LA TAVERNETTA alla civitellina - Chiba

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact LA TAVERNETTA alla civitellina

住所 :

2 Chome-8-14 Central, Chuo Ward, Chiba, 260-0013, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 260-0013
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:45AM–3PM
Sunday 11:45AM–3PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday 11:45AM–3PM
Wednesday 11:45AM–3PM
Thursday 11:45AM–3PM
Friday 11:45AM–3PM

2 Chome-8-14 Central, Chuo Ward, Chiba, 260-0013, Japan
林みなみ on Google

以前から気になっていたので、ランチタイムに予約なしで行ってみましたが、入口に「ただいまご案内できません」のプレートが…。 少し待てばよいのか、完全に予約制なのかわからず店頭で待っていたところ、中から若い男性が出てきて「ここに書いてあるように、今はご案内できません」とぶっきらぼうに対応されました。 予約なしでうかがったのでやむを得ませんが、お料理の評判が良くても、あの対応は飲食店としていかがなものかと思います。
I had been interested in it for a long time, so I went there without a reservation at lunch time, but at the entrance there was a plate saying "I can't show you right now". I was waiting at the store because I didn't know if I should wait for a while or if it was a reservation system, but a young man came out from inside and responded bluntly saying, "As written here, I can't guide you right now." .. It's unavoidable because I asked without a reservation, but even if the food has a good reputation, I think that correspondence is what a restaurant would like.
ああ on Google

No matter what I ate, it was delicious and I was impressed. I'm teaching to all my friends!

プランツォCをオーダー。 5年ぶりの来店でしたがとても美味しかった。 感染症対策もしっかりとられており安心です。 いつきても美味しい料理が食べられます。 アレルギーや苦手な物などもオーダー時にしっかりと確認してくれます。 素敵な雰囲気で良い時間を過ごせました。
I ordered Planto C. It was my first visit in 5 years, but it was very delicious. It is safe because the measures against infectious diseases are well taken. You can eat delicious food even if you come. It also confirms allergies and things that you are not good at when ordering. I had a good time in a nice atmosphere.
Sanae K on Google

4500円のコースでお願いしました。前菜、パスタ、メイン、デザート、飲み物、接客全てパーフェクトでした!なのにリーズナブルな価格設定で最高なお店です。魚介の美味しいイタリア料理屋さん探していたので嬉しいです。時間かけてでもわざわざ行きたいお店です。コースにすると料理のボリュームを三段階で選べて、お腹ぺこぺこだったので一番多いのでお願いしました。結果、デザート前の段階で腹9分目、、デザートで10分目という感じでぎりぎりでした(笑)次回は真ん中のサイズにしようと思います。しかしパスタが美味しすぎて量減らしたくないな。。悩みます? 大満足です!ごちそうさまでした。
I asked for a course of 4500 yen. Appetizers, pasta, entrees, desserts, drinks and customer service were all perfect! However, it is the best shop with reasonable price setting. I'm glad I was looking for a delicious Italian restaurant with fish and shellfish. It is a shop that you want to go all the way even if you take time. When I made the course, I could choose the volume of the dish in three stages, and I was hungry, so I asked for it because it was the most. As a result, it was the 9th minute of the belly before the dessert, and the 10th minute of the dessert (laughs). Next time, I will try to make it the middle size. However, the pasta is too delicious and I don't want to reduce the amount. .. I'm worried ? I'm very satisfied! Thank you for the meal.
yun yun on Google

ランチで2000円使う気持ちの日なら是非♡ 久しぶりに脳が考えながら食事してた‥前菜ひとつひとつ、丁寧に考えて作られてるのがわかるお味。何がどうとかは言えないけど、お値段以上価値のある食事です。小さなお店で、スタッフのみなさんが忙しなく、でも丁寧に働いてらっしゃいました。ごちそうさまでした。今度は家族できたいなぁ(^^)
If you feel like spending 2000 yen for lunch, please come ♡ It's been a while since my brain was thinking about eating ... Each appetizer is a taste that you can see that it is carefully thought out and made. I can't say anything about it, but it's a meal worth more than the price. In a small shop, the staff were not busy, but they worked politely. Thank you for the meal. I want to have a family this time (^^)
mariko nakamura on Google

Homemade pasta is very delicious. The cospa for lunch is wonderful, and we recommend . You can feel free to use it by yourself. Reservation is safe.
Yuichiro Soma on Google

気軽に使えるけど、料理は本格的なイタリアン。 コース料理は同料金でポーションサイズを選べて、足りなければお代わりパスタも注文可能。 おまかせコースは手の込んだ前菜、パスタ2皿、肉&魚のメイン1皿、デザート、食後のドリンクで4,500円。とてもお得。
It's easy to use, but the food is authentic Italian. For course meals, you can choose the portion size for the same price, and if you don't have enough, you can order a replacement pasta. The Omakase course is 4,500 yen for elaborate appetizers, 2 pasta dishes, 1 main dish of meat and fish, dessert, and after-dinner drinks. Very good value.
Darren Halliday on Google

Nice little Italian restaurant. Quite reasonable for a course meal at 4,200yen. 2 people and a bottle of wine at 11,000yen. First course and desert were delicious. Pasta was OK. Main course was average, fish was little over cooked.

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