CONA 千葉駅前店

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact CONA 千葉駅前店

住所 :

Fujimi, Chuo Ward, 〒260-0015 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 5–10PM
Sunday 5–10PM
Monday 5–10PM
Tuesday 5–10PM
Wednesday 5–10PM
Thursday 5–10PM
Friday 5–10PM
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Fujimi, Chuo Ward, 〒260-0015 Chiba,Japan
mushi midori. on Google

A freshly baked pizza is too cheap for ALL500! We came to the store together. I ate a full stomach with salad, Ahijo, pizza, pasta, and two drinks in total, and it cost about 4400 yen. The pizza was thin, light and easy to eat and delicious.
airi on Google

It was a pizza that didn't seem like 500 yen! ?
コウキ on Google

A wide variety of freshly baked pizzas and bottles of wine are available at reasonable prices. Considering the price range, I feel the taste and atmosphere are good.
Laura Rossetto on Google

Good atmosphere. Good pizza and drinks.
Maclean Schaef on Google

Pizza is great, all you can drink, side menu is good too.
Marc Antomattei on Google

December 9, 2017. After about three years I returned to this establishment for the second time. I brought a friend with me and he and I were anticipating a decent (albeit smokey) time. I remember the last time I came, it was jam packed with people and there were a lot of smokers and no non-smoking areas. It was foolish of me to even think time would have changed this place. It's still a smokers haven with NO non-smoking area. There's nothing worse than having smoke blown out of the mouths of filthy people all over your food and clothing (which follows you home). Greater Tokyo is so not ready to host the 2020 Olympics because places and laws can't even get the basics right. So that most major problem aside (minus 1 star), the staff brings us in and directs us to the bar counter even though there is one empty table available. We're sitting at the corner of the counter that's nearby to the restroom and sink, and underneath the heater that is very hot. Although it probably kept the rest of the place comfortably warm, if you're the one(s) right underneath it, it's not the most comfortable of places to be. Two customers come in after us and get the table I thought we should have been seated at. I say to my friend "why aren't we the ones there?" (minus 1 star). The staff came up to us and said we must buy a drink. Well that's rude. We probably would have bought drinks regardless, but it's just the fact that they force you to isn't very nice or upfront. I like disclosure and that's that's not mentioned on the menu at all or on any signs. It's the principle of the matter why it upsets me. You go into someplace expecting cheap prices but walk out having paid a majority of your bill for surcharges that is more than what you pay for the food (the reason you're there). Additionally they charge you a ¥300 seating charge (that comes with nuts you don't want) just to sit down. That was mentioned on the menu in Japanese, so OK, that's fair game. At least you were warned. Anyways the place shouldn't be marketed as a ¥500 pizza spot, it should be marketed as an ¥800 +¥500 pizza spot (minus 1 star). While still most certainly cheap, it's the whole issue that they aren't transparent about it. I could have just gone to Saizeriya and not paid a seating charge and knew what I would be expected to pay in the end based on what I ordered. The pizzas are decent, by no means bad tasting. Very thin and small but ¥500 seems pretty well priced for what they are. Just for being decent that's not going to add or remove any stars though. Just the experience upset me tonight. Here's the best part of the night, true story. As we finish our pizza and declare it's about time we pay and leave, karma comes trotting across the floor. A mouse walks clear across the middle of room, noticed by me and many other patrons who may or may not have freaked out. I said to my friend, "Do you know what that is? That's karma! They are not going to catch it tonight. Hopefully it gets into all the ingredients tonight." Then we left. If I return to this place again, it'll probably be in another three years, or probably never. Hail to the mouse!
Charles Cheng on Google

After being handed a looseleaf flyer alongside the menu that had the words "Chicago Pizza" and one large photo of a thick-crusted pizza with deluxe/combo style toppings on it, I decided to order one for the hefty price of 1800 yen. Waitress comes back after a few minutes and asks, "there's cheese and meat sauce, which one would you like?" (チーズとミートソースの二種類があるんですけどどちらにしますか?) I choose cheese and next thing I know I'm served a cheese pizza with two syrup packets... You'd think the waitress was asking me about toppings when she said "meat sauce" but no, apparently "meat sauce" was the name of the combo pizza. Never mind that I've never heard of a deep-dish cheese/syrup Chicago pizza, the biggest problem was that there was no mention or photo of a cheese variation for that item on the menu at all. The only photo that was shown was the combo. Not a fan of gorgonzola filled with mashed potato, if you can call that a pizza, so I barely touched what they gave me. Major disappointment. The waitress apologized when I tried to explain, so I'll leave my review at three stars. Not sure if she understood what was wrong with their menu though. 「ミートソース」はトッピングの名前です。ピザの名前ではありません。なので「チーズとミートソースのどちらにしますか」と聞かれたら思わず追加トッピングと思ってチーズを選んだら写真と全く違うピザが来てびっくりしました。結局一口ぐらいしか食べずに帰った。正直ピザの分払いたくなかった。
Nightmare Nugget on Google

We loved the atmosphere of this place and the menu is cheap, however the pizzas are very thin - I am small and could easily eat 2 of them. The vegetarian pizza comes covered in lettuce and the mushrooms I had added on were bland and not worth it as an extra. Very little cheese and other vegetables - I see why they are so cheap! Not the best pizza in Japan - I would say it’s mediocre. 3 stars as the staff were helpful, but the place was too busy for only 2 waiting staff so you really have to be their attention to order anything. The whole place is smoking, which was fine for me as a smoker, but I feel sorry for non-smokers. I would go back for a cheap meal if I wasn’t very hungry, but if you want something substantial either order a lot of food or go elsewhere for something a bit more delicious.

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