Corona Shokudo - Saku

4.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Corona Shokudo

住所 :

城下-95-3 Usuda, Saku, Nagano 384-0301, Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Postal code : 384-0301
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–2PM
Sunday 10AM–2PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday 10AM–2PM
Wednesday 10AM–2PM
Thursday 10AM–2PM
Friday 10AM–2PM

城下-95-3 Usuda, Saku, Nagano 384-0301, Japan
tabiroh on Google

A restaurant famous for its huge kakiage bowl that sticks out of the bowl. The soft sauce cutlet bowl is also popular in the nostalgic atmosphere of an old-fashioned dining room.
Taro Tsunami on Google

This time, I visited with the intention of delivering ale to a store that suffered from rumorless rumors. It seems that there is a long waiting time after placing an order because the master is struggling with both the kitchen and the delivery. About 10 minutes walk from Usuda station. On the way, there was a scenic bridge. Please take your time out.
ザクオジムオ on Google

偶然近くに用事があったので 応援も兼ねて オッサンが若さに挑戦しました 3分の1残して撃沈しました 天つゆは足りなくなるので お代わりOKです 駐車場は西側となりの空き地 当然ですがこんな大きな揚げ物なので 油の温度が低いと 20分は待ちます!! 覚悟して下さい
I happened to have something nearby Also serves as support Ossan challenged youth Sinked leaving one-third Because there is not enough Tentsuyu Replacement is OK The parking lot is a vacant lot next to the west side Naturally, it ’s such a big fried food. When the temperature of the oil is low Wait 20 minutes! !! Please be prepared
あらら?arara? on Google

体重や腹回りの寸法に恵まれている割に度量というものがない。いつも人のことが気になって気になって仕方がない。おいおいおいおいおいそれくらい自分でやれよ教えてもらわなくても考えてやるんだよお前の頭につまっているのは八丁味噌か発酵が足りないようだからオレがかき混ぜてやるから頭蓋骨割ってこっちに来いや、えええ?言われなきゃわからない?そんなのは察してやるんだよふざけるんじゃねえよ動物じゃねえんだぜ。  とまぁそんな感じでいつもピリピリしているが、滅多やたらと表に出すことはない。いちいちあげつらっていては人間関係など正常に保てるわけもなく、言わずにいるのが自分のあるいは周囲の環境を守り育む、という事もある。私が周囲をイラつかせている時もあるだろう。だから言わずにガマンする。度量が小さいわりに寛容という変なヤツだな、と思わなくもないがこればかりは仕方がない。と、落とせてしまえば楽なのだが、世間の大半の方はこんなものではないか。だから、こんな世の中でもなんとなく回っている。  分からなきゃいいか と、思わなくもない。SNSなどという匿名でいられるよいものもある。ちょっとここで毒吐き出しても文句はないだろう。というのも有効ではある。現にたった今私がやっている。わずかではあるが溜飲を下げた気分でもある。まぁやってもそんな程度だろう。具体的に書くわけでもない、本人が特定できるやり方もしない。これもみな同じだろう。  ではあるが、 その鉾先を弱者に向ける者がいる。べつに人のいないところでマスクせずともお前に迷惑をかけていないだろう。公園で子どもが遊んでいるだけで通報するのはどうかしていないか。電車内で前のおじさんが咳をしただけで緊急ブレーキを発動させる事はないだろう。なんとなくCORONAビールが飲めないなんて言うヤツは精神的に病んでいるのではないか。  マナーの悪いものも後をたたない。街を歩いていて、いろいろ腹の立つことも多い。立ち止まって注意してやろうかと思った事など幾度となくある。とはいえそれはお互い様でもある。こちらが知らずにマナー違反をしていることはある。よそ様を不快にしていることもあるだろう。  当たる先が違うだろう。 と、つくづく思う。批判するべきは他にいるだろう、文句を言うべきはも他にいる、そして攻撃するべきも他にいるだろう。「私に責任がある」と百数十回言いながら知らぬふりをきめこむ某国の総理大臣、「スピード感をもって」となかんとか言いながら4ヶ月も経過しながらまだ達成できない某国の総理大臣、「検査数を倍にします」と言ってとうとう出来なかった某国の総理大臣、やることなすことすっとこどっこいな某国の総理大臣などなどなど、たくさんいるではないか。   「コロナ食堂」 臼田町の奥深くにある古い居酒屋兼定食屋さんだ。創業70年という油じみた店内は、食堂好きにはドキドキするほどたまらない。このような店があるという事は、かつての臼田町はそれなりに栄えていた証拠だ。こういうところが歴史好きにはたまらないほどの魅力だ。  「大きな大きなかきあげ定食」900円 こちらは何を食べても美味いと聞いてきたが、『大きな』というフレーズに惹かれてこれを注文した。大きく刻まれたナス、カボチャ、春菊、玉ねぎ、干し海老、ベビーホタテなど色とりどりじつに美しく美味い。天つゆはポン酢風で酸味があるのでこれも好みだ。 このかき揚げは美味すぎるほどだがひとつだけ大きな欠点、いや魅力がある。それはデカいのだ、デカすぎるのだ。サイズは直径でおよそ30センチ、厚みは4.5㎝はあるだろう。おばちゃんがふうふういいながら運んできた様を見て大いに後悔した。久しぶりに『やっちまった感』が噴き出てくる。でも食べなければ。これほど美味の、アートとさえいえるものを食べきらねば。…と頑張ったが半分であえなく撃沈。残りは持ち帰りとし、夕食にいただきました。   ご存知の方もいらっしゃるかもしれないが、こちらは名前から嫌がらせをされたそうなのだ。ネットに中傷記事を書かれたり、イタズラ電話をされたりとかなりなダメージを受けられているという。おばちゃんに訊ねたら夜中の無言電話が一番嫌だという。 「身内に何かあったんじゃないかと心配で」 だいぶ減っては来たとのことだがゼロにはなっていないのだとか。コロナのおかげて、ただでさえお客様が減っているのにたまったものではない。 「でもみなさんの応援でなんとかやっていられるから」 とニコニコ顔のおばちゃんがとても気持ちよかった。負けるな!コロナ食堂!
Despite the fact that he is endowed with weight and abdominal dimensions, he has no measure. I can't help but worry about people. Come on, do it yourself Even if you don't ask me, I'll think about it No, eh? Don't you have to tell me? I'll guess that, don't play around, not animals. It's a sequel. It's a sequel. Well, I'm always nervous with that feeling, but I rarely show it up. It is not possible to maintain normal relationships such as human relations by raising each one, and there are things that you do not say that you protect and nurture your own or surrounding environment. Sometimes I'm annoyed. That's why I don't care. I can't help thinking that it's a strange guy who is tolerant in spite of his small profession, but I can't help it. If it can be dropped, it will be easier, but most people in the world are not like this. That's why I'm spinning around in this world. It's a sequel. It's a sequel. I need to know I don't think so. There are also good things that can be anonymous, such as SNS. It's okay if I spit out a little bit here. That is also effective. Actually I'm doing it right now. It's a little bit, but it feels like I've stopped drinking. Well, that would be about that. I don't write it concretely, nor do I have a way to identify it. This too will be the same. It's a sequel. It's a sequel. However, There are those who turn their tips to the weak. I wouldn't bother you without a mask where there are no people. Isn't it wrong to report a child playing in the park? An uncle in front of the train would not activate the emergency brake just because he coughed. I suppose the guy who says that he can't drink CORONA beer is mentally ill. It's a sequel. It's a sequel. Even those with bad manners will not stand behind. I often get angry while walking around the city. There are many times when I stopped and thought that I should be careful. But it's also like each other. There is a case that this is a violation of manners without knowing. It may be offensive to others. It's a sequel. It's a sequel. The hit point will be different. It's a sequel. I really think. There will be others to criticize, others to complain, and others to attack. The prime minister of a certain country who pretends not to know while saying "I'm responsible" hundreds of times, and the prime minister of a certain country who hasn't achieved it in four months while saying "with a sense of speed", There are many prime ministers in a certain country who couldn't finally say "double the number of inspections," and others who are awkward to do what they do. It's a sequel. It's a sequel. It's a sequel. "Corona Canteen" It is an old izakaya and set meal restaurant deep in Usuda Town. The 70-year-old store, which has been greasy, is so exciting that you can enjoy dining. The fact that there are such stores is evidence that Usuda Town used to flourish. This kind of place is irresistible for history lovers. It's a sequel. It's a sequel. "Big and big set meal" 900 yen I've heard that it tastes good no matter what I eat, but I was attracted by the phrase "big" and ordered this. Largely carved eggplants, pumpkins, garland chrysanthemums, onions, dried shrimps, baby scallops, and so on. I like this as it is ponzu-like and sour. It's a sequel. This fried oyster is too tasty, but it has one major drawback: no charm. It's big, it's too big. The size will be about 30 cm in diameter and 4.5 cm in thickness. I regretted that my aunt carried me while I was fluffy. After a long time, the feeling of "I'm afraid" comes out. But I have to eat. I have to eat something so tasty, even art. I tried hard, but I sank in half. I took the rest with me for dinner. It's a sequel. It's a sequel. It's a sequel. As you may know, it seems that you were harassed by your name. It is said that he has suffered considerable damage, such as being written on the internet as a slanderous article and making a prank call. When I asked my aunt, she said she didn't like the silent phone call at midnight. It's a sequel. "I'm afraid there was something in my family." It is said that it has come down considerably, but it is not zero. Thanks to Corona, we're not alone in losing customers. It's a sequel. "But I can do it with your support." Said an aunt with a smiling face. Do not lose! Corona dining room!
いきなりドクター on Google

天丼いただきました。 臼田駅より、歩いて20分。 訪問には、車が便利です。 昔ながらのたたずまい。街中の食堂、 この雰囲気、大好きです。 店内にも、大きな『コロナ』文字の掛け かきあげ丼も考えたのですが、 量的にデカすぎるので 今回は天丼としました。 まずは、お冷や、筍の煮たの、漬物 10分ほどすると、着丼。 熱々、ホクホクの海老が二匹。 甘めのタレがかかっていて 美味しくいただきます。 食べてる際に、女将さんが 筍が湯上がったと持ってきてくれました。 こちらがまた旨い! 高級なグルメ好きな方には 不向きかもしれませんが 大衆グルメが好きな方には 是非ともオススメです。 大食らいの方は ぜひ、コロナ名物の “かきあげ丼”をぜひお試しください。
I had a bowl of rice. 20 minutes walk from Usuda station. A car is convenient for your visit. Old-fashioned appearance. Dining room in the city, I love this atmosphere. Large "Corona" letters are also hung inside the store I also thought about a kakiage bowl, Because it's too big in quantity This time it was a bowl. First of all, cold, boiled bamboo shoots, pickles After about 10 minutes, the bowl will arrive. Two hot, fluffy shrimp. It has a sweet sauce It will be delicious. While eating, the landlady He brought me that the bamboo was hot. This is delicious again! For those who like high-class gourmet It may not be suitable For those who like popular gourmet I highly recommend it. If you are a big eater By all means, Corona's specialty Please try "Kakiage Don".
K on Google

ヤサイ天ぷらそば 野菜の天ぷら美味しかったです。 あと、そばもスープが美味しかったですが、麺は普通くらいでした。 お昼にお伺いしましたが、野沢菜や和風キムチのようなお通し(無料)も付いてきてコスパはよかったと思います。 大きくて有名なかき揚げがメニューになく頼めなかったのが残念でした。
Yasai Tempura Soba The vegetable tempura was delicious. Also, the soba was delicious, but the noodles were normal. I visited you at noon, and I think the cospa was good because it came with a free izakaya like Nozawana and Japanese-style kimchi. It was a pity that I couldn't ask for the big and famous kakiage because it wasn't on the menu.
picopico on Google

R2.5.23 ネット見ました!本当にお辛いと思いますが乗り切りましょう。落ち着いたら神奈川より行きます!!絶対に店閉めないでくださいね!!!! 追記 R2.7.4 伺わせて頂きました。まず一言で表すと「美味しい」!!豚カツ定食、天丼2っ、巨大かき揚げを提供して下さいました。大きすぎて3人でも食べきれないと思いきや、ここのかき揚げは衣にこだわり揚げ物独特の脂っこさはなく生姜を入れた麺つゆであっさりとした感じで一気に完食できました。野菜も一つ一つが大きくてボリュームが凄いので食べ応えあります。食べられなければ他の方も書いてある通り持ち帰る事もできました。親子で明るく頑張ってる姿を見てこちらが元気を頂いたように思えます。「みんなで応援してます、また来ます」と伝えて帰りました。人生辛い時は必ず来るけど1人じゃないってのは自分も含めて考えさせられました。皆で支え合って生きていける世の中になれば良いなと思います。ご馳走様でした。 追記 R2.10.2 北杜市から軽井沢に行く用事がありましたのでまた伺いました!相変わらず元気に営業されていて何様でも無いですが勝手に安心しています、、w 店主が私の幼い娘の機嫌を察してか一升瓶の蓋に爪楊枝を刺して作ったコマを持ってきてくれました。嫁と2人でとても感動し、お陰様でゆっくりと食事もできました。今回は相変わらず食べ切れるか不安の特大かき揚げ定食と、相方は天丼を頼みました。揚げたてカリカリサクサクで最高に美味しかったです。いつの間にかコロナ食堂さんのかき揚げ中毒になってる自分がいます。笑 また行きます!!
R2.5.23 I saw the net! I think it's really painful, but let's survive. When I'm calm, I'll go from Kanagawa! !! Please do not close the store! !! !! !! Postscript R2.7.4 I visited you. First of all, "delicious" in one word! !! They provided a pork cutlet set meal, two tendon bowls, and a huge kakiage. I thought that it was too big for even three people to eat, but the kakiage here was particular about the batter and did not have the greasiness peculiar to fried foods, and I was able to finish it all at once with a noodle soup containing ginger. Each vegetable is big and has a great volume, so you can eat it. If I couldn't eat it, I could take it home as other people wrote. Seeing the parents and children doing their best cheerfully seems to have given me energy. I said, "We are all supporting you, and I will come again." I always come when my life is hard, but I was made to think that I was not alone. I hope we can live in a world where everyone can support each other. It was a treat. Postscript R2.10.2 I had a business trip from Hokuto City to Karuizawa, so I visited again! It's still operating well and it's nothing, but I'm relieved without permission, w The shopkeeper brought me a piece made by sticking a toothpick on the lid of a bottle, perhaps because of the mood of my little daughter. I was very impressed with my wife and I was able to eat slowly thanks to you. This time, I asked for an oversized kakiage set meal, which I was still worried about whether I could eat up, and my partner, Tendon. It was freshly fried and crispy and it was the best. Before I knew it, I was addicted to Kakiage at Corona Shokudo. Lol I'll go again! !!
雪斑 on Google

夕飯の時間帯に訪れてみるとお客さんがまだ誰も入ってなかったようでテーブルの上にお菓子めっちゃ置いてお店の人が寛いでました^^; でも自分が来たらだるい感じもなく丁寧に接してもらったので悪い印象は無いです。 野菜天ぷらそば(930円)を注文しました。パプリカ揚げてるの初めて見た^^; そばは麺が均一の大きさじゃなかったし白かったのでいわゆる小麦が多い立ち食いそば的なものに近いかなと 天ぷらは多い方でしたが麺のクオリティからするとそれほどコスパがいいとも言えない感じでした 駐車場はお店のとなりの砂利スペースに停めれるみたいなので車でも来れますが、お客さんが自分ともう1組の家族しかいないのにそのご家族の方が中々注文を受けてもらえてないくらい余裕がなくなっていて、自分も注文から出てくるまで20分くらいかかった印象なのであまり2回目は考えられないかも… お店の人柄で星+2
When I visited during the dinner time, it seemed that no one had entered yet, so the shop staff was relaxing with a lot of sweets on the table ^^; But when I came, I didn't feel tired and treated me politely, so I don't have a bad impression. I ordered vegetable tempura soba (930 yen). I saw it for the first time when I fried paprika ^^; The noodles weren't the same size and the noodles were white, so I thought it was close to the so-called standing-eating soba with a lot of wheat. There were a lot of tempura, but from the quality of the noodles, I couldn't say that the cost performance was so good. The parking lot seems to be parked in the gravel space next to the shop, so you can come by car, but even though there is only one family with you, that family can not accept orders. It took me about 20 minutes to get out of the order, so I can't think of the second time ... Star +2 due to the personality of the shop

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