost member for a year at a monthly sports gym, but I joined because the experience was too fun. My abdominal muscles were so weak that I couldn't do it even once, but the trainer encouraged me with a smile every time, so I was able to do it.
K Y on Google

概ね週に1回のペースで利用させていただいています。 その日の体調に合わせてメニューを組んでもらえるので、毎回、最適なトレーニングを実現できていると実感しています!また、急なスケジュール変更にも最大限対応していただけるので、大変ありがたいです。いつもありがとうございます!
We use it about once a week. You can arrange the menu according to the physical condition of the day, so I feel that I am able to achieve the optimum training every time! Also, I am very grateful that you will be able to respond to sudden schedule changes as much as possible. I am always grateful for your help!
Rudi H on Google

週2回の全16回プログラム! トレーナーさんはいつも笑顔で明るく素敵な方です!笑顔のスパルタ最高です! 毎度、時間調整ありがとございます♪ 来月もよろしくお願いしまーす!
A total of 16 programs twice a week! The trainer is always smiling, bright and lovely! Sparta with a smile is the best! Thank you for adjusting the time every time ♪ I look forward to working with you next month!
Ayaka Kondo on Google

I go there once or twice a week from April. It is thanks to the knowledgeable trainers who have national qualifications that the training that you can enjoy and enjoy with different menus every time is continued! All of you are really good people! After 3 months, the weight has increased and I have become accustomed to using my body, and I am looking forward to losing weight while further powering up from here.
a o on Google

A S on Google

トレーナー皆さん気持ちのいい爽やかなコミュニケーションです! 食事から運動まで適切な指示を頂けるので、本人の努力次第で効果は出やすいと思います! 私は3ヶ月弱で6%ほど体脂肪率が下がりました! 悩んでる方にはおすすめです!!
Trainers Everyone has a pleasant and refreshing communication! Since you can get appropriate instructions from eating to exercising, I think that the effect will be easy to come out depending on the efforts of the person himself! I lost about 6% of my body fat percentage in less than 3 months! Recommended for those who are worried! !!
ラベAS on Google

I had the impression that the personal gym had a high partition, but what should I do to eliminate stiff shoulders and maintain good health? I challenged from the experience that I wanted a professional to teach me without knowing. The trainer's cheerful and refreshing brightness made me feel at ease, and for the first time I learned about the wrong way of standing that I didn't notice ... I joined on the spot. It's 2 courses 24 times a week for 3 months, but the cost performance is good, the studio is beautiful, and I was taught the training menu every time and the training that can be done at home. I'm getting better, so I'll continue to have fun and do my best. Thank you very much.
Torlis Galli on Google

駅徒歩1分でアクセス性は文句無し。常時1~2組しかいないので今のところ広々とトレーニングできている。シューズ不要、ウェアやタオルはレンタルで、手ぶらで問題なく通える。 価格面での特筆性は無いが、都度払いなのでムダも無い。予約キャンセルも柔軟に対応してもらえるので助かっている。スキマ時間を活用したい忙しい自分との相性が良い。 トレーナーは異性同性問わず指名可能。
Access is perfect within a 1-minute walk from the station. Since there are only one or two pairs at any given time, I am able to train extensively so far. No shoes required, clothes and towels can be rented, and you can go empty-handed without any problems. There is no special mention in terms of price, but there is no waste because it is paid each time. It is helpful because you can flexibly cancel your reservation. It goes well with the busy self who wants to utilize the gap time. Trainers can be nominated regardless of gender.

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