Kogenji - Tamba

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kogenji

住所 :

514 Aogakicho Hinokura, Tamba, Hyogo 669-3821, Japan

電話 : 📞 +879878
Postal code : 669-3821
Webサイト : http://www.kougenji-tanba.or.jp/

514 Aogakicho Hinokura, Tamba, Hyogo 669-3821, Japan
マッシー on Google

Arrived by car around 8:30 in the morning. Many people have already visited. Kogenji is a famous temple in Tamba, which is known as a famous spot for autumn leaves. The "Tenmoku maple" that Zen Master (Rinzai sect) of Kaisan brought back from Mt. Tenmoku in China during the Kamakura period is famous. Autumn leaves continue on the approach from Somon to Sanmon. The area around the Tahoto is included in the pamphlet and looks great on Instagram. It seems that it was too late to see the autumn leaves this time. The buildings include Somon, Sanmon, Buddhist temple, Hojo, Bell Hall, and Tahoto. There were many stores. The chestnut dumplings I ate after the visit were delicious.
青野俊介 on Google

紅葉の時期は人が多く訪れます。そのため屋台も平日でも出ています。駐車場に車を止めるとアマゴの塩焼きの匂いがします。 色とりどりで凄く綺麗な所です。 先日、テレビで猿回しを土日にしてると放映されてたので平日に訪れましたが、猿回し来てました。 お寺の静けさや匂い、雰囲気を感じたい方は来る時期や時間を考えた方がいいかもしれません。水の流れる音や鳥の鳴き声に混じって猿回しの太鼓を叩く音が聞こえて、屋台のにおいがしてきます。 階段が急なところもあるので、足腰が弱い方は結構しんどいと思います。
Many people visit during the fall foliage season. Therefore, the stalls are open even on weekdays. When you park your car in the parking lot, you can smell the grilled salmon. It is a colorful and very beautiful place. The other day, I visited on a weekday because it was aired on TV when I was doing a monkey show on Saturdays and Sundays, but the monkey show came. If you want to feel the tranquility, smell and atmosphere of the temple, you may want to consider when and when it will come. You can hear the sound of flowing water and the sound of a monkey-turning drum mixed with the barking of birds, and you can smell the stalls. There are some steep stairs, so I think it's quite difficult for people with weak legs.
ちゃん玲衣 on Google

丹波の紅葉スポットを代表するお寺だと思います。 駐車場は無料、入山料は300円です。 入口から山門までは割りと勾配がきつく善意の杖も借りられます。 仏殿の横には池があり、もみじの赤と苔の緑のコントラストが綺麗で小さな滝もあり水の音が心地好いです。 鐘楼では誰でも鐘を付くことが出来て鐘の音色がとても風情です。 写真などでもよく紹介されている三重塔(多宝塔)は一番奥にあります。 大変人気なので紅葉シーズンは手前の道路から渋滞しています。 またお寺までの道端が狭いので歩行者や対向車にも注意が必要です。
I think it is a temple that represents the autumn leaves spot in Tamba. Parking is free and the entrance fee is 300 yen. From the entrance to the mountain gate, you can also borrow a well-meaning wand with a relatively steep slope. There is a pond next to the Buddhist temple, the contrast between the red of the maple and the green of the moss is beautiful, and there is also a small waterfall, so the sound of the water is pleasant. Anyone can put a bell in the bell tower, and the tone of the bell is very tasteful. The three-storied pagoda (Tahoto), which is often introduced in photographs, is at the back. It's so popular that it's congested from the road in front of you during the fall foliage season. Also, since the roadside to the temple is narrow, you need to be careful of pedestrians and oncoming vehicles.
stardastboys on Google

11/17日の時点で落葉も多いですが、まだまだ綺麗に紅葉?見れます。  駐車場は無料ですが入山料として300円を入り口で払います。 この時期は出店も沢山出てるので大変賑わってました。
As of November 17, there are many fallen leaves, but you can still see the beautiful autumn leaves ?. The parking lot is free, but you will pay 300 yen as an entrance fee at the entrance. At this time, there were many stores, so it was very busy.
西村恒太朗 on Google

紅葉といえば、高源寺!! 毎年、沢山の方が紅葉を愛でるために訪れます。 2021年11月21日に来ましたが、 紅葉は、もう終盤に近い感じがしましたね。 もう少し色鮮やかな紅葉を見たかったけど、 少し遅かったかもしれません。 ただ、沢山の露店や猿回しも見れたので、 満足です?? Instagram kotaro3158110 ブログ 亀さんの健康相談 YouTube 恒太朗ちゃんねる もよろしくねー♡
Speaking of autumn leaves, Kogenji Temple! !! Every year, many people come to love the autumn leaves. I came on November 21, 2021, The autumn leaves seemed to be near the end of the game. I wanted to see the colorful autumn leaves, but It may have been a little late. However, I saw a lot of stalls and monkey shows, so I'm satisfied ?? Instagram kotaro3158110 blog Turtle's health consultation YouTube Kotaro Channel Nice to meet you ♡
Laikuan Chan on Google

Namo Shakyamuni Buddha, hope to go there and pray to Shakyamuni Buddha. Sincere hearts to bow and knee down top to toe, because of Buddha's merits. BUDDHA always in my heart. Namo Shakyamuni Buddha
andy kuan on Google

5 star place to experience Japan autumn. No in my road trip plan but turn out a big surprise.
soft play on Google

Good to enjoy the beauty of nature in this old temple, as well the ancient features of its architecture. We were also lucky enough to see performance by a good little monkey and his hilarious master!

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