Gomangoku Soba Fukuchiyama - Fukuchiyama

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Gomangoku Soba Fukuchiyama

住所 :

12-45 Araga, Fukuchiyama, Kyoto 620-0000, Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Postal code : 620-0000
Webサイト : http://www.5mangoku.jp/fukuchiyama.htm

12-45 Araga, Fukuchiyama, Kyoto 620-0000, Japan
Haman Karn on Google

とても美味しいお蕎麦です。お店の建物が古く、良き昭和の雰囲気も味わえます。 出石まで行かなくても出石蕎麦が食べられます。火曜日がお休みです。 お座敷でテーブル席はありません。正座イスは2個あるようです。
It is a very delicious soba. The shop building is old and you can enjoy the good Showa atmosphere. You can eat Izushi soba without going to Izushi. Tuesday is closed. There is no table seat in the room. There seem to be two seats.
Moto Tana on Google

少し高めかな?と思いますが、しっかりした手打ちのお蕎麦やさんとしてはお手頃な設定ではないかと思います。 蕎麦湯は柚子が効いているのでそのままでも口直しに良い感じです。 お腹が空いていたら炊き込みご飯を頼まないと少し物足りないかも? ソバやさんのお茶って、ふっと落ち着いて、食べる前の期待が高まるところなのですが、お茶が少し残念なものでした。 せっかくならお茶もそば茶があったら、ソバやさんに来たワクワク感がアップしますけど、なんだかんだ言って、美味しいそば食べたいなって思ったら吸い寄せられるように寄るお店です。
Is it a little expensive? I think, but I think that it is a reasonable setting for a solid handmade soba noodle shop. Soba-to has yuzu citrus, so it feels good to retouch as it is. If you're hungry, you might be a little unsatisfied if you don't ask for cooked rice. Soba-san's tea is a place where you can calm down and raise expectations before eating, but the tea was a little disappointing. If you have soba tea as well as tea, you will feel more excited when you come to buckwheat, but after all, if you want to eat delicious soba, you will be attracted to it.
白取靖士 on Google

Today is my second visit. There were foreigners, a little before noon, but it was quite successful. Last time it was a great lunch set of platter soba and cooked rice, but is it normal? I made it a dish soba. 5 small plates. As usual, raw egg, tororo, and big soup stock. I thought it was a bit small, but it was just right. It was delicious.
直子 on Google

I don't really like Izushi soba, but the soba here changed my impression a little! There are 5 additions, but it seems that 3 or 4 is okay ?
堀ノ内悟 on Google

2時50分にお店に着いたところ3時までだと言われたのですが、入れていただけました、ありがとうございます?。 お蕎麦はコシがあって美味しいです。 盛そば一人前5皿で900円。お店の方に「たぶん足りないと思うので追加されては?」と言われたので追加5皿をお願いしました。2人で行ったので2人で15皿。たしかに、一皿は一口か一口半でペロリと食べれてしまうので、追加5皿をして大正解でした。最初はそばつゆを3分の2ほど入れてネギだけで食べてみる。あとはお好きな具材でどうぞ、とお店の方に教えていただきました。山かけと生卵がついてます。どれも美味しいです。
When I arrived at the shop at 2:50, I was told that it was until 3 o'clock, but thank you for letting me in ?. Soba is chewy and delicious. Soba is 900 yen for 5 dishes per person. The shop asked me, "Maybe it's not enough, so why not add it?", So I asked for 5 more dishes. We went with two people, so we had 15 dishes. Certainly, one plate can be eaten with a bite or a bite and a half, so I added 5 additional plates and it was a great answer. At first, add about two-thirds of the soba soup and try eating with only green onions. The shop staff told me to use your favorite ingredients. It comes with a pile and raw eggs. All are delicious.
ryota komatsu on Google

福知山で出石そばを食べられるお店! 美味しくいただきました!つるっと10皿以上食べれます!平日のランチもオススメ。
A shop where you can eat Izushi soba in Fukuchiyama! It was delicious! You can eat more than 10 dishes smoothly! Weekday lunch is also recommended.
和也塩見 on Google

福知山へ帰省すれば、ほぼ立ち寄る店 出石そば『五萬石』 10皿食べました? 2022.3.21
If you go home to Fukuchiyama, you will almost stop by Izushi soba "Gomangoku" I ate 10 dishes ? 2022.3.21
A walking Contradiction on Google

蕎麦食べたくなり久しぶりに遠出。 緊急事態宣言下でしたが一人で黙食。 近所にも出石蕎麦が有りますが、やはり本場(豊岡じゃありませんが)近くで、美味しく頂きました。 鶏の卵が付くんですね。黄身だけ入れた方が良さそうです。 5皿じゃ少ないかもとお店の人に言われ8皿頂きました。10皿以上食べれられそうですが財布の都合でここまで。 ごちそうさまでした。
I wanted to eat soba and went out for the first time in a long time. Although it was under a state of emergency, he silently ate alone. There is Izushi soba in the neighborhood, but it was delicious because it was near the home (not Toyooka). It comes with chicken eggs. It seems better to add only the yolk. The shop staff told me that 5 dishes might not be enough, and I got 8 dishes. It seems that you can eat more than 10 dishes, but due to the wallet, this is the end. Thank you for the meal.

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