Dainaso-an - Tamba

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Dainaso-an

住所 :

1003 Aogakicho Onaza, Tamba, Hyogo 669-3822, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87987
Postal code : 669-3822
Webサイト : http://onazaan.wixsite.com/soba-onazaan

1003 Aogakicho Onaza, Tamba, Hyogo 669-3822, Japan
zxfighters on Google

初訪問でしたが、蕎麦と天ぷらは美味でした。 二輪駐車場がコンクリ舗装なのも嬉しい! 今度訪れる時も利用しようと思います。
It was my first visit, but the soba and tempura were delicious. I'm glad that the two-wheeled parking lot is paved with concrete! I will use it when I visit next time.
黒坊主II世 on Google

【平成30年9月1日訪問】 気温27℃、湿度90%、雨混じりの曇天。予約をしないと店には入れないことが多いらしいので前日に予約して訪れました。開店時間と同時刻の予約だったので当然一番乗り。他に客はいませんでした。(予約しなくてもよかったかも…) 駐車場は店のすぐ西側の敷地にあり、車は8台分、バイクも恐らく8台分は駐車可能です。 ●盛り蕎麦(大盛り) 《蕎麦切り》 店主さんに訊くと今日の蕎麦は埼玉県秩父荒川産の春蕎麦とのこと。店主さん曰く、春蕎麦はあまり美味くないという印象を持たれていたとのことでしたが、試食すると今回たまたま良い品質の春蕎麦だったので仕入れてみましたとのこと。そんな春蕎麦を丸抜き十割で打ってみましたが如何だったでしょうか?とのことでしたが… 食べてみると、晩夏の蕎麦にも関わらず強いそばの香りが頭中を駆け回ります。しかも単に香りが強いというだけではなく、素材はおろかその蕎麦が育った土壌の香りを感じさせるオーガニックな風味でした。とにかく自然風味に長けた感動の大きい香りでした。これに程よくフレッシュな蕎麦の甘みが加わり、香りと味わいのダブルパンチ。率直に「素晴らしい!」と思わせられた蕎麦切りです 細切りに裁断された蕎麦切りは、食べ始めはコシ・弾力に優れ、十割蕎麦特有のボソボソ感は控えめに抑えられた印象でしたが、今日の気候が雨上がりの曇天で湿度が高かったことが影響したのか、食べ終わりの頃にはコシの反力も落ちてきた印象で、少しふにゃふにゃしていました。これは致し方ないことですね。気候等の条件がよければ品質も安定したことかと思います。 《蕎麦つゆ》 この店の蕎麦つゆは、甘辛加減で言うと醤油(かえし)の濃さが際立つ関東風の蕎麦つゆ。関西エリアでは比較的甘めの蕎麦つゆが提供されることが多いですが、この店ではソリッドな印象の関東風で非常に好印象でした。個人的嗜好にも見事にハマりました。 節系の出汁風味はかえしの風味と見事に融合し、素晴らしいまでの一体感がありました。十分に寝かせて作られたのだな、と感じました。 この蕎麦つゆにも大変感動させられました。 《薬味》 白葱、山葵、塩の3種。 とっても可愛いアルバイトの女性の推奨もあり、まずは塩を少し。フレッシュな甘さのある蕎麦切りとの相性は抜群に良好です。思った程塩辛さの少ないこの塩と、仄かな甘さの蕎麦切りとのマッチング、とても素晴らしいものでした。 白葱は大変香り高く、口いっぱい、鼻いっぱいに香りが広がります。しかしあまりにも強い香りの白葱なので、蕎麦切りと合わせるには注意が必要です。葱の香り加減を考慮しながら分量を調整して蕎麦切りとともに食べるといいでしょう。 山葵についても同様です。心地よいながらもその辛味は強く予想以上に刺激的なので、蕎麦切りに山葵を絡める分量は調整しながら食べる方がいいでしょう。 いずれにせよ、この店のこの3種の薬味はそれぞれ大変な個性があり、どれも優秀であると言わざるを得ません。 《蕎麦湯》 白濁ドロドロ系の蕎麦湯です。蕎麦湯の入った容器の蓋を開けて覗き込んでみると、底の方には蕎麦切り屑が潰されて溶かし込まれていました。期待感が膨らみます。 これに先程の蕎麦つゆを合わせ、残った薬味(白葱)を投入して頂いてみましたが、蕎麦つゆのかえしと出汁がまとまった風味に、蕎麦湯に含まれる強い蕎麦の香りが混じり合い、まるで高級和風蕎麦スープの様態でした。思わず蕎麦つゆと蕎麦湯のお代わりを頼んでしまいました。 ●鴨汁そば もり蕎麦と同じ蕎麦切りと、鴨汁を合わせます。 この店の鴨汁は、先程の蕎麦つゆと同様、醤油風味の方向に塩梅が振られた味わいで、また鴨肉の肉汁と合わさってとてつもなく濃厚そして深い味わいがあります。濃厚な味わいでありながら洗練された印象もあり、総じて上品な味わいの鴨汁でした。今のところ、過去食した鴨汁の中で1位と僅差の2位、といったようなものです。鴨肉の身の厚さも程よく(7~8mm程度)噛みごたえが素晴らしい。そして噛めば噛むほど滲み出る鴨の味。これが濃厚な鴨汁のつゆと合わさり、そして香ばしく焼かれた長葱の味と香りが足され…もはやあとは想像にお任せします。 この店の印象は一言。 「素晴らしい」 これに尽きます。 足繁く通いたい店がまた一店増えてしまいました。自宅からの距離を考えなければ、本当に最低でも週一回は通いたくなる蕎麦店です。この店の近くに引越ししたくなる気にさせられました。
[Visit on September 1, 2018] Temperature 27 ℃, humidity 90%, cloudy weather mixed with rain. It seems that you can't enter the store unless you make a reservation, so I made a reservation the day before and visited. The reservation was made at the same time as the opening time, so of course it was the first ride. There were no other guests. (Maybe I didn't have to make a reservation ...) The parking lot is located on the west side of the store and can park 8 cars and probably 8 motorcycles. ● Morisoba (Large) 《Soba cutting》 When I asked the owner, today's soba is spring soba from Arakawa, Chichibu, Saitama Prefecture. According to the owner, I had the impression that the spring soba wasn't very delicious, but when I tasted it, it happened to be good quality spring soba, so I bought it. I tried to make such spring soba noodles with 100% noodles, but how was it? It was said that ... When I try to eat it, the strong aroma of buckwheat runs around my head despite the soba noodles in late summer. Moreover, it was not only strong in aroma, but also the material was an organic flavor that made you feel the aroma of the soil in which the soba was grown. Anyway, it was a very moving scent with a natural flavor. A moderately fresh soba sweetness is added to this, and a double punch with aroma and taste. It ’s a soba slicing that frankly made me think “great!” The shredded buckwheat noodles had excellent elasticity and elasticity at the beginning of eating, and the impression that the lumpy feeling peculiar to 100% buckwheat noodles was suppressed was modest, but the influence of today's climate was cloudy after rain and high humidity. Perhaps, by the time I finished eating, I had the impression that the reaction force of the body had diminished, and I was a little fluffy. This is unavoidable. I think that the quality is stable if the conditions such as climate are good. 《Soba soup》 The soba soup at this restaurant is a Kanto-style soba soup with a pronounced soy sauce (kaeshi) in terms of sweetness and spiciness. In the Kansai area, relatively sweet soba soup is often served, but this shop was very impressed with the solid Kanto style. I was addicted to my personal taste. The soup stock flavor of the knot system blended perfectly with the flavor of the maple, and there was a wonderful sense of unity. I felt that it was made by laying it down enough. I was very impressed with this soba soup. 《Condiments》 Three kinds of white onion, wasabi, and salt. There is also a recommendation from a very cute part-time woman, so first add a little salt. It goes very well with the freshly sweet soba slices. The matching of this salt, which is less salty than I expected, with the slightly sweet soba slices was very wonderful. White onion is very fragrant, and the scent spreads throughout the mouth and nose. However, the scent of white onion is so strong that you need to be careful when combining it with soybean chopping. It is recommended to adjust the amount while considering the aroma of green onions and eat it with soybean chopping. The same applies to wasabi. Although it is pleasant, its spiciness is strong and stimulating more than expected, so it is better to eat while adjusting the amount of wasabi entwined with wasabi. In any case, each of the three condiments in this store has a great deal of individuality, and I have to say that they are all excellent. 《Soba hot water》 It is a cloudy muddy soba hot water. When I opened the lid of the container containing the soba hot water and looked into it, the soba chips were crushed and melted toward the bottom. Expectations swell. I combined this with the soba soup and added the remaining medicinal flavor (white onion), but the flavor of the soba soup and the soup stock was mixed with the strong soba scent contained in the soba hot water. It was like a high-class Japanese-style soba soup. I instinctively asked for a substitute for soba soup and soba hot water. ● Duck soba Combine the same soba noodles as Morisoba and duck soup. Like the soba soup, the duck soup at this restaurant has a taste of salted plums sprinkled in the direction of the soy sauce flavor, and when combined with the duck meat soup, it has an extremely rich and deep taste. Although it has a rich taste, it also has a sophisticated impression, and it was a duck juice with an elegant taste as a whole. So far, it's like the 1st place and the 2nd place among the duck juices I've eaten in the past. The thickness of the duck meat is also moderate (about 7 to 8 mm) and the chewy texture is wonderful. And the more you chew, the more the taste of duck oozes out. This is combined with the rich duck soup, and the taste and aroma of the savory roasted green onions are added ... I'll leave the rest to your imagination. The impression of this store is one word. "Great" That's all. The number of stores I want to visit has increased by one. If you don't consider the distance from your home, it's a soba restaurant that you really want to visit at least once a week. It made me want to move near this store.
Long kimu on Google

I made a reservation the day before and arrived at 11:30 and entered the store. I had Zaru soba, tempura, and fried soba noodles. The quality of the buckwheat noodles was medium, with a chewy texture. The aroma was not good, and I didn't really like the fried sobagaki.
クボタモトコ on Google

予約制と知らずに、行きましたが、入れてもらえました。 お蕎麦は、十割で、細くて、しっかりした、本当に、美味しいお蕎麦でした。最初は、お塩で、食べたのも、美味しかったです。 天ぷらも、揚げたで、鯖寿司も、身が厚くて、美味しかったです。
I went without knowing that it was a reservation system, but I was able to get in. The soba was 100%, thin, firm, and really delicious. At first, it was salt and it was delicious to eat. The tempura was fried and the mackerel sushi was thick and delicious.
黒田源太郎 on Google

私の好みです そばのゆで加減、蕎麦つゆも絶品です、蕎麦がきも 大変美味しく大満足です 。今日又食べに行きました
It's my taste Boiled soba, soba soup is also excellent, soba gakimo Very delicious and very satisfying .. I went to eat again today
on Google

It's like a famous store in a rural village. In our case, we jumped in on a cloudy Saturday in October, the day after 13:00. It seems that the shop was full with customers who made reservations, but probably because the shop was empty, I was guided away and was able to take a seat in less than 20 minutes waiting time. This separation was different from the original old folk house, and the interior was like a log house and it was fashionable. So, for the menu, I ordered spicy radish colander soba, tororo soba, and tempura. It was provided in about 10 minutes. The taste was good. However, the climate temperature was not good when we went! I felt a little chilly, so I wondered if I could enjoy the full taste. I hope there is a little more volume for the price.
rey raera on Google

美味しいお蕎麦を求めて彷徨った後は 必ず大名草庵!美味しいです、文句無しに美味しいです。 蕎麦です 本物の蕎麦を食べさせてくれるお店です。 鯖寿司も絶品 普段 鯖のお寿司は苦手ですが こちらの鯖寿司は美味しくいただけます。蕎麦がきも揚げ蕎麦がきですが 美味しいです。 とにかく お蕎麦がお好きなら 食べに行ってみて下さい。
After wandering in search of delicious soba, be sure to go to Daimyo Soan! It's delicious, it's delicious without complaint. It's soba It's a shop where you can eat real soba. Mackerel sushi is also excellent I usually don't like mackerel sushi, but you can enjoy this mackerel sushi. Sobagaki is also fried sobagaki, but it's delicious. Anyway, if you like soba, please go to eat.
しょーきち on Google

ただずまい素敵。 店内の調度品も、古民家に寄せた方がなおいいかな。 テキトーに丹波篠山に行って、テキトーにググってこちらにお伺いしましたが、 そばも美味しかったし、行ってよかった。 お持ち帰りで二八蕎麦買えるんやけど、これがまたうまかった。 やるじゃない。 ただご主人が関東の方で、鰹だしで甘めが多い関西の蕎麦つゆとはちょっと違う。 まぁそれは人の好みやねぇ。
It's just nice. I think it's even better to bring the furnishings inside the store to an old folk house. I went to Tamba-Sasayama for Tekito, googled for Tekito, and visited here. The soba was delicious and I'm glad I went. You can buy 28 buckwheat noodles with you, but this was good again. I won't do it. However, my husband is from the Kanto region, and it's a little different from the soba soup stock in the Kanto region, which has a lot of sweetness with bonito stock. Well, that's not what people like.

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