京野菜 桜肉 鴨肉 子鴨(鮮馬刺し 京鴨鍋)

4.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

子鴨|京野菜と桜肉と鴨肉とワインの美味しい料理店 - Ko-gamo.com


Contact 京野菜 桜肉 鴨肉 子鴨(鮮馬刺し 京鴨鍋)

住所 :

Daikokucho, Nakagyo Ward, 〒604-8031 Kyoto,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87797
Webサイト : http://ko-gamo.com/
街 : Kyoto

Daikokucho, Nakagyo Ward, 〒604-8031 Kyoto,Japan
WhiteGod N on Google

Horse and duck shop in the alley. It was my first visit, but I was impressed by how delicious they were! The shop was also kind and fun ^^
S JUN on Google

馬肉、鴨肉堪能できました。 馬肉で種類豊富に食べたのは初めてで、非常に美味しかったです。 満席のお客さんのオーダーをテンポよくこなしていく板さんの姿、カウンター越しに拝見しました。 初めて伺っても良い店はわかりますね。
I was able to enjoy horse meat and duck meat. It was my first time eating a wide variety of horse meat and it was very delicious. I saw over the counter, the board of Mr. Ita, who was able to keep up with the orders of all the customers. You can see the best shops to visit for the first time.
Ran Matsuba on Google

A duck restaurant. The carefully prepared food was very delicious! Since there was only one chef, it took some time for me to come out, but it was a polite customer service.
Takanori Shinmen on Google

A hideaway restaurant with horse and duck meat. The horse liver and heart sashimi are fresh and delicious without smell, and I ate duck for the first time, but the softness of the duck meat is very delicious. Although it was my first time, the store was calm and the clerk was able to eat well and comfortably!
Y on Google

The taste of the dishes, the arrangement, the freshness of the ingredients are excellent, and the timing, service and comfort are all wonderful. I think it's more correct to have the delicious food tasted in the process of letting you see the work that has been devoted to everything, rather than having them eat delicious food. I will come again. There is no doubt that it is a famous shop in Kyoto.
のりたま on Google

鴨肉・馬肉が食べられるお店。 臭みのない新鮮な赤身肉がたっぷり食べられて大満足です。 5000円の鴨鍋コースで、コスパ抜群でした。品数は少なめですか1つ1つのお料理をしっかり味わうことができ、お腹も満たされます。 かといって焼き肉のように胃もたれするわけではなく、京都ならではの上品なお肉の楽しみ方を体験することができました。 馬刺しの昆布締めは絶品で忘れられません。 もっと高いコースだと更に色んな調理法で提供されるようなので、季節とメニューを変えて、ぜひまた再訪したいお店です。 アラカルトのメニューも美味しそうでした。
A restaurant where you can eat duck and horse meat. I am very happy to be able to eat plenty of fresh red meat without odor. The 5,000 yen kamonabe course was excellent at cospa. Is the number of items small? You can taste each dish firmly and your stomach will be satisfied. However, it does not mean that the stomach feels heavy like yakiniku, and I was able to experience the elegant way of enjoying meat that is unique to Kyoto. The horse sashimi kelp tightening is exquisite and unforgettable. If it is a higher course, it seems that it will be offered with various cooking methods, so it is a shop that I definitely want to visit again by changing the season and menu. The a la carte menu also looked delicious.
吃土羊駝 on Google

It’s too delicious, makes me speechless!!
John SHEN on Google

My first time to try horse meat. Both the sashimi and fried horse meat are fresh and interesting experience. The duck hot pot is delicious and the final rice with duck soup is the icing on the cake.

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