Darumaya - Kokubunji

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Darumaya

住所 :

サンヴェール国分寺エスタシオン 2 Chome-9-8 Honcho, Kokubunji, Tokyo 185-0012, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 185-0012

サンヴェール国分寺エスタシオン 2 Chome-9-8 Honcho, Kokubunji, Tokyo 185-0012, Japan
Takashi Kobayashi on Google

何十年もおせわになっています。 旨くて安くて親切です。 お会計は現金のみです。
Ryota Ishibashi on Google

It's a great value and a large serving of rice is served. Stir-fried meat and vegetables set meal seems to be the most popular.
ますけん on Google

A set meal restaurant with an old-fashioned feel. The restaurant has a lot of volume and taste, and you can eat it firmly. Katsu curry is especially popular and many people ask for it. The curry itself has plenty of meat. The person who seems to be the owner has a stronger habit, and when he goes there, he feels more attached to it.
morizo “森蔵” on Google

時々利用しますが安くて美味しいお店です。今日は唐揚げ定食(720円)の気分でしたが、唐揚げ君を10個くらい盛って頂きましたので御飯少なめにしてもらってよかったと妙な安堵を覚えました。 その後、料理の本丸である唐揚げ君に何をかけて食すか悩みましたが多方面からの考察及び試験走行を繰り返した結果、野菜サラダにかけるドレッシングが最高であるとの結論に達しました。 なお、お味噌汁もわかめちゃんに限らず具だくさんで「お主もなかなかやるのう!」との心境に至りました。 唐揚げ定食にも人生模様に匹敵する様々なドラマがあると感じたランチのひとときでした。
I use it from time to time, but it's cheap and delicious. I felt like a fried chicken set meal (720 yen) today, but I was relieved that I was glad that I had a little rice because I had about 10 fried chicken. After that, I was worried about what to eat for Karaage-kun, who is the main dish, but as a result of repeated consideration from various aspects and test runs, I came to the conclusion that the dressing for vegetable salad is the best. .. In addition, miso soup is not limited to wakame seaweed, but it has a lot of ingredients, and I came to the feeling that "the master will do it quite well!". It was a lunch time when I felt that the fried chicken set meal had various dramas comparable to life patterns.
JP Doraebon on Google

【要点】 ・定食種類豊富 ・ごま塩あり ・禁煙 【感想】 国分寺の人気定食屋さんです。一品料理ホワイトボードありで居酒屋としても人気の様です。カキフライ定食めちゃくちゃ旨かったです。身が大きくて生牡蠣な気がします。餃子もかなり美味しいと思いました。
[Point] ・ A wide variety of set meals ・ With sesame salt ·no smoking 【thoughts】 It is a popular set meal restaurant in Kokubunji. It has a single dish whiteboard and is popular as an izakaya. The oyster fried set meal was insanely delicious. I feel like a big oyster. I thought the dumplings were also quite delicious.
徳嶺昴 on Google

700~800円くらいでそこそこ美味しい定食を食べられる昭和な雰囲気のレトロ感のあるお店で、なんだか懐かしく居心地がいい。味は値段を考えれば十分だと思う。 ご高齢な方が作っているためかライスが柔らかめで、自分としてはもう少し固めだとより美味しく感じる気がする。
It's a retro restaurant with a Showa atmosphere where you can eat a delicious set meal for around 700 to 800 yen, and it's kind of nostalgic and cozy. I think the taste is enough considering the price. The rice is soft, probably because it is made by an elderly person, and I feel that it is more delicious if it is a little harder for me.
gak_k09 on Google

(2022/02/01) ラーメンを始め、麺類過多のランチをどげんかせんと、、と、『定食屋』というワードで検索して見つけたこちらのお店。正直に告白すると、国分寺の名店『フジランチ』に行きそびれての、いわば“ハズレ一位”。でも、良かったです。美味しいし、コスパ最高、接客も丁寧。これは庶民に愛される、紛うことなき『街の定食屋さん』ですね。貴重だよなぁ、この手のお店は。少し濃い目の味付けもきっと魅力の一つかなと。良い意味での“困ったときの一手”として取っておきたいお店に巡り会えました。
(2022/02/01) This shop was found by searching for the word "set meal shop", such as ramen and lunch with a lot of noodles. To be honest, I missed the famous Kokubunji store "Fuji Lunch", so to speak, "No. 1 in loss". But it was good. It's delicious, the cospa is the best, and the customer service is polite. This is an unmistakable "town set meal shop" loved by the common people. It's precious, isn't it? I think one of the charms is the slightly deep seasoning. I was able to meet a shop that I wanted to keep as a “hands-on in case of trouble” in a good sense.
Mohammad Mardani on Google

Good food with very reasonable price.

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