
4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ディンミ

住所 :

Konakadai, Inage Ward, 〒263-0043 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : https://dimmi.gorp.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–3PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 11:30AM–3PM
Tuesday 11:30AM–3PM
Wednesday 11:30AM–3PM
Thursday 11:30AM–3PM
Friday 11:30AM–3PM
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Konakadai, Inage Ward, 〒263-0043 Chiba,Japan
Shintaro Sano on Google

A Italian restaurant near Inage Station.
CC YY on Google

It's delicious Italian, but the drawback is that it's always crowded and the seats next to it are so close that you can't relax.
タフ on Google

It is recommended in a restaurant that has a calm interior and delicious dishes that are carefully prepared.
yoshi on Google

五感が満足するお店。食べ終わるといつも満たされた気分になる。 オイルとガーリックをたっぷり使っている他のイタリアンのお店では、食後胃もたれしたり、ランチだとにおいが気になったりする。しかし、ここはそれがない。上質のオリーブオイルが使われていて、非常に美味しい。良質の食材、正統派の味付け、盛り付けの美しさで勝負されていて、全てにおいてグレードが高い。一皿一皿丁寧に調理され、食事のスピードに合わせて提供される。 ランチはA(前菜、パスタ、デザート、ドリンク)とB(A+肉or肴メイン料理が選択できる)がある。他のコースも。 予約して行かれることをお勧めする。 駐車場はないので、隣のコインパーキングかイオンの駐車場へ。
A shop that satisfies all five senses. Whenever I finish eating, I feel satisfied. At other Italian restaurants that use plenty of oil and garlic, you may feel heavy after eating or smell at lunch. But here it is not. High quality olive oil is used and it is very delicious. The competition is based on good quality ingredients, orthodox seasoning, and the beauty of presentation, all of which are of high grade. Each dish is carefully cooked and served at the speed of the meal. Lunch has A (appetizer, pasta, dessert, drink) and B (A + meat or side dish main dish can be selected). Other courses too. We recommend that you make a reservation. There is no parking lot, so go to the next coin parking lot or Aeon parking lot.
adv t on Google

素晴らしい料理。ゆったり食事を楽しめます。 料理はメインを飾る周りの野菜の使い方が非常によくとても美味しい。 料理と一緒にいただくパンですが、これがまたおいしい。そしてそれにつけるオリーブオイルが香りが素晴らしく、テーブルの上に置いているだけで香りが漂ってきます。 店内はコンパクトにまとまっている為、キッチンから目が届いており、食事の進みをみて次を用意してくれます。その為自分のペースで食事と会話を楽しむことが出来ました。 今回も前回も料理に合わせるワインは白がメインになってしまったので赤を楽しむ余裕がちょっと少なかったのが寂しかったですが大満足。 記念日ということでアニバーサリープレートをいただきましたがこれもまた美しく素晴らしいものでした。 値段はディナーで5000円のコースからですが、満足感から考えると非常に安い。安すぎて心配になるぐらいです。 また来年の記念日もぜひ伺いたい。できれば記念日でなくとも行きたい。
Great food. You can enjoy a relaxing meal. The food is very delicious with the vegetables around it that decorate the main dish. The bread is served with the food, which is also delicious. And the olive oil attached to it has a wonderful scent, and the scent drifts just by placing it on the table. Since the inside of the store is compact, you can see from the kitchen and prepare the next meal as you go. Therefore, I was able to enjoy meals and conversation at my own pace. This time and last time, white was the main wine to match with the food, so I was lonely that I couldn't afford to enjoy red, but I was very satisfied. I received an anniversary plate because it was an anniversary, and it was also beautiful and wonderful. The price starts from 5,000 yen for dinner, but it is very cheap considering the satisfaction. It's too cheap to worry about. I would also like to visit next year's anniversary. If possible, I want to go even if it's not an anniversary.
鶴岡すみえ on Google

It was lunch after a long time. It was delicious. I want to go again
花まる on Google

It's a cute Italian restaurant run by a married couple. The quality of the monthly dinner is always satisfying.
小出治彦 on Google

嫁さんの誕生祝いで予約、コロナ禍で来客少なく店内静かで良かったです。 料理も九州の魚介類を上手に使い大変満足でした?
I made a reservation to celebrate my wife's birthday, and it was good that the store was quiet with few visitors due to the corona. I was very satisfied with the food, using Kyushu fish and shellfish well ?

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